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Always Born a Crime
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 6503
June 27th, 2007 at 03:33pm
Okay, so there's this family of five across the street. Three young girls, a mom and a dad.
They are all very very VERY choleric and hot-tempered.

They go through pets like toilet paper. They'll get a little kitty or puppy and play with it like a rag doll for about a week or two, then forget about it, neglect it, and it'll turn out mean, run away, or die from disease.
Our family managed to save one cat and adopt him for about a year and a half before he died of a feline immunity disease. Kitty AIDS.

I can't stand them because they're ALWAYS BICKERING and YELLING.
And it doesn't help that their voices are annoying and carry.
Shotgun Sinner
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 7871
June 27th, 2007 at 03:36pm
All my neighbors are Mormons.
My family is the only one on the street who isn't all "PRAY TO JESUS! GO TO CHURCH OR YOU'LL GO TO HELL!"

Cigarettes And Suicide
Bleeding on the Floor
Cigarettes And Suicide
Age: 37
Gender: Female
Posts: 1725
June 27th, 2007 at 07:32pm
Hahaha, this thread is priceless. Some of these stories are great.

Me, well, where to start? It's quite possible that I have some of the worst neighbours in the world.

Okay, well - the block of units my husband and I live in is situated in the middle of town, with a pawn shop on one side and single men's quarters on the other. Then there's a dingy bar across the street, another dingy bar just around the corner, and the Aboriginal co-op centre just near there.
Now, as you can imagine, these things mean there are always a lot of really unsavoury characters hanging around - for those unfamiliar with the term, 'single men's quarters' is basically a dingy old fleabag motel that's been turned into 'apartments' and rented out by the week at a very cheap rate to single men who can't afford better housing. That being said, the majority can't afford decent housing (or won't get approved by real estate agents) because they are drug addicts, ex-cons, alcoholics, just really not the kind of people you would want to live anywhere near, let alone next door to. They're constantly wandering up and down the street (half of them have completely fried their brains from drug and alcohol abuse, and don't have a clue what day it is) at all hours, back and forth to and from the pub (I saw one resident go to the pub, come back ten minutes later with a carton of beer under his arm, and then two hours later go back for more - he did it four times that day), and if I'm sitting outside having a cigarette in my courtyard, and they notice me, they usually stop and try to talk - their conversation has ranged from seemingly innocent 'Nice day today' to 'Come on sweetie, come out here, I've got a present for you,' to 'Give you ten bucks for a blowjob?' to 'Know where I can score some cheap smack?' There's one guy in particular, an old guy who's always filthy, who refuses to keep walking until I've answered him. Luckily my husband threatened him one day and he hasn't stopped to chat since.

My husband and I have to call the police at least once a fortnight to get units out to break up drunken fights in the car park across the road - and we both hate police, but it's necessary to get their help if we want to get any sleep at night. A guy recently got stabbed on the footpath right ouside our house in a drunken argument. He wasn't hurt very badly, but still.
When we first moved in (I think it was our second night here), my parents came to drop some stuff off. We were standing in our courtyard, which has a 6-foot brick wall around it and a latched gate, when some random alco just unlatched the gate, walked right in, and asked to join the party. My husband had to get out a crowbar and threaten to wrap it around his head before he'd leave.
On another occasion, I was sitting on the couch and glanced out the window to see some shirtless guy squeeze past the bush in front of our fence, take a shirt of my husband's (which was an old shirt he was using as a rag while working on the car) off the fence, and walked off.
I was like, 'Babe, did you see that guy? He just stole your shirt,' and we were both standing at the window when he unlatched the gate, walked up to the door, and asked to use our phone. Umm, hell no, we told him, just leave, and he started getting panicked. "Is this your shirt?' he asked, and when my husband confirmed it was, he said, 'Oh, well, can I keep it then?' My husband was like, 'Yeah, whatever, just fuck off,' and he kept asking over and over again to come in and use the phone.
'I'm about to use the phone to call the cops and get you hauled off - get out of here before I do,' my husband told him.
He scampered off, only to reappear at the back door five seconds later, bashing at it, spitting through the kitchen window, hurling abuse at us because we wouldn't let him in. Bear in mind, this guy was scattered - he was very obviously soooo high on something he didn't know where he was, what he was doing, or what. It was frightening. 'Is Peter here?' he started yelling. 'No, Peter doesn't live here,' we told him. 'Yes, yes he does! Let me in! Let me talk to him! I just need to use your phone!'
We ended up calling the police to come clear him out, and they got him standing right outside our bak door, spraying himself with a garden hose. He must have been absolutely cooking from whatever drugs he was on.

Now, onto the neighbours themselves. Most of the people who live in this block of flats aren't too bad, when it comes down to it. The guy who lives on one side of us basically barricades himself in his house and never leaves it except to go to work and check his mail. He's really quiet and it took us about six weeks to realise somebody actually lived there - that's how invisible he is.
On our other side, however, is an Asian (or Indian or something, I've never got a good look at him) guy who has about four other people living there. Apparently that's typical of Asians - they rent a place and then move a bunch of their friends and family in to cut costs. They keep to themselves, except that I cna always hear them yabbering really loudly in their own language, which irritates me at times because I just want some peace and quiet, and I don't understand why they can't use indoor voices. Plus, the cooking smells coming from their flat at times makes me gag - recently the air stunk like rotten fish and garlic for three whole days - and being pregnant and overly sensitive to smell, I had a horrible time.
Behind us, there are two units that you never hear a peep from, except for when the couple in the middle are having a domestic - she chases him out into the carport and screams abuse at him, while he just gets in the car and peels out for a while. It's funny, if nothing else. The thing that annoys me about them is that they have two cars and only one carport, so if someone goes out, he'll park their car in someone else's spot, forcing whoever parks their car in the spot he's taken to park out on the street, where they run the risk of having their car stolen, keyed, or vandalised (friends of ours had their side mirrors taken off within fifteen minutes of them parking out front, my husband's car's been broken into repeatedly, the head unit and money stolen, and they've tried to start it and drive off in it). The thing is, their other car is a busted-ass heap of shit that he's been 'working on' for months, and it's still in bits and pieces strewn all over the carpark - no bonnet, panels missing, etc. He'd be better off parking IT in the street, at least nobody can steal a car that won't drive.

Then there's 'Tiff-aa-NEEEEEE!'... a woman and her partner, and their toddler daughter lived behind us until recently. Now, you never heard a peep out of the guy, but the woman was constantly screaming at her daughter - she never, EVER spoke civilly to that child, it was always, 'Tiffany! Get over here or I'll fucking belt you!' in a high-pitched, nasally squeal that drove me bananas. Almost as bananas as Tiffany's voice drove me - every time her mother yelled at her, she'd just sit on her butt, throw her head back and start wailing in an even more high-pitched, nasally, ear-piercing shriek than what her mother has.
Oh God, there were times I wanted to go over and threaten to report them to Child Services - just to get them to shut the fuck up for a day or two.
And then there's the nocturnal activities Tiffany's parents get up to... My husband and I were sitting on the couch one night watching a movie when we could hear odd noises. Tracking the noise to outside, we went into the kitchen and the noise became clear - Tiffany's mother screaming and moaning like a nympho, for a good half hour. This happened every night at exactly 10pm, for weeks and weeks and weeks.
Thankfully, they moved out a few weeks ago, but now there's another Asian crew moved in, and it's either one of the residents or a very frequent visitor who has no respect for anybody else using the carpark, and parks his car right in the driveway every day, blocking everyone else in.

Uh. Neighbours. Goddamn.

EDIT: Oh, and I totally forgot to mention the guy who is the spervisor of the single men's quarters. He's one of those alcoholics that wakes up at the crack of dawn as soon as the alcohol he drank last night wears off, then goes straight to the bottle shop as soon as it's open to get another bunch of bottles to get him through the day. He then proceeds to sit on his verandah or at his kitchen table (right next to the window) and scowl at me all day long every time I go outside for a cigarette. Then, every night, about half an hour after we switch our lights off (my husband and I have always had this ritual where we go to bed and either lay in the dark talking for a while, or we have a shag then talk for a while), we hear him schlumping down the stairs of his apartment and sneak over to put all his empty glass beer bottles in OUR bin. Now, I don't know about overseas, but in Australia you get ONE bin per household, and it gets emptied weekly. And, imagine seven (or 8, or 10, or 12) cartons (24 bottles) of glass bottles being dumped in our bin every week. Yeah. We don't have any room to put OUR rubbish in it. It's ridiculous. I hate him... he fills his own bin, then proceeds to fill ours up as well like it's no big deal.
I almost confronted him one time, I waited in the courtyard with all the lights turned off, and when he got to the bottom of his stairs I turned the light on and came out. He turned around, bo of bottles under his arm, and just walked right back up the stairs like he wasn't doing anything at all. Ugh.
Awake and Unafraid
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 10820
June 27th, 2007 at 07:35pm
my neighbour steals my moms plants and is TOO obvious about it. its really quite funny. it even makes my mom laugh xP
Salute You in Your Grave
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 3601
June 27th, 2007 at 07:43pm
there's this little-ish girl next door who will
1. knock on the door then run away a million times or
2. walk right on in and sit on the couch and not move if the door's unlocked
Vic Rattlehead
Salute You in Your Grave
Vic Rattlehead
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 2220
June 27th, 2007 at 08:39pm
have awful ghetto neighbors Rolling Eyes
they constantly insult the south(my mom is from the south)
and the never pick up the dog shit so the smell travels into our yard,
they left a inflatable pool in their yard full of water mind you, for the whole summer AND winter,
their son plays guitar(and sucks at it) in the middle of the night
they fixed their ripped screens with scotch tape
they have a 5 year old son who never stops screaming
they have two dogs that dont shut up
and their railing fell off into our yard Ranting
all the same family
dont stop.
Salute You in Your Grave
dont stop.
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Posts: 4290
June 29th, 2007 at 03:26pm
Mood; Pissed Off.:
^ ROFL. Can you say freak, much?

Our old neighbours were strange. The neighbours right next to us would park on our drive, and block the way to our path.

And the woman adjacent, well, here's a story:

[Me and Joe (My friend) playing out in back garden, having water fight]

Drunk neighbour: Yoush come hereee. Get me yurr mumma. Noww. I havve something of 'ers

[Me and Joe, freaked out] : Erm, Neutral

Me: Umm, mum, the neighbour wants you. Over there. She says she has something of yours =/

Mum: =/ Hmm, okay, I'll be a minute. Christina, look after the kids.

[5 minutes later] Mum: Shocked , she was drunk, and tried to hit on me. Bleh.

Me and Joe: Laughing... Ha Ha... Tehe... lmfao

A few months later, she got drunk one night, and fell down the stairs, and died =/

I had a weird neighbor, and she would always go outside and just stand there, staring at people...

And when I passed by she would look at me funny, like she hated me or something.

I'm glad we moved, she was weird.
Thnks fr th vnm
Demolition Lover
Thnks fr th vnm
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Posts: 15766
June 29th, 2007 at 03:30pm
Uh, right now we live next to a warehouse so there's no one there most of the time.
On the other side of us is our other house Mr. Green. It's peaceful around here.

I used to live next door to a woman who was mentally challanged. She never really understood what she was doing. I was about 12 years old and she came up to me with a baggy full of ripped up flowers and held it up in my face and asked: "Do you want to buy some weed from me? I have a good price."
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 29
June 29th, 2007 at 03:54pm
oh,what can i say about my neighbour?He takes drugs,he is 30 years old,he has a child and i really hate this man...he is very awful...i won't be very suprised,if i know that he is a pedophile... and i really affraid of him...
spencer smith.
Devil's Got Your Number
spencer smith.
Age: 32
Gender: -
Posts: 36167
June 29th, 2007 at 06:10pm

The people to the left of me are like some weird teen girls home thing.
Like, if you don't have a place to live, they all live there.
Every single Thursday night they have a party.
And they play their shitty gangsta music so loudly.

And at the house to the right of me, theres a mother and a son living there.
But the son is like, 40 and he's really really over weight.
And he mows the lawn with no shirt on Neutral
I'm scarred for life, I swear.

Buried Wreckage.
Demolition Lover
Buried Wreckage.
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 15516
June 29th, 2007 at 10:04pm
The neighbors on the right are creepy stalkers.They watch everything we do.Last weekend me and my two cousins were outside at around 10pm playing in the dark and they were spying on us from their front porch.And my cousin Katrina said "We see you spying on us!!" and they went inside.And they are kinda old too and the lady wears a bikini when she mows the yard and it is gross.And the neighbors on the left have two really big dogs that are always coming in our yard and they scare me.And the neighbors in front of me have a Dalmation that tries to eat when I go outside he almost got me once.
Bulletproof Heart
Age: -
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Posts: 27278
June 29th, 2007 at 10:09pm
One of our neighbors likes to steal our animals.
dom howard.
dom howard.
Age: 46
Gender: Female
Posts: 46925
June 30th, 2007 at 06:16am
I've recently moved, and just my fucking luck, I've moved across the street from my childhood bully =O. He picked on me for 3 years straight, and I had to move school. Then when I moved house, a few years later, he was living right across the fucking street. But I got my revenge one day, involving flour and water...
Always Born a Crime
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 5642
June 30th, 2007 at 06:28am
I don't really know my neighbors on my left.
But I do know the neighbors on my right.
The woman living there is really nice. But her husband is crazy. Literally crazy.
He keeps fighting with the old lady next to his house. And when I say 'fight', I mean 'fight'. Believe it or not, the old lady is really strong!
They use gardening tools for weapons. Seriously.
It's really interesting. A fight between a creepy old lady and a man with a beer belly. XD
sass attack.
Demolition Lover
sass attack.
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 15290
June 30th, 2007 at 06:59am
there's this single mother who lives behind us
she's always yelling at her kids

this one time, she came out to her backyard screaming "WHO CHUCKED A SHIETTTT?!!!" to her kids
it was funny, actually xD

Professor Chaos.:

And at the house to the right of me, theres a mother and a son living there.
But the son is like, 40 and he's really really over weight.
And he mows the lawn with no shirt on Neutral
I'm scarred for life, I swear.

lmfao lmfao
Always Born a Crime
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 6937
June 30th, 2007 at 07:05am
I dont even know who lives next door.
I know for sure that there's a mum and a 10year oldish girl.
And other skatery dudes come in and out.
I always hear them playing table tennis at like 3 in the morning.
And the while the parents were away on a holiday the older girl threw a huge party and their were drunk teenagers everywhere, mum said.
And they were cutting eachothers hair on our doorstep/

oh, and on the other side, there was this man, he's about 50 or something and he's a butcher.
And he would sharpen his knives out the back and stuff and we'd hear it.
And he had a BBQ like every night.
And our whole house smelt like meat if we had the back door open.
we always forgot his name so me and my mum called him Hannible Lector. x]
He was really sweet though. He put out our bins for us. xD
we're pretty. odd.
Always Born a Crime
we're pretty. odd.
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Posts: 6842
June 30th, 2007 at 07:10am
My neighbour to the right is a pyromaniac who burnt down his house four times for the insurance money and the local elementary school... for the hell of it.
It also grows weed in his backyard and plays loud music at 4am in the morning.
Sometimes, he has his weird brother come over and they scream in some made up language until various hours of the morning.
He's scary.
We've had to call the cops on him so many times.
Once, he hacked into our wireless internet and STOLE all our internet quota.
I couldn't come on INO for three days.
Poison 'n' Kerosene
Salute You in Your Grave
Poison 'n' Kerosene
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 2414
June 30th, 2007 at 07:14am
oh my neighbour is really mad! he is around 60 years old and he can't stand children! Anytime he sees or hears a child's voice he goes to the garden and start making wet the children in anyway he can! he is really really awful and annoying

oh and the woman opposite to our house suicided Sad Dunno why tho... she was 52 Sad
oceanic 815.
Full of Ephedrine
oceanic 815.
Age: -
Gender: -
Posts: 43317
June 30th, 2007 at 05:15pm
Davey Havok:
My neighbors grow weed. and they don`t offer me any.
They smoke and drink until 4 in the morning, cigarettes and beer bottles end up in our yard.
They also like to open up the all the doors to their cars and turn the radio all the way up into about 3 in the morning.
Also two of the women get into a fight every two days or so, yelling, cursing, etc.
Sounds fun. x]

Our neighbors are pretty cool.
But the kids are loud. "/
bring me the horizon
Salute You in Your Grave
bring me the horizon
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 3095
June 30th, 2007 at 05:24pm
My ex-next door neighbour [he had to move because of a restrainging order] was a right nutjob.
He set his house on fire, set himself on fire, attempted setting his girlfriend on fire, set all his backgarden on fire every weekend without fail and burnt all his girlfriends clothes.
Hes was also a drug addict as we later found out, and he had major fights with my Dad, those were the funniest.
He also used to chase people with pitchforks. It was like something out of some psycho horror movie that lasted about two years!