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banging bear.
Always Born a Crime
banging bear.
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 6561
July 21st, 2007 at 03:33pm
Lol I love this thread xD.

Ok, so there is this weird family who lives below me. (i live in an apartment) They are from Brazil and their annoying 9 year old boy is from Utah. They barely take their car to places. They either walk or take the city bus.

That 9 year old boy is this boy named Tyler, and he used kinda used to be my friend. But then he turned into a liar and a goof-ball, I didn't really wanna talk to him, lol. So his little friend Daryn is 8, and me and her were dancing in front of Tyler's patio. xD

Then the 8 year old wrote love notes to Tyler and put them on his door. We ding dong ditched him about 5 times and ran as far as possible. Then Tyler came out and blamed me for writing the notes! Lol! Like I have the handwriting of an 8 year old, lol. So yeah, he's very annoying.

And these old ladies who also live below me in my apartment are these crazy freaks, lol. I lived there for about 6 years so when I was in the like, 2nd grade, I went outside and drew on the sidewalk and road with chalk. Then the old ladies came out and yelled at me for drawing with chalk! They don't own the apartment and they were acting like my mother......

And these other old couple who used to live where Tyler lived, were crazy. I was about 9 years old and I dunked a barbie doll in this bucket full of water. Then the bucket fell off the table and the water leaked onto their patio! (my deck has these spaces between them so that's why it leakd through there) The water soaked the old man and he started to scream and his wife came barging in my apartment complaining!

Lol! My neighbors are annoying.
out of use.
Shotgun Sinner
out of use.
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Posts: 9168
July 22nd, 2007 at 12:18am
So I was at sports camp in the rain, and then had to wade through water up to my knees on the way I look like a drowned rat. By the time I get home it is completely sunny and the rain has stopped but I still look like a drowned rat and my neighbour goes "Been swimming have we?" with a smirk on their face.....I mean does she think shes funny?
Shotgun Sinner
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 8203
July 22nd, 2007 at 12:22am
I only have one neighbour 'cos i live on the corner.
- She knocks on the door to borrow stuff (sugar, milk, coffee etc.)
- When her and her manfreind have an argument when he leaves he slams the front door.
- They stomp up and down the stairs ALL night.
- She's one gobby and nosey git!
anna's just a kid.
In The Murder Scene
anna's just a kid.
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 21770
July 22nd, 2007 at 12:26am
lmfao. my neighbor is so fucking annoying.
my brother ordered a computer case [to go over the machine] and they accidently delivered it to her house, and instead of realizing it wasn't something she bought, she opened the box and took it apart to look at it, and ending up breaking it.
we made her pay for another one. :]
Shotgun Sinner
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 9743
July 22nd, 2007 at 12:26am
My neighbours have this dog...It's as cute as hell, but when they leave, they only get somebody to feed it once a week (poor puppy Sad) and it howls non-stop. I mean, they were gone for about two weeks, and all day and all night this poor dog was howling, not including the ten minutes that somebody took to feed it.
Also, they use electric woodworking tools at 12:00 at night (don't ask me why) and it's really annoying
The Doctor
Salute You in Your Grave
The Doctor
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 2094
July 22nd, 2007 at 02:16am
I hate my neighbors.

My neighbors on the left are okay. It's just an elderly woman and her 40-something year old daughter. Except her daughter isn't really that nice. She always tells us we're being too laud, which is understandable because my brothers are really loud. But once, I was washing up and listening to MCR, while singing along, and even though I made sure it wasn't too loud she told me to turn it down. I get the feeling it was me, not the music. And I used to call her 'cowplop' because she was so moody. I don't blame her.
It's sad because Joyce has cancer, and it's only a matter of time now. We've lived here for about 9 or so years, and she always smiled at me. We didn't talk though, but yeah. I'll probably miss her.

Our neighbors on the right, however, are just horrible.
The parents aren't so bad, except they're shit parents. They're irresponsible, and they don't care about their son, or what he does.
Their son, is about 17, he's a complete wanker, and we all hate him. Years ago, like when I was 8/9 or shit, we all used to be friends. He's always been a chav, and back then so were my brother and I. I went out with him, and he was best friends with my brother. However, I dumped him, and my brother got some taste.
Now, he and his friends always go and stand in front of his house and shout abuse at us (I was once attacked on my own doorstep by his friends, he was there egging them on). We've been egged, they've done stuff to our cars, threatened us, got my brothers friend arrested and it's just horrible. And yet, his parents never do anything about it.

Also, they've got an aviary in the back of their garden, and they're ALWAYS chirping (Which isn't helped by the people two doors down on the left, who also have an aviary and two dogs). They had a rabbit in the garden, that they never fed or paid any attention to (My brother used to wait until they'd all gone out, then he'd climb the fence and feed it). He had a hamster he forgot about. It was disgusting. They've also got two dogs, that they always leave outside, and they're always barking. I've never seen them being taken for a walk.
He needs to go on a diet anyway.
rumored nights.
Salute You in Your Grave
rumored nights.
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 4054
July 22nd, 2007 at 03:28am
^^Thats terrible. They sound like a bunch of a faces.

I live next to the biggest rednecks in the history of...ever.
They ones on the left are so nosy. Like, if you do any type of thing to your house, like add stuff on, build a fence, logging(We live in the "woods" ), ect they'll get in their cars and drive in front of your house and watch what your doing...FOR HOURS!
They won't offer to help, they just sit, drink beer, and watch you.

And my neighbor on my right...He's like a second cousin or something. But he's kind of mentally 'handicaped' and kind of creepy.
Jacket Slut.
Bleeding on the Floor
Jacket Slut.
Age: -
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Posts: 1099
July 22nd, 2007 at 05:20am
My neighbors are so fucking annoying. Their daughter who is about 2 years younger than me hasnt really talked to me in about a year (which I am kind of happy about). She got mad at me over some guy who used to live on our street, because he liked me and she liked him. I didnt even like him and she got all mad at me, but shes just really immature anyway. She always used to copy off me and thats one thing that I really hate. The parents are loud and obnoxious drunks who are really nosey. They even admit that they are and then they still ask us tons of questions about stuff. It seems like they notice everything, and sometimes my family notices stuff about them but we dont ask them about it.
Awake and Unafraid
Age: 36
Gender: Female
Posts: 12135
July 22nd, 2007 at 05:42am
okay in my old neighborhood when i was some what 10 years old across the street from our condo was this old russian lady. I didnt really know who she was cause she moved into the neighborhood.
So i was watching out of my sixth floor window at her unpacking her bags and all and i see this huge box and she opens it up and around 10-15 cats come flying out of the damn box
i was like i close my window.Next day my mom tells me to go on a walk with her,my mom said she had to ran to the store to get some she told me to ride my bike.10 minutes my friend comes and were all riding are bikes around teh neighborhood.few hours pass by and
i notice my mom isnt back so we drop our bikes and start walking
when we go pass the old russian ladys house i see her humping one of the cats.i closed my eyes all the way across the street and sat down on a bench pretending that never happened
but i was only across the street so my friend saw a few cats and a dog and she pulled my hand into the ladys front yard so were playing with the cats.
Suddenly the lady stops humping the cat and looks out the window and sees me looking at her
so she screams so loud i could hear her through the glass
me and my friend ran for it
she chased us down the street luckly the door was open and we ran fast enough to catch the elevator to my friends house.
my mom comes back and calls me to come up stairs and asks why my face is so blunt i didnt know what that meant so i just sat there queit
from that day on everytime i peaked out my window that ladyy would always give me looks from my window staring up at me
so i was scared to leave my house
i couldnt forget that !

Amy Farrah Fowler
In The Murder Scene
Amy Farrah Fowler
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 21121
July 22nd, 2007 at 07:40am
My old neighbours
= loud
= annoying
= stalkish

I moved a few years ago. My new neighbours aren't so bad. But there are times I want to break car radios.
dean moriarty.
dean moriarty.
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Posts: 12697
July 22nd, 2007 at 07:47am
Sometimes our little kid neighbor tabby will just come over totally unnanounced to play with my brothers, and sometimes when they're not here, she just sits down and'll start playing with their toys or watching TV, or you'll look up and she'll be standing in the doorway and you jump up and be all "WHATTHEFUCK."
krissifer allen
Salute You in Your Grave
krissifer allen
Age: -
Gender: Female
Posts: 2030
July 22nd, 2007 at 07:50am
My neighbours are loud and really annoying!
Shotgun Sinner
Age: 30
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Posts: 7747
July 22nd, 2007 at 08:26am

I actually have pretty decent neighbors.

My neighbors to the left are cool. I like them.

The neighbors to my right are nice I guess. The lady has cancer, and the guy that lives there is usually taking care of her, so we don't see them much.

The people that live across the street...I've only seen them once, and I've lived her for about 3 months now. They're an elderly couple, and they don't get out much.
Bleeding on the Floor
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Posts: 1671
July 22nd, 2007 at 08:34am

The old lady that lives nextdoor to me is as nosey as hell,
She'll just walk right in our backyard and/or house.
(small town)
I live across the street from some apartments,
and everyone there does drugs.
Or just about everyone.
Demolition Lover
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 17129
July 22nd, 2007 at 09:09am
My neighbors have partys without inviting me.

dom howard.
dom howard.
Age: 46
Gender: Female
Posts: 46925
July 22nd, 2007 at 03:18pm
lying laundry.:
Sometimes our little kid neighbor tabby will just come over totally unnanounced to play with my brothers, and sometimes when they're not here, she just sits down and'll start playing with their toys or watching TV, or you'll look up and she'll be standing in the doorway and you jump up and be all "WHATTHEFUCK."

insane clown posse.
In The Murder Scene
insane clown posse.
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 21349
July 22nd, 2007 at 03:22pm
I live next door to Kiki Kannibal and her stupid sister Dakota Rose. ><'
God doesn't like to give me a break but I'm moving soon! =D
dom howard.
dom howard.
Age: 46
Gender: Female
Posts: 46925
July 22nd, 2007 at 03:41pm
Who's Kiki Kannible, yet another scene queen?
insane clown posse.
In The Murder Scene
insane clown posse.
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 21349
July 22nd, 2007 at 06:03pm
Kiki Kannibal.


Yes. More of a scene princess. She's only 14. Laughing


Dakota Rose, her little sister.

dom howard.
dom howard.
Age: 46
Gender: Female
Posts: 46925
July 22nd, 2007 at 06:09pm
Shocked She looks so trashy for a 14 year old! Is she a singer, or just somone famous over myspazz, or buzznet? What's her sister like?