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Violence against kids in subcultures

Motor Baby
Age: 34
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Posts: 804
May 26th, 2007 at 11:58pm
i think that we look on this whole issue like its Society's fault.
but we are part of Society and you CANNOT tell me that you have never picked on anyone else.
because that makes you a filthy liar.
to solve the problem we have to recognize that we are part of the problem and then fix the part we contribute. we cannot stop bullying altogether, but we can stop ourselves from bullying, we can influence our friends to stop and we can stand up for the vicitm.
its good for Society and its good for Karma.
Age: 30
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Posts: 6
May 27th, 2007 at 01:03pm
If emos are getting there asses kicked for who they are, I'm scared to go outside. I know it saounds gay but, just because people are dressed differently doesn;t mean that they are completely different on the inside. Jesus, people need to open their eyes and learn that in actual reality, we're the same on the inside. People should be allowed to express themselves without the fear of getting hurt.
Cigarettes And Suicide
Bleeding on the Floor
Cigarettes And Suicide
Age: 37
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Posts: 1725
May 27th, 2007 at 07:44pm
i think that we look on this whole issue like its Society's fault.
but we are part of Society and you CANNOT tell me that you have never picked on anyone else.
because that makes you a filthy liar.
to solve the problem we have to recognize that we are part of the problem and then fix the part we contribute. we cannot stop bullying altogether, but we can stop ourselves from bullying, we can influence our friends to stop and we can stand up for the vicitm.
its good for Society and its good for Karma.

*shakes hand* Thank-you. You totally get what I made this thread for.
I totally agree with you - everybody's guilty. Hell, I'm guilty, but I never took it to the lengths that some people did.
In fact, our local newspaper just did a report on bullying in schools, and a woman who works with my husband contacted the paper and told them her story, which ended up being featured on the front page last week.
She'd been bullied relentlessly in high school, and even after changing schools and then graduating, people would come into her workplace while she was working and continue to call her names and poke fun at her. It's not been one or two incidents, either - these people do it on a regular basis, just for the sheer fun of making themselves feel like big men.
She's been threatened with physical violence, as well as had taunts made about her physical appearance for years. It hurts me to see grown people, supposedly adults, acting in such a manner. I mean, graduating high school was the best day of my life because I knew I'd never have to go back and face the rumours, the smirks, the giggles from the back of the classroom that I just knew were people talking about me.

Possibly the saddest thing is, when my husband and I were over at his friend's house yesterday, his friend announced that he and a buddy of his from school were the people responsible for making this poor woman's life a misery - it was just a weird coincidence that she now works with my husband, and that my husband is friends with her tormentors. I ragged him out about it, I mean I don't even know this girl but I know what it feels like to be bullied, and I'm just incredibly thankful that nobody's ever come into my workplace and harrassed me while I'm working, but he was totally remorseless - grinning and proud of himself and laughing about the names he made up for her.
Bear in mind that this guy is no teenager. He's 23 or 24... when does it stop?
Joining The Black Parade
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May 31st, 2007 at 01:16am
It never stops. That's what's so sad. Some adults are like big children, fighting over the toys in the sandbox on a larger scale.
Ignore Alien Orders
Salute You in Your Grave
Ignore Alien Orders
Age: 34
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Posts: 2026
May 31st, 2007 at 08:35am
Honestly, it's disgusting. I won't lie, I'm pretty relentless when I dislike someone, but jeez--don't be underhanded about it, don't spread rumors, don't hate groups of people. It's perfectly okay to dislike people and whatever, but it's not okay to torment them at all times, and to hate them based on stereotypes.
Age: 31
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Posts: 43
May 31st, 2007 at 11:44pm
In my opinion people either attack Goths and Emos because their insecure about themselves or it has become a 'popular' thing to do and also because their 'friends' do it. I was going to say somting else but I forgot it...and that's my 2 cents
Age: 30
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Posts: 43
June 1st, 2007 at 12:33am
I go to school in Seattle, which is really the 'Kingdom of Subcultures'. It's so awful to see people getting beaten down because of who they are, but the people beating them down have been beaten down, and etc. It's all a vicious cycle. I'm a lightweight boxer, and I find myself in situations where people that have continually been abused by peers come to me for help. I guess I'm intimidating, and can be used for protection. But when I listen to them, no matter what stereotype, or clique, they belong to, it's always the same. How they act, dress, or talk. But the kids that harrass them have the same problems. It's really not fair to anyone because the kids that get picked on pick on other kids in order to stop getting picked on, so they become part of the problem. No one is innocient, no one is guilty, we all share blame. ....Does that make sense?
Bleeding on the Floor
Age: 33
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Posts: 1262
June 1st, 2007 at 10:37am
to be honest though, it is human nature to be scared of things that are different.
and when people are scared they do irrational things, such as lashing out because they don't know what else to do.
so when a particular group of kids see a group of different people they are automatically built to hate them until proven otherwise.
everyone does it.
you see a group of guys in chains and hoodies and you automatically register them as different and scary.
you see a group of girls totally in black with huge boots and chains and coats and you are immediatly on your guard.
its a natural reaction that the ignorant let get out of hand.
most sensible and mature people will realise that their opinion and fear is completely irrational and unfounded, but some let it get the better of them and that is when attacks and things like that start to happen.
so basically, i think alot of the hate and abuse of people in different cliques, is based on a fear of the different and unknown.
In the Cannibal Glow
Age: 30
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June 2nd, 2007 at 02:30am
I think its just stupid that people are mean to other people because of their differences.
I see why eg: "emo kids" hang out with other "emo kids", because they are alike in music tastes or fashion & they will be understood by the people they hang out with.
It doesn't really stop people from hanging out with people who like different things but it can be just harder to fit in.
Go fuck yourself
Devil's Got Your Number
Go fuck yourself
Age: 30
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Posts: 37823
June 2nd, 2007 at 07:33pm
well we all do it but can we put it in moderation? i mean can we do it to a piont because there will be tht person we hate and if they do something that pisses us off we probably will say something, but not knowing a person and picking on them for how they look, sexuall orintatsion, etc.. is totally different. alot of people don't except the fact of being gay. you don't have to support it but its stupid how some lose their lives because someone they don't know doesn't want 2 men together so to please god or whatever they think is right they hurt them.
Helena and Hearts
Jazz Hands
Helena and Hearts
Age: 31
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Posts: 314
June 4th, 2007 at 01:00pm
im emo,no i dont cut myself or cry myself to sleep. if you look up on the internet "emo" is someone who is passoinate about music and are sometimes depressed. we wre no different than anyone else--NO DIFFERENT. i wear alot of black, some people call me goth, whats so bad about being gothic, emo, punk whatever. just because someone wears black doesnt mean they are bad people, i know im not a bad happy and outgoing sometimes emo people and goth punk whatever should be treated the same. if you dont like how someone looks keep your mouth shut!
Helena and Hearts
Jazz Hands
Helena and Hearts
Age: 31
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Posts: 314
June 4th, 2007 at 01:04pm
stereotyping, thats what's wrong with this fucking world.
Salute You in Your Grave
Age: 33
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Posts: 2748
June 4th, 2007 at 03:22pm
^First of all, if you want to add something to your post, use the edit button. Second, no cursing on the Discussion Board. Please read the rules. Third, try to add a little more to the discussion next time. This isn't just a place to vent about how 'emo' you may or may not be.
Motor Baby
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Posts: 888
June 5th, 2007 at 03:39pm
isn't it a bit sad that people attack yhoo for how yhoo dress. just because we're different frm them?
Salute You in Your Grave
Age: 102
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Posts: 3267
June 6th, 2007 at 02:35pm
No offence to anyone here, but 'emo' is a type of music, not a person, i don't understand how you can lable yourself.
Emo's say they are bullied for being different, but if you think about it, they all dress the same, have the same hairstyle and all drone on about being 'indaviduals' if you were that indavidual, you wouldnt lable your self.

It is wrong to abuse people for being different, but all the cliques and lables out their arent different, thats what annoys me.
There are thousand of wannabes all over the world, claiming to be 'chav' 'emo' 'goth' 'punk' ect..
They say that they are 'different' from everyone else,
Yes you are from the people that perhaps wear burberry and say 'innit', but that gives you no right to lable yourself and then say your different.
But people being beaten up isnt nice.
Salute You in Your Grave
Age: 102
Gender: Female
Posts: 3267
June 6th, 2007 at 02:36pm
im emo,no i dont cut myself or cry myself to sleep. if you look up on the internet "emo" is someone who is passoinate about music and are sometimes depressed. we wre no different than anyone else--NO DIFFERENT. i wear alot of black, some people call me goth, whats so bad about being gothic, emo, punk whatever. just because someone wears black doesnt mean they are bad people, i know im not a bad happy and outgoing sometimes emo people and goth punk whatever should be treated the same. if you dont like how someone looks keep your mouth shut!

So you are a type of music.
Because 'emo' is MUSIC.
Missing Zero
Awake and Unafraid
Missing Zero
Age: 33
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Posts: 13405
June 6th, 2007 at 06:57pm
I’ve never understood why teenagers or anyone for that matter get picked on for being themselves in this society. We are sold what’s life meant to be through magazines and never the reality of it all is shown through to us and when we hear about it in a newspaper article, some people choose to live in blissful ignorance and just ignore the truth and that’s why I think, bullying still happens. But being realistic we cant stop bullying, it will always happen and there is nothing we can do to stop sick individuals from acting upon their actions. And the sicker thing is, it’s become normal, being bullied and being discriminated has now become the daily lives for many people and I think we should all look around our selves and see where all this anger and discrimination is coming from and if it’s coming from yourself, act on it, don’t just wait till it happens again.
Jazz Hands
Age: -
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Posts: 365
June 6th, 2007 at 09:32pm

Because 'emo' is MUSIC.

Not to everyone.
Really Not Okay
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Posts: 722
June 6th, 2007 at 09:59pm
No offence to anyone here, but 'emo' is a type of music, not a person, i don't understand how you can lable yourself.
Emo's say they are bullied for being different, but if you think about it, they all dress the same, have the same hairstyle and all drone on about being 'indaviduals' if you were that indavidual, you wouldnt lable your self.

It is wrong to abuse people for being different, but all the cliques and lables out their arent different, thats what annoys me.
There are thousand of wannabes all over the world, claiming to be 'chav' 'emo' 'goth' 'punk' ect..
They say that they are 'different' from everyone else,
Yes you are from the people that perhaps wear burberry and say 'innit', but that gives you no right to lable yourself and then say your different.
But people being beaten up isnt nice.

Emo isnt just a music genre to everyone. If thats what it si to you thent hats fine, but others (like myself) see it very differently.
Cigarettes And Suicide
Bleeding on the Floor
Cigarettes And Suicide
Age: 37
Gender: Female
Posts: 1725
June 6th, 2007 at 11:41pm
^ Yeah, to others it's the crappy, immature, preschool version of goth.
In other words, it's essentially being a poseur. It started out as people dabbling in goth subculture, and they didn't quite get what it was meant to look like, so it evolved into a more mainstream version of it.
It annoys me that it's so commercialised, because I was 'goth' before half the people in town knew what goth was, but now I get 'emo' taunts. I don't even look emo, but anybody wearing black in this town is automatically 'emo'.

Anyway, this totally isn't the place for a discussion on what emo is or isn't.
Read the first few posts and let's get back on topic, please. I could care less about whether you're 'emo', 'punk', 'prep' or 'jock'. There's a confession thread in the INO Chamber.