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Transexuals and Transgenders

Bleeding on the Floor
Age: 39
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Posts: 1160
January 18th, 2007 at 09:29am
H e l e n a:
God said no to stuff like this. If you a girl, you are a girl. If you are a boy, you are a boy. You don't decide.

of course you can't decide that you were born with a penis or a vagina.
Age: -
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Posts: 19
January 24th, 2007 at 08:18pm
i think you CAN decide what you were ment to be. you are the one that knows yourself the best so you know best. i know god makes people certain ways but really, god does thinbgs for a reason so you end up being the person he wanted you to be. so if he made you a guy when you think you should be a girl it could be a test to see how you can handle opstacles. i have no problem with people wanting to be a different gender and i have no problem with gay people or gay marriages. actually my bff knows i thought i would be happier if i was a guy. will i get a sex change.. NO because i like being a girl. im just saying i know i would be happier if i was a GAY Guy. not a straigt guy cuz i dont like girls that much as friends anyway so i couoldnt handle actually dating a chck but yeah. be who you wanna be and dont take peoples shit. people need to be openminded and stop hating difference. i know if my bff was gay i would NOT let anyone hurt him just because he decided he can be happier with a guy. id totally support him. because i want people to be happy being themselves than being something fake so others dont hate them
Thinking Happy Thoughts
Age: 31
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Posts: 456
January 24th, 2007 at 08:40pm
i have no problem with transexuals! its what you choose to be or feel
Quinn Allman
Salute You in Your Grave
Quinn Allman
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January 24th, 2007 at 09:16pm
I support transexuals and transgender people. Whatever makes them comfortable and they feel is right for them is okay to me. It's pro choice. I'm all for sex changes.

And Bloodraine, I couldn't agree with you more.
Salute You in Your Grave
Age: 33
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Posts: 2748
January 24th, 2007 at 10:16pm
zomg people who have read Luna and seen the Gwen Arujo Lifetime movie! *hyperventalates*
Anyway...transexual people should be allowed to do what the want. It's their body, their business, and it doesn't hurt anyone. I don't think transexual people should feel any obligation to tell their partner. It's their body, not their partner's, and it's not as though it would endanger their partners health.
Bleeding on the Floor
Age: 36
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Posts: 1671
January 24th, 2007 at 10:37pm
H e l e n a:
God said no to stuff like this. If you a girl, you are a girl. If you are a boy, you are a boy. You don't decide.

Are you kidding me?
You have every right to reject your gender role.
If you're a Christian then you have to believe that God gave us the right to make our own decisions, erego you can decide.
Casimir Pulaski Day
Shotgun Sinner
Casimir Pulaski Day
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January 25th, 2007 at 12:15am
I think it's a bit weird, to be honest. But, hey, it's your life, and I have no decision in what you want to do with it. If you want to be another gender, then that's your business. I would be fine with it if it were anybody I knew.
Awake and Unafraid
Age: 33
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January 25th, 2007 at 05:47pm
Questions For Discussion

Transsexualism has been variously described as a trait, disease, behavior, desire, mental illness, perversion, paraphilia, political identity and sin. The terms perversion and sin are obviously derogatory, and many people consider the use of such labels offensive whether they or not they are themselves transsexual.

Do you believe transsexualism to be linked as a fetish?

How about a person simply getting off of performing as a cross dresser or perhaps perfectly socializing in public like this, yet still goes back to their usual routine that is 'normal' to them? Is this person undecided? Is this person simply getting off on it?

What's your definition of transsexualism?

Regardless of definition, transsexualism should not be confused with cross dressing or with the behavior of drag queens and drag kings, which can be described as transgender but not transsexual. Also, transvestic fetishism usually has little, if anything, to do with transsexualism. As a general rule, transsexual people tend to dress and behave in a manner consistent with the gender they identify with, cross dressers tend to dress (and sometimes behave) in a manner consistent with stereotypical ideals of the opposite gender as opposed to the real-life behavior of that gender, and "drag queens" or "drag kings" tend to dress and behave in a flamboyant manner which parodies rather than emulates the opposite gender.

Thinking Happy Thoughts
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 456
January 25th, 2007 at 06:13pm
people are people, transexuals and transgenders should be treated and called people, they shouldn't be called anything rude or anything else!
Thinking Happy Thoughts
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 456
January 25th, 2007 at 06:14pm
they also shouldnt be ashamed to say it aloud to EVERYONE including their own parents which should accept them the way they are!! or wish to be!!!
Age: 32
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Posts: 9
January 25th, 2007 at 06:59pm
they also shouldnt be ashamed to say it aloud to EVERYONE including their own parents which should accept them the way they are!! or wish to be!!!

It's a very difficult thing to say. I myself am having gender identity issues, and I can't imagine how hard it will be to tell my mother that, even though I'm sure she will support me no matter what my decision.
Salute You in Your Grave
Age: 33
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Posts: 2748
January 25th, 2007 at 08:20pm
^I think that's her point. That in an ideal society, you or anyone else would be able to talk openly about sexuality etc without worrying how people would react (though there's no freaking way I would be able to talk to my parents about anything of the sort. So there you have it).
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 18
January 27th, 2007 at 01:02pm
im totally for transgenders transexuals and sex changes.
my best friend is transgender and is were to still be a he then she would have been gone long ago and thats just sad!
im really all for what anyone wants to do im not judgemental
Black Hearted Misery
Black Hearted Misery
Age: 32
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Posts: 83
February 14th, 2007 at 12:16am
XThe Black ParadeX:

1. They are just like any other guy. They can be gay or straight, punk or ghetto, an athlete or an artist. But don't let their society-percieved femininity get to you...they are male, and deserve to be treated as such. Calling them "she" is NOT acceptable.

2. It hurts more than you could ever imagine. If they aren't out and haven't changed their name...hearing their name is like a stab through the heart.

Now I know that everyone has this picture of what right and wrong is...but I'm just suprised that My Chem fans have trouble wrapping their brains around things like this. Gerard isn't the most masculine guy in the world, and they've said many a time about how they support homosexuality and the like.

In fact, in a music magazine that I recently could be Rolling Stone or AP, I'll confirm if you want it, but he encouraged people to "express themselves and if that means wearing women's clothing, so be it."

Try and think of transsexuality as less about changing genders and more about helping someone show the world who they've always really been. Smile


Very well put. It isn't about what you are outside, it's who you are inside. If changing genders is what they want to do, let them do it. It's what they want and who they are.
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Posts: 26
February 14th, 2007 at 02:17am
i find anyone who wants this should be able to.
i hate it when people are narrow minded and judge. its a horrible thing.

people that would change something like that and not care what other people think about it i have the utmost respect for...
Feel What You Feel.
Bleeding on the Floor
Feel What You Feel.
Age: 31
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Posts: 1422
February 14th, 2007 at 06:35am
I think that just because someone has changed their sex doesn't mean that they are a bad person or any less of the sex that they have become.
One thing that really made me think about this was this link.
It explains why gender and sex aren't the same thing.

I really hate how people discriminate against them.
Sometimes, people just need to grow up.
All we are is here
Joining The Black Parade
All we are is here
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 221
February 14th, 2007 at 07:23am
I get really mad when all says "those boys who are dressed like a girls and act like girl, are gays"

Example..Malice Mizers MANA is a boy who like a woman. And i think he is beatiful. and if I'm not wrong he is married with a WOMAN.
so that dont say he is a gay. maybe drag, but todays world should not care about it. its normal...

people are people
Motor Baby
Age: 32
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Posts: 847
February 15th, 2007 at 04:49pm
i went to thorpe park the other day and saw a transgender teenager (a boy dressed as a girl) and the park officials wouldn't let him on stealth (a really fast rollercoaster) because of safety! but what about girls when they wear skirts?!
i think that it was just an excuse not to allow him on the ride and i thought that it was very unfair - there must be a word for this, could you say that it is discrimination??
Cigarettes And Suicide
Bleeding on the Floor
Cigarettes And Suicide
Age: 37
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Posts: 1725
February 16th, 2007 at 04:27am
What about people who are born with genital malformations, and the doctors just decide to make them 'boy' or 'girl', and they screw up and get it wrong??
These people were born as one or the other, but if the doctors mess up and make them the 'wrong' gender, they're in for a lifetime of heartache, misery, confusion and rejection.

I have zero problems with transexual/transgender people. It disgusts me that people who are pro-homosexual and run around screaming, 'Love is love, get over it, let people be with who they want to be!' can't accept that, just like some are born sexually attracted to the same sex, some people are born in the wrong body.
The human body and brain are uncharted wonders and mysteries, and we don't have all the answers. Sometimes it just happens, and I believe there is totally NOTHING WRONG with these people.
They deserve to live the life they want to lead, and they deserve the same kind of happiness you or I deserve.
I would even go as far as to say that I would date/have a relationship with a transexual, whether it be a girl who was born a boy or a boy who was born a girl (but it's often the case that boys born as girls are attracted to boys later in life).
I would never feel disgusted, scared or uncomfortable around trannies. They're humans, just the same as you and I, and they deserve the same privileges, relationships, experiences and contentment that you and I get in our 'normal' existences. Just because they have had hardships to overcome, doesn't make them 'freaks' or less human than us, in fact in my opinion they are more deserving of our respect and love because of the massive hardships they have experienced.

And how dare anybody on this board say, 'You were born boy/girl, just get over it and live as what God made you, you shouldn't be able to change that'? Would you be as accepting if somebody came up to you and said, 'But God made you blonde-haired, and intended for you to wear bright colours, become a cheerleader and love Britney Spears? Listening to My Chemical Romance or 'dark' or 'emo' or 'punk' bands is not the way you were born, this disgusting behaviour has got to stop - it's against everything God and your parents ever intended for you'?!
You expect to be allowed to rebel, to live your life the way you want to, to listen to the music you like, and wear the clothes you like, and cut your hair and wear the jewellery YOU LIKE, or that YOU FIND ATTRACTIVE or express yourself the way YOU WANT TO EXPRESS YOURSELF. Do not even DARE to try and pass judgement upon someone who has decided to live their life differently to how you have decided to live yours, when you know you would throw a major shitfit if somebody tried to tell you that you shouldn't be able to listen to the music you want, wear the clothes you want, or express yourself the way you want.
'Weird' is just something that's unfamiliar to you. It's not automatically evil, or sinful, or dangerous or scary. It's just 'different', and I would bet ten dollars on the fact that you probably pride yourself on being 'different' from all the other kids in your class at school - so how does that make you really any different from a transexual/transgender? Wake up and smell the coffee.
Cigarettes And Suicide
Bleeding on the Floor
Cigarettes And Suicide
Age: 37
Gender: Female
Posts: 1725
February 16th, 2007 at 04:59am
H e l e n a:
God said no to stuff like this. If you a girl, you are a girl. If you are a boy, you are a boy. You don't decide.

Are you kidding me?
You have every right to reject your gender role.
If you're a Christian then you have to believe that God gave us the right to make our own decisions, erego you can decide.

Very well said, Druscilla. I couldn't have put it better myself.

Helena - I don't mean to spark a riot or anything here, I'm well aware we have a religion thread for this kind of discussion, but you have raised my hackles through the roof with that comment. As Druscilla said earlier, where's the direct quote? If there isn't a direct quote, who the hell are you to say what God supposedly did or didn't say? Putting words in His mouth probably isn't a wise decision, apparently He can speak for Himself and therefore doesn't need you to do it for Him.
I define myself a Christian, although I don't read the Bible or go to church, and I believe that my spiritual head is screwed on far better than those who do. People tend to take the Bible FAR too literally, and when most of it is filled with cryptic little things that, in all reality, probably don't mean much of anything at all, especially in this post-modern day and age, and they feel they have a right to pass judgement on others based on a paragraph in the Bible that can be interpreted several different ways.
As far as I'm concerned, God just wants His children to know right from wrong, take care of ourselves, our families and our friends, and be accepting of all the wonderful opportunities and challenges He throws our way. In this case, that would mean not passing judgement on trannies, because you really have no right to at all - or are you a direct relative of Jesus?
In my world, God just wants us to do the right thing and live our lives and open ourselves up to as many different situations as we can - experience life to the full. Constantly condemning people and circumstances because 'it's in the Bible, God said uh-uh,' is absolute TRIPE, and it's people like you who make religion look bad. I'm aware that you're entitled to an opinion, but lighten up. If you're such a good Christian, you have nothing to worry about, so you should just concentrate on being a good person (which means not being judgemental or condemning those who don't follow your beliefs to the letter) and loving your God and everyone around you.