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Always Born a Crime
Age: 43
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September 18th, 2008 at 10:24am
Manda SpAz:
I kinda raised as Southern Baptist and I have to say that whatever you believe in is great and that's how it really should be.I hate the fact that Christianity was originally a religion of love and yet the most judgemental religion of all.
That was really refreshing to read; thank you for being brave enough to admit that. I was raised Jewish (sort of; ) some of my grandparents and their siblings were pretty racist, which is ironic, considering how much time the Jews spend running from everyone. Rolling Eyes
The music.
Salute You in Your Grave
The music.
Age: 28
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September 20th, 2008 at 03:49pm
I'm sumwhat a religeous person not super religious but im religious. I'm Catholic but my brother and I say (mostly my brother) that religion is the route of all evil. I think this because it is what many arguments and most wars are about.
John St. John
Shotgun Sinner
John St. John
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September 21st, 2008 at 06:53am
I'm sumwhat a religeous person not super religious but im religious. I'm Catholic but my brother and I say (mostly my brother) that religion is the route of all evil. I think this because it is what many arguments and most wars are about.

You can't say you believe in a religion, and then call it the route of all evil and that it's what causes wars.
Katie Kill!
Katie Kill!
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September 21st, 2008 at 11:53am
I don't know, I sometimes think theres a god, but sometimes I don't, but one thing Im sure of is that Im not a religious person and I'll never follow a religion. I think that it's causes too many wars. I also find some religious people to be total hypocrites, for example my Grandma is a Christian and thats ment to be a religion that accept people for who they are, but she doesn't accept me and (especailly) my Dad for our taste in music and veiws on certain things.
Salute You in Your Grave
Age: 33
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September 24th, 2008 at 06:04pm
Haven't been here for ages either... I should read back. lol.

I went to church last Sunday for the first time all year. My friend literally dragged me! lol. He rocked up at my house and drove me.
To be honest, it was actually nice. I kind of missed it. But there is still a lot of things I don't agree with.
Thug Life.
Bleeding on the Floor
Thug Life.
Age: 33
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Posts: 1315
September 27th, 2008 at 12:13am
I'm Muslim, but I read Bible, I don't say my prayers, which is a daily duty for a Muslim, but u can call me Christian.

Yes, nowadays, Muslims are always blamed anyway, and I don't like Islam.

Muslims blame Christians too, in my city, there's NO CHURCH for Christians who live here, but you can find many many many Mosque.

Muslims balme Christianity for their Trinity, yes, as the one who said, Muslims think Christians worship 3 kinds of gods, but They never even tried to find the fact, and think about things which they want to say.

I'm tired of Islamic threads, I almost hate it.

Islam is one of the most beautiful yet misunderstood religions ever. I have a lot of Islamic friends and i must admit i knew little about their religion till i sat down and had a discussion about it with them.

I feel the media has grossly misinterpreted Islam, hence there is a lot of misunderstanding between Christians and Islamic people. However i dont think this should be the case because i find most of the values i believe in i share with my Islamic friends

oh and on an extended note, people fail to see the beauty in religion and yet choose to pick at its flaws, whether it be corruption and the rules and guidelines and whatnot, but at the root of all religion is the idea of faith in a greater being and that life is the greatest gift that we will ever get. beyond all the anti homosexuality and so on there's love just love for your fellow man whether hes gay or not, if the flock is told to hate homosexuality it is then the choice of the individual to apply his religious values in loving his fellowman regardless of sexuality and lifestyle.

Thug Life.
Bleeding on the Floor
Thug Life.
Age: 33
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Posts: 1315
September 27th, 2008 at 12:14am
Age: 29
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Posts: 40
September 28th, 2008 at 06:53pm

I see where you're coming from, but I think it can kind of work together in a sense. Kinda like the Big Bang Theory. I go to a Christian school, and they like the teachers to be Christian. So, the science teachers teach us about evolution like it's on the syllabus, but we always ask what they think, because of their relgion. Their answer is always God created the Big Bang and is creating evolution.
I'm not sure what I personally think. I do agree that it's hard to believe in both, that it's pretty much one or the other. But for some people, I'm sure it would work.
K, I'm rambling now, lol. Just thought I'd mention that cos it always interested me Smile

I've always been a little weird on the big bang thing... but i think that if it did happen, it happened through God
jared leto.
Awake and Unafraid
jared leto.
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September 28th, 2008 at 07:44pm

I've always been a little weird on the big bang thing... but i think that if it did happen, it happened through God

Care to explain?

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Bulletproof Heart
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September 29th, 2008 at 03:27pm
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Age: 30
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September 30th, 2008 at 01:49pm
athiest and proud to be one. Religion is so prejudice against gays and in a way, women, i thought christianity was about love and all that, so why the hate
Always Born a Crime
Age: -
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Posts: 5614
September 30th, 2008 at 07:34pm
athiest and proud to be one. Religion is so prejudice against gays and in a way, women, i thought christianity was about love and all that, so why the hate
Not all religions are like that, and not all religious people are like that either. You can be Christian, for example, and accept and embrace homosexuality. Not all Christians etc. do, but that doesn't mean it isn't possible.
While I agree that religion can be prejudice, non-religious people can also be prejudice. Just because one may be an atheist, it doesn't mean they're loving and accepting towards everyone. I mean, my Dad used to be extremely homophobic before he met my Mum - and he doesn't have a religion.

Point I'm trying to make is that stereotyping religions and religious people doesn't help; it hinders, because it's unnecessary.
infinity guitars.
Awake and Unafraid
infinity guitars.
Age: 31
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October 8th, 2008 at 05:58pm
i'm a christian but i dont see myself as being religious. i don't see christianity as a religion because i see religion as being the material things that really aren't important, like the church building, vicar's robes, ceremonies ect. i don't really know if im making any sense but i can't explain it any better than that. i think of christianity as being a faith rather than a religion, what really matters is your believe and faith in god, rather than the "religious" things.

Manda SpAz:
I hate the fact that Christianity was originally a religion of love and yet the most judgemental religion of all.

i can see what you're saying but i don't agree with you, sorry. i think its the "religious" people that i mentioned above that give that impression of christianity. it seems to be mostly (not always, but mostly) older people who are "religious" christians, the people that hate homosexuals, women who have abortions, people who commit suicide etc.
the truth is that love and forgiveness are the centre of christianity, the majority of real christians are prepared to forgive and accept people for the sins they commit. for example, there's a gay man that goes to my church and some people thought this was digusting and didn't think he should be allowed to worship there. but we chose to accept him because being gay is just how he lives his life, he loves god so nothing else matters, anyone and everyone should be welcome in church.
Thug Life.
Bleeding on the Floor
Thug Life.
Age: 33
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Posts: 1315
October 15th, 2008 at 12:37pm
athiest and proud to be one. Religion is so prejudice against gays and in a way, women, i thought christianity was about love and all that, so why the hate

Someone mentioned people are prejudice, its up to the person themselves to take away what they want from religion. I'm catholic and i don't have any prejudice feelings towards gays, though i am pro life.

Although the bible does contradict itself and you get a lot of arguments like " If Christianity is about love why do they hate gays ?" the clear cut answer is at the end of the day Christianity's main values are respect for the divine work of God (i.e Life) and love for your neighbor. All the rest of the things about homosexuality are menial compared to the bigger picture.

Awake and Unafraid
Age: 32
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October 16th, 2008 at 11:32am
totally essay coming on lol...

I think I believe in a God.
There obviously, has to be something that just, didn’t have a cause, it just existed/exists.
It’s the most difficult thing to imagine, like something just existing and not having a cause, but if you think about it, and say like (not saying the big bang actually happened – that is just a theory but for example) ‘yeah okay, the big bang happened, but what caused that’ then.. ‘but what caused the thing that caused the big bang’ and so on…there has got to be something down the line that just simply existed, and is eternal, and didn’t have a cause, but that caused everything else to happen.

I think it’s totally fine to accept what scientists are saying – that the big bang happened and whatever, but I think something has to cause that. I don’t think that a random explosion/collision of atoms could ever cause something as perfect as the universe. Bit of a weird comparison, but if you get loads of ink in your mouth, and spit it out onto a blank piece of paper – you aren’t going to recreate the Mona Lisa are you? So I sort of think something has to have planned it all out.

But I don’t think I agree with any religion, or follow a religion.
I think, after looking at all religions, they do tend to be just a form of social control, and I think they do exploit people, and are all just ideologys.
I don’t agree with all the teachings of any religion.
For example, Christianity – I’m not a feminist, but seriously, when do you EVER hear of women in the bible? Only really at the birth of someone important – a time when women are needed because guys can’t physically give birth. Plus, most religions don’t accept women as priestesses or whatever. Some are really recently starting to accept women but it’s only a minority at the moment, and only in some societies that this is happening. So it allows people to totally oppress women because they can just say 'but the bible doesn't allow it' or whatever crap they want to say. Religion gives people excuses to exploit and oppress people. Theres a million other examples of how it does that. It's also the cause of so much conflict and so many wars, that I just couldnt be part of something like that.

I’m not entirely sure whether I believe this myself, but this is the random theory I have on why we are here, our purpose and what have you;
God created us so they could have something to love, and MAYBE even love them back. I don’t think we have any sort of afterlife – I think our purpose is just to keep reproducing, and keep humanity going so God has something to love etc. So basically – we’re hear just to keep spreading the love : ) I'm not saying that we all have to reproduce though and stuff (obviously, it isnt because if it was, we wouldnt have like people who are infertile and stuff)...I'm just saying our purpose is solely, love.
For example, some people, if they have loads of love to give, they will create a new life, reproduce, and create a new person who they can love so much, and bring up and give them the best life they possibly can, and hopefully, maybe, they will get loved in return.
Age: 32
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Posts: 22
October 16th, 2008 at 06:45pm
I guess I suppose so. I haven't really had much of a choice which religion I could pick. He'd be so angry if I strayed from Christianity. I don't even want to imagine what he'd do...but, I have been thinking that Taoism sounds pretty cool. Nice and peaceful, that stuff is. =)

So yeah, I guess it has had a large effect on me. But I just wish I had more freedom to choose for myself.

But another thing is...I am seriously afraid of Hell. I was raised to believe in it's eternal horrors. I was also raised to believe that only Christians go to Heaven. (I don't agree. I think anyone who follows their religion accordingly will go to their religion's God's heaven [if that makes any sense]) Hehe.
But yeah. =)

If you believe that everyone goes to their own God's heaven, doesn't that mean that you believe in more than one God? And isn't that against Christianity? Just curious. I thought it was not allowed.
Awake and Unafraid
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October 26th, 2008 at 09:17pm
I'm atheist.
To me the world is what it is and there's no divine power behind it.
(Also my opinion on fate/everything happening for a reason.)
I could go off on a rant about various things, but I'll leave it at this.
Bleeding on the Floor
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October 26th, 2008 at 09:58pm
the legend of sarah:
I'm atheist.
To me the world is what it is and there's no divine power behind it.
(Also my opinion on fate/everything happening for a reason.)
I could go off on a rant about various things, but I'll leave it at this.

But isn't fate a kind of higher power? I would consider it so. Not that it's sentient or something like that but it is a force that we don't completely understand. I personally believe that we create our own fate.
Thinking Happy Thoughts
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October 29th, 2008 at 07:26pm
ive never been that religious
my mom is really religious and for some reason thats made me not want to be
seeing how emotional she gets at church....i dunno i just dont understand
its not that i dont believe in god, honestly i dont know if i do or dont, i dont know what i believe in
i havent really really found my faith yet or anything so i dunno
im christian i believe in a higher power i think theres something...i like to think that
Always Born a Crime
Age: -
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Posts: 5614
October 30th, 2008 at 01:25am
ive never been that religious
my mom is really religious and for some reason thats made me not want to be
seeing how emotional she gets at church....i dunno i just dont understand
its not that i dont believe in god, honestly i dont know if i do or dont, i dont know what i believe in
i havent really really found my faith yet or anything so i dunno
im christian i believe in a higher power i think theres something...i like to think that
I'm confused. You say you haven't "found" your faith yet, but then you call yourself a Christian and think there's a higher power?