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Straight Edge.

lux lisbon.
Always Born a Crime
lux lisbon.
Age: 37
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November 25th, 2006 at 03:25pm
Mr. Fizz:
A friend of mine thinks that you're not straight edge if you're under eighteen.
You're just following the law.
Any opinions?

There are certainly plenty of people under 18 who choose to break those laws.
If you can make a conscious choice to drink, take drugs, smoke, etc., you can also make a conscious choice not to do those things.

I mean, I'm under 21, so technically, I can't drink, right?
But I'm definitely given the opporunity to do so at parties and whatnot all the time.
The difference between me just following the law and choosing what I do is that, while I'm in that kind of environment, with bottles of rum and vodka sitting in right under my nose, I choose not to partake in them.
It's not the law that's holding me back.
It's my own decision.
Bleeding on the Floor
Age: 39
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Posts: 1160
November 26th, 2006 at 12:56pm
straigh edge is a great idea and i really look up to person who is. because i feel they have a strong will because so many people fall for the pressure of the soceity and friends.. like the drinking issue.. i know that many teenagers drink because their friends do..and that they think they're cool if they do.. and i think it's the same with sex.
A Sharp Life
A Sharp Life
Age: 34
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Posts: 322
November 28th, 2006 at 03:31am
Personally I think straight edge has been popularized to the point that people say they are just for the attention.

A "straight edge" person came up to me and asked if being sXe included not eating animals.....>.<!

It just shows you that as soon as ONE band has a opinion or a message that it becomes a trend. It sucks.

I choose not to be sXe because I want to experiment as a teenager not as an adult.
Bleeding on the Floor
Age: 39
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Posts: 1307
November 28th, 2006 at 07:43am
A Sharp Life:
Personally I think straight edge has been popularized to the point that people say they are just for the attention.

A "straight edge" person came up to me and asked if being sXe included not eating animals.....>.<!

It just shows you that as soon as ONE band has a opinion or a message that it becomes a trend. It sucks.

I choose not to be sXe because I want to experiment as a teenager not as an adult.

I think its a pretty good trend for kids to get into to be fair though.

Plus this whole choosing to experiment as a teenager, and in the drugs thread someone was like "im only young once" yes i understand where you are coming from, but do you know that both drugs and alcohol have extreemly worse effects on you while you are a teenager, compared to when you are an adult. This is because you brain is still developing and does not stop until around 20 years of age. Scientific findings also show that for each year of your life you put off drinking the less likely you are to become dependent on it as a child, and the less likely you are to cause significant damage to yourself.

I just think everyone should be informed, I m not saying dont drink (as long as you are old enough) im just saying know the facts first!
Age: 30
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Posts: 12
November 28th, 2006 at 04:12pm
my older brother is straight edge.
I think the world would be less harmful if more people lived that lifestyle. I don't understand why people really want to do drugs/drink etc.
I understand how serious it is. And people need to be more educated on what it can do to you.
Antichrist Superstar
Bleeding on the Floor
Antichrist Superstar
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November 29th, 2006 at 06:43pm
I've revised my opionin on sXe kids
I HATE when they call them selves hardcore.
what sense does that make?
Fabulous Killjoy
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November 29th, 2006 at 09:27pm
I think that straight-edge is something you have to do for yourself and your health, not "scene points" or whatever they might be called. Quite a few people mistake the Xs on my hands as meaning 'scene core'. weird.

I hate it when people brag about doing drugs/drinking, but it also makes me feel kind of sorry for them, if they need a narcotic to feel normal.

That's just not good...
Feel What You Feel.
Bleeding on the Floor
Feel What You Feel.
Age: 31
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Posts: 1422
November 29th, 2006 at 09:39pm
I'm straight edge.
I hate when people go around school and brag about being straight edge. Especially people who aren't, which seriously confuses me.
For example, this girl at my school wrote straight edge on her hand. A month before when talking about drugs at the table, she basically said she does them.
Sure, people can change in a month, but I really kind of doubt that she'd go from druggie to straight edge.
Some people saying that they're straight edge should actually go find out what it means before they declare that they are.
Antichrist Superstar
Bleeding on the Floor
Antichrist Superstar
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November 30th, 2006 at 07:50pm
Currently, I do not take drugs or smoke.
I consume alcohol under parental consent, and that's just a glass of wine at dinner on very special occasions.
But i would like to expermint when i am old enough to be on my own.
I think that it's okay to experment with things that are not too dangrous [[for instance heroin and 'E']]
I think that being sXe is way too restricting
and it has become a FAD
Beast And The Harlot
Salute You in Your Grave
Beast And The Harlot
Age: 31
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December 13th, 2006 at 02:49am
im not sXe because i do drink occasionly, but i will NEVER EVER do drugs or smoke!!! and i dont drink much alcohol, im only 14 aswell, but i mean i have been pressured by people to drink, but i just said no! the only time i really drink is at special occasions (aka. xmas, new years...) when my mum is around because she would rather me drink around her then at some party cause atleast she knows what im drinking and can manage how much i have. But i think being sXe would make the world a much better place!
Bleeding on the Floor
Age: 54
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Posts: 1077
December 13th, 2006 at 03:48am
i have no feelings either way ragarding sXe but I do think its worth seeing the other side of the coin - i went looking on the internet and found a book called 'Straight Edge Youth' by Robert T wood which gives an insiders look at what goes on - I thought you would be interested in hearing the darker side of sXe (please remember I dont hold any bias -the theory of sXeis very good !but thought both sides should be said!)

Part of the darker side is how Straight Edge treats women. In theory, Straight Edge is antisexist. In practice, Mr. Haenfler says, it is "still fairly exclusive and male dominated."

Women who attend Straight Edge shows are sometimes dismissed as "coat racks," meaning they are there to hold their boyfriends’ coats while the men mosh. Look at photographs from Straight Edge shows, and you will see men with their mouths open, mid-yell, fists in the air. You will very likely search in vain for a woman’s face peeking out from the throng.

In perhaps the most compelling chapter of his book, Mr. Haenfler talks to women who have managed to break into this "exclusive and male-dominated" scene. One college woman wrote that because of Straight Edge she wasn’t "hooking up with 10 guys in week." The movement made her feel "really, really on top of my life."

Even so, Mr. Haenfler says, Straight Edge is rarely a "welcoming place for women." Mr. Wood quotes a woman who said she felt "invisible" at shows and another who felt that she "didn’t count" in the movement because of her gender. Likewise, homophobia has been a problem in Straight Edge at times, even though there is a pro-gay faction dubbed Queer Edge.

True ’til Death

Straight Edge lyrics read like mini-essays. One example from Mr. Haenfler’s book: "Drinking doesn’t make you a man/Not me, I know what’s smart/In touch, I’ll always be alert." Straight Edge bands go by wholesome-sounding names like "Good Clean Fun," "Integrity," and "One Life Crew."

It can all be a touch earnest and didactic. Perhaps as a result, many teenagers who embrace the scene in high school later drift away. They find that Straight Edge is not "true ’til death" as members frequently proclaim, but useful and disposable. Those who leave the scene — either by renouncing it or giving in to temptation — are branded "sellouts." Some believe that once you leave, you can never be Straight Edge again, that there is no redemption.

Straight Edgers argue about whether caffeine is forbidden. Mr. Wood, an associate professor of sociology at the University of Lethbridge, in Alberta, interviewed a Straight Edger who gave up caffeine because he thought it fell into the same category as other drugs.

Straight Edge is best-known, if it’s known at all, for a few acts of violence committed by Straight Edgers. Just this year, in Utah, several beatings, shootings, and a murder have been linked to Straight Edge. A handful of militant vegan Straight Edgers have been associated with the Animal Liberation Front, which the U.S. government considers a terrorist organization. Peter Young, a Straight Edger and animal-rights activist, is serving prison time for sneaking onto mink farms and freeing animals from their cages. In a recent interview, he credited Straight Edge with giving him the courage to carry out his clandestine mission to save the mink.

I got the info from this site -
Alex DeLarge.
Motor Baby
Alex DeLarge.
Age: 36
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Posts: 779
December 13th, 2006 at 08:43am
As I've said before, and will say again, I respect straight-edge people.

It takes tremedous will power to resist things like drugs that look so appealing when everyone you know is feeling so "good" because of them.

I fell into that a few years ago, and I can tell you, it didn't turn out very well.

Today, though, things are better. I wouldn't call myself straight-edge, seeing as how I smoke like crazy and still drink occaisionally, but as for the drugs? Nah.

My point is, I respect straight-edgers, and they're an inspiration to anyone who was in my situation.

I think it's ridiculous that they get cast aside as (I know, no profanity in the discussion board) "pussies", or people automatically assume that they're "goody-goodies". They just have better will power and self-control than others.

That's my opinion.
snow at christmas.
Crash Queen
snow at christmas.
Age: 38
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Posts: 31690
December 13th, 2006 at 06:46pm
I think that Straight Edge is a good idea, but there are people who take it way too far.
It started out being less extreme than it is these days, more a healthy lifestyle, not as absolutely no alcohol etc.
And if you take it to the extreme, it's so much easier to break edge. And then, you're more likely to just give up and not be edge at all.
I think it's nice that it's a trend though, since even if people do it for bad reasons, it's still good that they do it, and maybe later on they'll realize why it's a good idea. And it gives people support who would have been alone and therefore much more likely to give in to drugs, alcohol, etc.
Yeah. I guess I'm straight edge according to the original definition. I do drink some alcohol, but it's with my parents, and I don't plan on drinking more than enough to just taste it. I like the stuff fairly well as a taste, but I'm not too keen on how it messes with your brain. And since my dad's side of the family tends to have a drinking problem anyway, and my grandfather died because of it, well, yeah.
And as to drugs and promiscuous sex, don't want it at all. So yup.
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 36
December 13th, 2006 at 10:07pm
I think that it's right for some people, but for others not so right. We need a variety of people for our culture to stay diverse and to continue. If that life style promotes celibacy, then there would be no preproduction. As for the other things; rec. drug use, no caff. and other things, it just depends on how you want to live your life; with or without addictions. basically all those things are resisting against addiction, but some addiction is good.
snow at christmas.
Crash Queen
snow at christmas.
Age: 38
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Posts: 31690
December 13th, 2006 at 10:42pm
I think that it's right for some people, but for others not so right. We need a variety of people for our culture to stay diverse and to continue. If that life style promotes celibacy, then there would be no preproduction. As for the other things; rec. drug use, no caff. and other things, it just depends on how you want to live your life; with or without addictions. basically all those things are resisting against addiction, but some addiction is good.
It's not promoting celibacy.
It's just against promiscuous sex.
I can't tell whether you got that or not, sorry if I read it wrong and you already knew that.
Age: 35
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Posts: 39
December 14th, 2006 at 09:52am
im all for it! if you look at it, your really helping your body a whole lot by cutting out all the unnessicary chemical and substances
Jeffree Star
Motor Baby
Jeffree Star
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December 14th, 2006 at 12:06pm
I think its just fine, because who am I to judge. I'm a vegertarion and I respect your choice.
stannis baratheon.
Salute You in Your Grave
stannis baratheon.
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December 14th, 2006 at 02:20pm
For some people, straight edge would probably work quite well.
But for others, the temptation would be too much, I think.
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 55
December 14th, 2006 at 08:12pm
I am straight edge, but I just don't drink, smoke do drugs, and have promiscious sex. I think it's a good lifestyle to go by, but who am I to judge. It's your life you can choose what you do. I do agree though, that the world would be a much better place if more people were straight edge.
Fabulous Killjoy
Age: 35
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Posts: 133
December 15th, 2006 at 04:33pm
Does Gerard consider himself Straight Edge since he doesnt do drugs or alcohol? But he smokes? Can some straight edgers smoke? I do occasionally but i still consider myself Straight edge.