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What do your parents think about MCR?

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September 23rd, 2005 at 11:12pm
[quote="love never wanted me."]
HOE! you broke my tiara!:
please, no one get offended, this is only my personal opinion:

any parents that think mcr's lyrics are a bad influence on the kids, must not know they're kids very well. any one who thinks mcr's lyrics are telling you to kill yourself is an idiot.
i got in a fight with my music teacher about them. He was trying to tell the 2 mcr fans in our classroom that My Chemical Romance is "evil and satanic" and that he might write a letter to our parents suggesting that they take away our CDs. the most fucked thing he said was that "rap is more about life experiances than rock, and that mcr's music is just about getting high, having sex, and being with other men " he says he's seen the pics of the guys online with makeup and kissing and says it's unnatural and wrong . i told him he was a fucking homophobe yuppie and that mcr helps people not hurts them and then i quoted some stuff ... it was the most worthwhile dention i've ever had. Very Happy

MY POINT EXACTLY! I guess my dad read 'Prison..." lyrics and told my mom and she's like "you mean you like listening to people sing about prison rape?" and i'm just like i don't really care what they sing about, i just sing it! that's what I told her and she like didn't get it! But yeah my parents tried to take away my mcr cds but they didnt, and besides, i have backup copies they dont know about Wink !!! But yeah I TOTALLY agree with you
Bleeding on the Floor
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September 23rd, 2005 at 11:15pm
people at my school give me weird looks cause i wear an mcr shirt at least 2 days a week (i have alot) and my parents hate them. so do my teachers.

most adults dont understand our music, so they hate it.
Yours truly.
Fabulous Killjoy
Yours truly.
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September 24th, 2005 at 12:46am
^^ so true, so true...

My dad's strange when it comes to MCR. When I'm listening to it, he's like "listening to that heavy, headbanging stuff again?" but sometimes when we're in the car, he asks for my CD, and he turns it on really loud and he starts like.. dancing. It's pretty funny lol.

My mom... she doesn't really know who they are lol. Just that my little brother (he's 10) and I are obbsessed lol.

You guys who have parents who are just as obbsessed as you are lucky XP
Star Crossed Lover
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September 24th, 2005 at 01:21am
Think about it.
What happens when we become "big".
I'm on the radio!!
Salute You in Your Grave
I'm on the radio!!
Age: 30
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September 24th, 2005 at 06:39am
my mom doesn't like them she calls it crap n says musics about singing not screamin! i'm like ye mom SURE n my dad doesn't mind to much bout me listenin to em
SLUT! you broke my tiara!
Motor Baby
SLUT! you broke my tiara!
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September 24th, 2005 at 10:21am
HOE! you broke my tiara!:
please, no one get offended, this is only my personal opinion:

any parents that think mcr's lyrics are a bad influence on the kids, must not know they're kids very well. any one who thinks mcr's lyrics are telling you to kill yourself is an idiot.
i got in a fight with my music teacher about them. He was trying to tell the 2 mcr fans in our classroom that My Chemical Romance is "evil and satanic" and that he might write a letter to our parents suggesting that they take away our CDs. the most fucked thing he said was that "rap is more about life experiances than rock, and that mcr's music is just about getting high, having sex, and being with other men " he says he's seen the pics of the guys online with makeup and kissing and says it's unnatural and wrong . i told him he was a fucking homophobe yuppie and that mcr helps people not hurts them and then i quoted some stuff ... it was the most worthwhile dention i've ever had. Very Happy

MY POINT EXACTLY! I guess my dad read 'Prison..." lyrics and told my mom and she's like "you mean you like listening to people sing about prison rape?" and i'm just like i don't really care what they sing about, i just sing it! that's what I told her and she like didn't get it! But yeah my parents tried to take away my mcr cds but they didnt, and besides, i have backup copies they dont know about Wink !!! But yeah I TOTALLY agree with you

WOOOOO! i feel special now. Very Happy
Jazz Hands
Age: 102
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September 24th, 2005 at 11:35am
My mom says that MCR's lyrics are morbid and depressing. Well if thats true how come they dont depress me? Mothers..........
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September 24th, 2005 at 12:29pm
please, no one get offended, this is only my personal opinion:

any parents that think mcr's lyrics are a bad influence on the kids, must not know they're kids very well. any one who thinks mcr's lyrics are telling you to kill yourself is an idiot.
i got in a fight with my music teacher about them. He was trying to tell the 2 mcr fans in our classroom that My Chemical Romance is "evil and satanic" and that he might write a letter to our parents suggesting that they take away our CDs. the most fucked thing he said was that "rap is more about life experiances than rock, and that mcr's music is just about getting high, having sex, and being with other men " he says he's seen the pics of the guys online with makeup and kissing and says it's unnatural and wrong . i told him he was a fucking homophobe yuppie and that mcr helps people not hurts them and then i quoted some stuff ... it was the most worthwhile dention i've ever had.

I agree with you on the lyrics thing. I know what I've taught my kids and I know that they are intelligent enough to realize that the songs are not intended to be taken literally. You know, if some kid told someone from MCR that they were going to commit suicide, or go shoot someone who's done them wrong, I doubt they'd encourage it. The way I see it, these songs are more about venting frustrations. Like how you get really pissed at someone and say you'd like to ring their neck, or put a bullet thru their head, but would never actually do it. You're just blowing off steam. The same with the suicide refernces. You have a crappy day and think you oughta go jump off a bridge or something. For most people it's a passing thought based on frustration. When those thoughts become prominent, and you are seriously considering it, you need to seek help. If this music makes someone think that dying is their only way out, then they have problems that have nothing to do with the words of a song.

As far as your music teacher goes, he needs to remove his head from his ass. He should try actually listening to something before he comments on it. I've listened to quite a bit of rap. It may have started out about life experiences, but nowday's most of it's about sex, drugs, and showing off your obnoxious fortune. LOL on your worthwile detention, sometimes you just have to stand up for yourself. Wish I would've had the nerve to do it when I was a teen.
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September 24th, 2005 at 12:45pm
Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 9:10 am Post subject:


My mom hates the music i listen to, she hates my hair, she hates my clothes and everything I stand for. She always wanted a daughter who was a cheerleader and wore pink almost everyday. She wanted a little ray of sunshine. She doesn't accept me at all. Oh well. I quit caring awhile back.

Both parents despise MCR, but my dad likes the way i dress/look. He says i'm different, and different is good. He still hates MCR for some reason though.

Good for your dad. Even if he doesn't like your music, at least he accepts you for who you are.

My younger daughter has her own style. Most of her clothes are black, but she likes to throw in a bit of hot pink, red, or white. A good example would be what she wore a couple of days ago. She had a long sleeved black & hot pink striped shirt, a black shirt w/ pink panther layered over it; her bottom half was a hot pink skirt (short) over black capris, under which she had hot pink tights with black fishnets over them. Kids at school give her odd looks, lol. She goes to a real small school that's over half black, so most kids there are into hip hop. She's unique, but I'd rather her be that way than a little clone. The next time anyone says anything to me about her "strange" clothes, I'm going to tell them it's better than her looking like she's gonna turn tricks on the corner when she gets off the school bus Razz
Bulletproof Heart
Age: 30
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Posts: 25049
September 24th, 2005 at 01:07pm
my mum calls it emo shit aswell and my dad just says Cool when he hears anything that I listen to.Including MCR.
I love my dad
Now all I need to do is convince my parents that Chucks are cool
Salute You in Your Grave
Age: 32
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Posts: 4695
September 24th, 2005 at 01:10pm
My mom doesn't give a shit really. my dad whenever he hears it is just like, what the hell are you listenining to, then walks off.
Salute You in Your Grave
Age: 32
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Posts: 4695
September 24th, 2005 at 01:19pm
I would have taken weeks detention for tat arguement. there are so many people who not only afraid to be different but are afraid of things that are different. The lyrics are not telling you to kill your self they're keeping you from doing it. last year was the worst year of my life i had no friends and felt so alone mcr are was one of the only things that helped me this year. they made me feel like i wasn't the only one who felt alone.
Joining The Black Parade
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September 24th, 2005 at 01:22pm
my mom LOVES mcr my dad just calls them homos Sad
oceanic 815.
Full of Ephedrine
oceanic 815.
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September 24th, 2005 at 02:43pm
My Mum Got Used To It, And She Sings Helena Too. My Dad Hates Olmost Every Band That I Like, But He Hates MCR A Lot More....Cause He Thinks That I Am A Freak And He Is Making Fun Of Me All The Time!!!
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September 24th, 2005 at 02:53pm
My mom calls anything that I listen to headbanger music. So, even though she's never heard MCR, she probably hates them.
Shotgun Sinner
Age: 31
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September 24th, 2005 at 03:11pm
my mom LOVES mcr my dad just calls them homos Sad

ya, my mom actually got me into them, mcr. and my dad used to call them gay, but then he stopped when he actually LISTENED to them. He now knows all the words to the begining half of 'revenge.' he taps his fingers along to the bass and everything.
i have succesfully brainwashed him.
yay me.
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September 25th, 2005 at 07:32am
my mum n dad hate mcr they say its a load of shit! and my mum thinks they sound like a cat screaming! damm woman!
Bleeding on the Floor
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September 25th, 2005 at 01:24pm
my mom hates dad i have no idea because he has no opinion about it.
Happy Birthday Jesus
Always Born a Crime
Happy Birthday Jesus
Age: 28
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September 25th, 2005 at 05:45pm
my mom doesn't like them , my dad likes them. but the one band my mom hates more is fftl . she hates them so much . part of the reason i keep the cd in her car and not my dads .
samantha connolly
In The Murder Scene
samantha connolly
Age: 32
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Posts: 24519
September 25th, 2005 at 10:41pm
I'm actually just copying this from an e-mail with my MCR lovin' cousin, so I apologize for it's... extensiveness.

I got an 88 in Spanish... Daddy flipped, started yelling about if I didn't listen to so much of "that My Chemical Romance shit" I'd be able to do better. Mom started saying I was probably emotionally disturbed, because she found some lyrics I'd doodled and thought they were original poetry. It was actually a little hilarious, because it was "Demolition Lovers". She thought my boyfriend and I had some sort of suicide pact. Daddy said I listened to it too much, and he wanted to take down my poster and pictures I'd cut out.

I don't get it-- they want me to listen to Brad Paisley. Who is most famous for his advocation of drinking and a duet about a man who drinks himself to death and a woman who kills herself over the guilt assaciated with the suicide. Gerard doesn't even drink anymore... If anything, he'd be a GOOD role model!

And Daddy says I'm Not Okay (I Promise) is "just too punk rock for all of this". Remember, that's what frankie on "The real World" said like twelve seasons ago? Yeah. He's so tragically unhip...

I wrote this two weeks ago, so of course the standards haven't changed. And apparently since they don't gay-bash my Daddy think all of the members are homosexual, and therefore influencing me.

In other news, my bigot Daddy is very mean sometimes. Mad
