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Lyn-Z Pregnant.

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December 16th, 2008 at 12:48pm
I don't think they'd name it after Mikey. Because suppose Mikey and Alicia decide to start a family and they have a boy. Mikey can't name the kid after him if Gerard already took the name.
Bleeding on the Floor
Age: 45
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Posts: 1831
December 16th, 2008 at 01:47pm
But it's not just Catholics, and some people name godparents as respect or love as much as a "back-up". Nobody in my family is Catholic but my husband and I are godparents to my niece & nephew, their dad is a deployed Marine so it is a heavy burden, but one we are ready to take on were anything to happen. Their father's best friend is a godfather in name only, he would not have any claim or responsibility to the kids, that solely lies on my husband and I. The friend is like a brother to their dad and so always wants to be in their lives, and to ensure that he always can be he was named as a godparent.

As for the name, doesn't George Foreman have like 15 kids and they're all named George? They can name it whatever they want, it'll likely get a nickname anyway and if there were 5 Mikeys running around they'd all be a different nickname.
Thinking Happy Thoughts
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December 16th, 2008 at 01:52pm
agreed with Deb. i do believe it can be Mikey and Lindsey's sister. the godparents don't have to be married either. although, selecting godparents who are married is generally the norm. and it could be mike and alicia this time around and Lindsey's sister for the next child or vice versa.

there is no reason why mikey couldn't name his child michael if gerard named his child michael. i have a few cousins from different aunts with the same name. besides. i think gerard and lindsey are creative enough people to come up with a name they can both agree on. Lindsey is going to have input on the name as well.
Always Born a Crime
Age: 43
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Posts: 5099
December 16th, 2008 at 02:01pm
But it's not just Catholics, and some people name godparents as respect or love as much as a "back-up". Nobody in my family is Catholic but my husband and I are godparents to my niece & nephew. Their father's best friend is a godfather in name only, he would not have any claim or responsibility to the kids, that solely lies on my husband and I. The friend is like a brother to their dad and so always wants to be in their lives, and to ensure that he always can be he was named as a godparent.

As for the name, doesn't George Foreman have like 15 kids and they're all named George? They can name it whatever they want, it'll likely get a nickname anyway and if there were 5 Mikeys running around they'd all be a different nickname.

I know, Babes - Gerard and Lindsey just happen to be of a Catholic background though, that's why I pointed out the tradition that they would most likely follow. My family appoints godparents too, and we're Jewish. Of course the godparents are generally close to the family - the originating concept is "in case of," but that doesn't mean they can't be a huge part of your family's life now; in fact, they generally are.

Agree a million times over that everyone can name their child whatever they want, raise that child with whatever values they want to (hopefully no backwards ones) and live their lives however they would like as well (assuming no one is being neglected.) Our society is just a bit too involved in everyone's personal lives for my taste, and when did we all get so judgmental?
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 47
December 16th, 2008 at 05:08pm
I thought that, that Mikey and his wife are most likely to be godparents. and I would very seriously guess that if its a girl it'll be elena after his grandmother, its such a blatantly obvious choice for him Razz
Bleeding on the Floor
Age: 45
Gender: Female
Posts: 1831
December 16th, 2008 at 10:16pm
agreed with Deb. i do believe it can be Mikey and Lindsey's sister. the godparents don't have to be married either. although, selecting godparents who are married is generally the norm. and it could be mike and alicia this time around and Lindsey's sister for the next child or vice versa.

I don't think that's a very good idea. God forbid something happens, it's bad enough for the kids that they would lose their parents but to be separated from their sibs because they have different godparents? Obviously I'm hoping that it would never come to pass but that's why I am godmother to my niece *and* nephew, I would never split them if they lost their parents, that would be cruel.
Cigarettes And Suicide
Bleeding on the Floor
Cigarettes And Suicide
Age: 37
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Posts: 1725
December 17th, 2008 at 06:08am
^ Godparents are meant to do all that shiz? Really?! I have two sets of godparents and no way in hell would they have, for instance, taken me in if I were orphaned as a child. That's what grandparents are for. I haven't even *seen* my godparents since I was like, four years old, nor have I ever spoken to them on the phone, or received so much as a birthday card from them. They're just, I dunno, people who were friends with my parents for a long time and were given the title of 'godparents' because my parents were close to them at the time I was christened, but yeah, they had absolutely nothing to do with me after that pretty much.

It's interesting to see what your perceptions of 'godparents' are... mine were always just in title only, never really had much to do with them. I know for damn sure they would never have done something like adopt me and my little brother if we had been orphaned as children - we have a couple of aunts and uncles, as well as grandparents, who would have taken that responsibility before any old random friend of the family.

I don't see the big deal in naming godparents who aren't married (to each other, obvs). It doesn't necessarily mean the kids would be split up if there were more than one and the parents died. They'd all just go to one godparent and their spouse rather than 'Okay, Timmy goes to the Smiths and Sarah goes to the Hutchisons', right?

That's weird. I always just thought 'godparents' were just meant to be like a mother/father figure, but more of a friend, so a kid could go to their godparents with any problems they can't face their parents with for advice... if a child is orphaned I'd never, ever ask my friends to take on the responsibility of my kids, no way in hell - my parents would be my first and foremost choice.
Bleeding on the Floor
Age: 45
Gender: Female
Posts: 1831
December 17th, 2008 at 07:05am
^^ I guess it can mean different things in different cultures, religions, or families. But the biggest thing in our decision to be godparents was purely the fact that my cousin and I are on the exact same wavelength when it comes to kids -- and our family is on a completely different wavelength, probably another frequency for that matter. She and her husband know what they want for their kids, and more importantly, my husband and I know what they want for their kids, and we will raise those kids the way they want, were something to happen to them, whereas others in our family would take them in and force them to fit into their own ideals instead of respecting what their parents wanted for them. Our family is not close at all and I wouldn't leave my cat with most of them, let alone a child -- and neither would my husband, in fact when we found out she was pregnant the first time the first thing he said was "So we're going to be godparents?" because not even he would see those kids raised by any of my relatives. Just because you are blood relatives, it doesn't mean you will have the kids' best interests at heart.

Also, and mods I know this is spinning off topic and I'll bring it back I promise, but I was raised by my grandmother and I see it as completely unfair to her when I look back on things. My mother had a boyfriend, he was knocking me around, my grandmother adopted me because my mom refused to leave him. My grandmother was retired, in her 60s, and had already raised 4 kids of her own, and had to start back over with me. She should have been able to relax and enjoy her retirement, but she was stuck driving me back and forth to school functions, going to parent-teacher conferences, attending my shitty school plays, getting up at 2 am when I was sick and holding my hair back while I was throwing up, worrying about me when I got old enough to go out on my own -- and to this day, she will name me as her favorite, and easiest, child, and she says that she doesn't regret it; but *I* regret that she was put into that position for me. And while I love her for what she did I always see it as a cop-out on my mom's part and a piece of me will always despise her for forcing that on her own mother. So if I did have a kid, you can see why I would want a legal guardian ready and named, in writing, notarized and on file with my lawyers -- my "mom" is in her 80s now, and my birth mom couldn't raise me, no way in hell would she get her hands on and fuck up my kid. Technically, my godkids are my 2nd cousins, their mom and I are first cousins but very close and consider ourselves sisters (which is funny because we hated each other as kids) and her brother, the kids' uncle, has 2 kids -- but he's a horrible dad, has had DCF take the kids once, and he's just a jerk all around, but he got offended that he wasn't asked to be godfather, and his sister said, flat out, "I don't trust that you will raise my kids the way I want them raised. Tabitha will." It caused a huge fight that continues to this day.

A lot of things would go into play though. Some people have multiple godparents who are like you say in your last paragraph -- close friends of the parents who they trust with their kids and want to be in their kids' lives. We don't know the health situation of Gerard or Lindsey's parents, we know G's are divorced, so which one would take them? It's about them as parents deciding how involved the godparents would be, and what their duties would be if something happened to them. It's a scary thing, to look at your own mortality when handed a newborn baby, but I think it's important for each person to make sure that their wishes are known regarding their kids, so that they can be assured the child will have a safe and loving home.
Age: 30
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Posts: 19720
December 17th, 2008 at 10:41am
Chyeah, guys, please ease up on the spam Wink
Awake and Unafraid
Age: 35
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Posts: 13231
December 17th, 2008 at 04:23pm
My mother was scarily happy when I told her this. Heh. Tehe
Devil's Got Your Number
Age: 31
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Posts: 35214
December 17th, 2008 at 05:59pm
^ aha, mine was too. xD
look alive sunshine.
Shotgun Sinner
look alive sunshine.
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December 17th, 2008 at 06:13pm
^ same here
i'm still excited to find out how many/is it a boy or a girl =]
playground eyes.
Awake and Unafraid
playground eyes.
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December 18th, 2008 at 06:34am
I wonder if they'll choose to find out it's gender before it's born or whether they'll keep it as a surprise. Either way, it's going to be beautiful!
Jazz Hands
Age: 29
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Posts: 293
December 18th, 2008 at 09:05am
to be honest to you guys...
I don't like Lyn-Z for Gee..
I mean I love Gerard for girls like Amy Lee..
I love Lyn-Z but...
I really don't like her for Gee..
Bleeding on the Floor
Age: -
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Posts: 1420
December 18th, 2008 at 09:36am
Thanks for the honesty and my apologies for spam and what may appear to be rude, but I am unclear as to why you would believe your opinion on Gerard and LynZ's marriage has any merit? At 31 and 32, they get to choose who they want to be with.

And while Frank is one of my hero's as well - your life should be for you and I believe he would tell you the same.
Always Born a Crime
Age: 43
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Posts: 5099
December 18th, 2008 at 10:06am
to be honest to you guys...I don't like Lyn-Z for Gee..I really don't like her for Gee..
Gerard doesn't require you to approve of his choices, and you're spamming.

I wonder if Lin got stuck taking the bloody iron horse tablets like I did? Ugh those SUCK.
fabulous killjoy.
fabulous killjoy.
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 46256
December 18th, 2008 at 03:45pm
to be honest to you guys...
I don't like Lyn-Z for Gee..
I mean I love Gerard for girls like Amy Lee..
I love Lyn-Z but...
I really don't like her for Gee..
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand you want? That's rather mean and stuff to say. Not to mention spam.
Thinking Happy Thoughts
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 421
December 18th, 2008 at 05:59pm
My mother was scarily happy when I told her this. Heh. Tehe

mine was scarily curious, haha, and she said
"oh, the gardener is doing his work very well uhm?"
she still without believing it.
In my opinion, well, i Can't say "oh this is not what i wanted for Gerard"
'cause that's not of my business, And yes, I thought he wont marry, by the way, people change, people grow (?)
so, my best wishes ^^
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 19720
December 18th, 2008 at 06:08pm
Please don't use chatspeak.
Cigarettes And Suicide
Bleeding on the Floor
Cigarettes And Suicide
Age: 37
Gender: Female
Posts: 1725
December 19th, 2008 at 01:19am
I wonder if Lin got stuck taking the bloody iron horse tablets like I did? Ugh those SUCK.
Haha, oh yeah. I thought everybody was meant to take vitamins during pregnancy and breastfeeding? I hope Elevit or an equivalent is available in the US, apparently it's the 'only one that's clinically proven' to prevent spinal cord defects and other junk. I love taking them even though they *are* like horse-pills, mainly because it's like a guarantee that if I miss out on some important food here and there, it's all covered. Plus, I've always been anaemic, since I hit puberty, no matter what foods I eat, so I definitely needed the extra iron in the pills.
That being said, I did worry about overdosing on vitamin B when I was pregnant with Emily because the pills contained a lot of vitamin B, and I was also eating Vegemite on toast every day, spread about an inch thick Smile
This time, all I can stomach is french toast, go figure.

I wonder if Lindsey is having any weird cravings?