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black dahlia
Salute You in Your Grave
black dahlia
Age: 35
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June 7th, 2006 at 11:03pm
Sippin Dat Emo Juice:
I think women have nothing to do with rape (unless its all their fault.).

how is it a woman's fault if they get raped?
Age: -
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June 7th, 2006 at 11:19pm
i believe u should also recognize that men also get raped by women. more cases are that women get raped by men ,but men getting raped does happen. this is just a fact ive realized through some of my friends that are guys. one in particular was very badly hurt and abused, so just recognize the dangers of rape to women and MEN.
Shotgun Sinner
Age: 30
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Posts: 8725
June 8th, 2006 at 12:01am
Sippin Dat Emo Juice:
I think women have nothing to do with rape (unless its all their fault.).

how is it a woman's fault if they get raped?

Someone women asked to be raped.

Like, how they might dress. They obviously want to draw attention to themselves when they wear very short skirts and skin tight shirts.

I kind of agree that some of them asked to be raped. It's their fault parcially. But then again, if she says no, she means no.

So it's really 50/50.. sometimes.

Bleeding on the Floor
Age: 31
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Posts: 1927
June 8th, 2006 at 01:29pm
yeah, but everyone has the right to dress and act how they like, even if the do dress/act provocitavely (sp?)
Sheri; on the Coast!
Always Born a Crime
Sheri; on the Coast!
Age: 37
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June 8th, 2006 at 01:40pm

Her myspace has some very revealing pictures of some certain areas.
My point is, all these 12, 13, 16, 20, 29 year-old girls/woman who are
flaunting around strutting their "stuff" to all these over aged desperate men
are asking for rape.

This girl that I've always considered to be 'slutty' and have no respect was recently raped, and y'know what? When I found out she was raped, it didn't matter how many people she's been with... No one, and I mean no one deserves that. No one "asks" for it. This girl now has to get tested for pregnancy and diseases and she's afraid to even go out.

And if your friend wants to be raped, then she should get some help. No offense, and I'm sorry if that upsets you, but it's true. Anyone who "wants to be raped" has got some SERIOUS problems and doesn't FULLY understand what rape is.
Bleeding on the Floor
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 1927
June 8th, 2006 at 02:02pm
x Living . Dead . Girl x:

This girl that I've always considered to be 'slutty' and have no respect was recently raped, and y'know what? When I found out she was raped, it didn't matter how many people she's been with... No one, and I mean no one deserves that. No one "asks" for it. This girl now has to get tested for pregnancy and diseases and she's afraid to even go out.

i agree, no-one deserves to be raped,
on the news today, one of the headlines was that a 12 week old baby was raped by her babysitters, and one got 5 years, and the other only 6.
this is sick, i mean, this is the kind of thing that makes me want to scream.
i mean, it's a poor defenceless baby, and the fact the childminders could do that just disgusts me.
Bleeding on the Floor
Age: 34
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Posts: 1251
June 8th, 2006 at 02:06pm
They should have longer senteneces. I mean 5 years is all? That gets me mad. Like that guy who was supposedly 'too short' to go to jail. So he doesn't have to do anytime for raping a 13 year old girl.
Sheri; on the Coast!
Always Born a Crime
Sheri; on the Coast!
Age: 37
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Posts: 5260
June 8th, 2006 at 02:48pm
They should have longer senteneces. I mean 5 years is all? That gets me mad. Like that guy who was supposedly 'too short' to go to jail. So he doesn't have to do anytime for raping a 13 year old girl.


Yeah, the girl I know threatened to go to the police...

Then the guy broke into her house and woke her up from her sleep threatening to kill her if she went to the cops. He's going to have his head smashed in by my cousin pretty soon.
atoned angels.
Salute You in Your Grave
atoned angels.
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June 8th, 2006 at 03:08pm

Someone women asked to be raped.

Like, how they might dress. They obviously want to draw attention to themselves when they wear very short skirts and skin tight shirts.

I kind of agree that some of them asked to be raped. It's their fault parcially. But then again, if she says no, she means no.

So it's really 50/50.. sometimes.

That is absolutely absurd.

I do not know of a time that it can be a women's fault that they are raped.
Just because they choose to dress provocatively doesn't mean they're saying, "Rape me!"
They just choose to dress that way because maybe it makes them feel good, and they like how they look.
I know of no one that would ask for their drink to be spiked and for a man to kidnap, torture, and rape her.
Sheri; on the Coast!
Always Born a Crime
Sheri; on the Coast!
Age: 37
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Posts: 5260
June 8th, 2006 at 03:36pm

Someone women asked to be raped.

Like, how they might dress. They obviously want to draw attention to themselves when they wear very short skirts and skin tight shirts.

I kind of agree that some of them asked to be raped. It's their fault parcially. But then again, if she says no, she means no.

So it's really 50/50.. sometimes.

That is absolutely absurd.

I do not know of a time that it can be a women's fault that they are raped.
Just because they choose to dress provocatively doesn't mean they're saying, "Rape me!"
They just choose to dress that way because maybe it makes them feel good, and they like how they look.
I know of no one that would ask for their drink to be spiked and for a man to kidnap, torture, and rape her.

Took the words out of my mouth. Some woman feel more confident dressed provocatively. Some feel they are only attractive with half their bodies hanging out, which is sad really. But none of them are subconsciously "asking" to be raped.
matfew churlz sanduz
Shotgun Sinner
matfew churlz sanduz
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June 9th, 2006 at 09:35am
Sippin Dat Emo Juice:
I think women have nothing to do with rape (unless its all their fault.).

how is it a woman's fault if they get raped?

Someone women asked to be raped.

Like, how they might dress. They obviously want to draw attention to themselves when they wear very short skirts and skin tight shirts.

I kind of agree that some of them asked to be raped. It's their fault parcially. But then again, if she says no, she means no.

So it's really 50/50.. sometimes.

No. That's totally and completely wrong.
No one asks to be raped, not matter how they dress.
Women have just as much right to dress how they please as men do, without being afraid of being raped, murdered or assulted.
That's complete bullshit that it is 50/50. A woman never wants to be raped, otherwise it would not be considered as rape, but just sexual intercourse.
The amount of you who think that rape can be 50/50, or a woman can be held accountable sickens and appals me. Never is it the fault of the person who is raped, Be it male or female.
Believe it or not, but males get raped too.
I'm completely offended by that statement. Not only have you lost all of my respect, but you have now seemed more ignorant then you did to begin with.

I can't believe there is more then one person who believes that statement. Not only are you shaming the human race, but you are making women look twice as bad as you did before.
The next time you walk out of the house in not the most concervative way, or not all your body parts covered up, I want you to this of this statement;
Today is the day I might get raped, just because I don't have a penis and therefore don't have the right to dress how I want.

Then I want you to walk up to the least "normal" person you can find and I want you to punch them in the face.
Isn't it the same thing?
Weren't they asking for it?
They weren't dressing like everyone else, therefore, they must deserve it... right?

You are one of the most ignorant and idiotic persons I have ever met. People like you do not deserve to walk the planet.
Shotgun Sinner
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June 9th, 2006 at 09:35am
Nobody asks to be raped.

It's a violent, cruel act, and nobody should have to go through it. No matter how you dress, what you do, or how you act, nobody can "ask" to be raped.

And it doesn't matter if you are rich, poor, black or white, if you rape someone, expect to get what you deserve.
The Nightbeast.
Salute You in Your Grave
The Nightbeast.
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June 9th, 2006 at 09:44am
Sippin Dat Emo Juice:
I think women have nothing to do with rape (unless its all their fault.).

how is it a woman's fault if they get raped?

With my statement, I meant unless they do the rape. I didnt mean it as their fault that they get raped. Just wanted to clear that up.
Bleeding on the Floor
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Posts: 1928
June 9th, 2006 at 10:42am
woman: hey can you rape me?
man: no problem.
after the raping
woman: oh no. you raped me. i have to report you.
man: ...

this shows that there is NO such thing as ASKING to get raped. if you ask then it's no longer rape.
Sheri; on the Coast!
Always Born a Crime
Sheri; on the Coast!
Age: 37
Gender: Female
Posts: 5260
June 9th, 2006 at 10:43am
Also, just for all you people who think that woman who dress provocatively are "asking to be raped".

According to rapists, who are currently serving time behind bars, this is what they look for in a potential victim:

*The #1 thing they look for: Hairstyle. Something easy to grab. Such as a ponytail, bun, braid, etc.

* Woman with long hair.

*They look for clothing that is easy to remove.

*The #1 clothing they look for: Over-alls/Cover-alls. NOT Provocative. Because many rapists carry something to cut the clothing and the straps of over-alls are the easiest to cut.

*Woman on their cell phones/looking in their purses, etc., since they are distracted.

SO, if you wear a pony tail, use your cell phone, have long hair or like to wear overalls... Then you're asking for rape... Right?
Most of you are probably sitting there thinking, "Of course not... How would that be asking for rape?"
Well, you're right, it's not. Neither is dressing provocatively.
It's funny how this article never really listed woman who dress "provocatively" as something a rapist looks for...
Shotgun Sinner
Age: 30
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Posts: 8725
June 9th, 2006 at 12:46pm

Yes, I know.

A lot of people don't agree with it, and I didn't say I totally agreed with it.

I know women don't deserve to be raped.

But seriously, just look at MySpace and the problems they're having with pedophiles and stuff like that. But why? BECAUSE GIRLS ARE POSTING PICTURES OF THEMSELVES THAT ARE EITHER TOO REAVELING OR MAKING THEM SEEMED OLDER THEN THEY REALLY ARE. So yes, if people are going to be dumb enough to do such things like that, then they are asking for it. It's not about if they feel comfortable with themselves like that or not. If you like wearing stuff like that, fine. But why take pictures and post them on the most public website in the world? It's simple, they want attention. And what happens when they're tricked and getting the attention from the wrong person? They're out of luck.

Now, I'm not saying it's completely the girls fault. But sometimes it is partially.

Now for the women that are just walking down the street, minding their own business and they suddenly get dragged into an alley or whatever. Those are the ones that don't deserve it at all.

Really Not Okay
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June 9th, 2006 at 01:17pm
I don't know if this is whats meant here, but I think some people need to be more aware and more careful in their actions. They shouldn't have to be because there shouldn't be a threat but, knowing that there is, people need to realise the risks they put themselves in and avoid them.

This is not saying for one moment that they're asking for it, or indeed that it is their fault. Most people do these things sometime in their lives, but some are unlucky enough to get caught out.
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 33
June 9th, 2006 at 06:11pm
rape is gross and discusting period unless
your like a rapist you probably think other wise
but if your raped and it keeps on happening
to you buy and abusive boyfriend
or someone who just keeps doing it to you
then i think you should tell someone about it
because it YOU keep LETTING it happen then
you are kinda part to blame
Hubert Cumberdale
Always Born a Crime
Hubert Cumberdale
Age: 29
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Posts: 5762
June 9th, 2006 at 11:34pm
Rapists are the scum of the earth.
Everyone should watch that dateline thing;
"To Catch A Predator"
it's disturbing and all but it is very important to know the severity or rape, sexual assult and molestation especially to children.
Spring Nicht.
Bleeding on the Floor
Spring Nicht.
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June 10th, 2006 at 12:04am
I think that the reason female child rape (I'm not saying anything about male , because I havent cooked up my own reason yet, and this doesnt pertain to baby girls or anyone younger than 9) happens is because they think it won't happen to them. They're wrong. There's a chance it could happen to anyone. It nauseates (sp) me when I see little girls and women dressing like whores because its the trend. I'm not saying they sould completely cover up, but not to wear as tight or short stuff.

Hey, its my opinion, but it could kind of help, but idk...its a half baked idea