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Gerard, Ray, Mikey, Frank and Bob, you have to read this

Age: 34
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Posts: 9
August 27th, 2007 at 01:54am
OMG i think its so nice the fact that everyone here cares so much about the band. Yea I agree that everyone should stop obsessing over the bands personal lives and just let them be who they are. and all those sad people who fabricate stories just to tarnish their reputation, well it WONT work so dont bother wasting your fucking time!
love all ye guys!!!!!!!! (omg im new btw still getting used to this whole thing!)
Salute You in Your Grave
Age: 32
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Posts: 2065
August 27th, 2007 at 02:35am
Guys if you're reading this,

i still believe.
Awake and Unafraid
Age: 36
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Posts: 12135
August 27th, 2007 at 02:48am
sersiously i hate people who sign up for INO just to rant gerard or the band. very pathetic
if your a fan keep the faith dont let something stupid or small get in the way of that

Always Born a Crime
Age: 43
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Posts: 5099
August 27th, 2007 at 03:58am
Always Born a Crime
Age: 43
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Posts: 5099
August 27th, 2007 at 05:29am
bumpty dumpty
Thinking Happy Thoughts
Age: 45
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Posts: 407
August 27th, 2007 at 07:20am
Dear MCR,

To put it in a nutshell, I love your songs. The only way I will stop being a fan is if you became a crappy band who puts out crappy songs. Or if there is undeniable evidence that you kick puppies for fun. Obviously, I don't think you're guilty of either.
I understand that you're doing the best that you can to navigate the crazy world that you're in - and life, in general - learning through trial and error, attempting to make the right decisions, succeeding sometimes and failing at other times, just like everyone else.
Although you don't need it, consider this as my blessing for you all to live your lives the way you want to. Just don't forget who you are. Whatever twists and turns this particular adventure may take, don't let them get you.

P.S. In a previous PLOTB thread, a few others and I discussed using Lycia's giant dog as a boat to cross the river and find Mikey. PLEASE know that we were NEVER serious about that plan.
Really Not Okay
Age: 35
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Posts: 732
August 27th, 2007 at 01:05pm
deb my dear, you pwn.

i agree with your posts (duh) 100%

im sick of all the bs that people make up just to have some drama. people talk shit without even realising what theyre saying.
people have got no right to talk about gerard the way some people have, because the guy cant even defend himself.

if they do read this, im still a true fan to the core, no matter what stupid people with too much time on their hands say.

Stewie G. Griffin
Motor Baby
Stewie G. Griffin
Age: 40
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Posts: 865
August 27th, 2007 at 01:17pm
Alls I will say is this,

My Chemical Romance,

You are a group that I have loved and respected for nearly 4 years. In that time, I have been through a rollercoaster of emotions and used your music, along with music from other bands, to help me through good and bad.

But throughout the massive success that is The Black Parade, everything became larger then life. In some ways it became larger than all of you. And some of you found it easier to cope then others.

During this time, admittedly, I did become a tad obsessive with the goings on in your personal lives; I defended you, got angry with you and people around you, I worried about you, made up some dumb theories, looked at your problems and tried to find logical solutions, but never-the-less, I always loved your music.

In that, people started talking smack, questioning their love for your band and abandoning you because some of your views, your image and perhaps your perceptions of life had changed. Most would say, that they had changed for the worst.

You are now living in the glare of media spotlight and to be completely honest, its not becoming. Especially of you, Gerard.

I read untold stories about how all of you, barr Frank, were no longer happy at meet and greets, how distant you are with fans and so on, and that does not sit well with me. Luckily, for every bad MCR story, there were 5 good ones. You claim to love us but we appear to be more a hindrance then a help, if that makes any sense.

Now I have a life of my own and now I dont really give a flying fuck anymore. I still dont agree with some of the things you do, the messages you put out there, the way you carry yourselves and who you choose to associate yourselves with, but I still stand by the fact that I love your music.

Im over it, and to be honest, I think you should take a break and be normal. And everyone on these thread should become a little less obsessive and stop reading into things which arent really there.

Stop looking for problems because thats when you'll find them. Stop with the double standards and let the guys live their lives. Step away from the boards, and go have a life of your own; stop investing yourself in something that you have no great hold over.

Yeah yeah yeah, you can call me a hypocrite because Ive done these things too, but then am I not the perfect candidate to say these things? Exactly, so kiss my ass, lol.

Trust me though, you'll feel better for it.

And with that, Im done.
Always Born a Crime
Age: 43
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Posts: 5099
August 27th, 2007 at 03:29pm
Thank you my WMSC lovelies. And congrats to Nat for um...getting a life LOL

G, it would be nice to see your (and Ray's and Bob's) smiling faces at meet and greets a bit more often, I agree with Nat on that one. I do understand what began freaking you guys out though (it's our behavior) and I don't blame you for feeling like distancing yourselves (if I found someone standing outside my mom's home or place of business, staring at her, I'd be fucking wigged out too.)

I also understand how difficult it must be to decipher now who wants to be around you guys for a lick of spotlight or simply for yourselves. I say, if the person wasn't in your life before, be wary. No one should act starstruck in the presence of someone they claim as a friend. Just don't get caught up - stay true to yourselves in spite of it all. That's the best weapon you've got.
Fabulous Killjoy
Age: 45
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Posts: 149
August 27th, 2007 at 03:34pm


now i say sorry to those that hate cap's but i had to say that at the top of my keyboard lung's lol..

to the boy's

i would like to say thank's and hug's for you guy's bringing music back into my life.
i would like to say thank you for giving me the strength for letting me be myself again with out having to worry about what people would say about me living in band shirt's or or just wearing anything that's black nail's, eyeliner,hair, shoes not that i do 24/7 but 95% of the time.
and i would love to say thank you for just being you guy's no matter what , how when , who, where, or going to do i support you whole heartedly to hell and back which we as in a few friend's and i have already done...
and thank you for helping me over come some fear's in my life in some way's you guy's have done more than you know.
thank you for letting me find my true bestie if it wern't for you guy's i wouldn't have met this mighty smart friend of mine ...coughdeb..Wink.
and last but not least you helped me become closer to my daughter as we both are devoted to you guy's we now are like sister's aswell as mother and daughter..
love alway's and ever cat .
Always Born a Crime
Age: 43
Gender: Female
Posts: 5099
August 27th, 2007 at 04:05pm
Fabulous Killjoy
Age: 45
Gender: Female
Posts: 149
August 27th, 2007 at 04:08pm
Joining The Black Parade
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August 27th, 2007 at 04:14pm

The majority of us DO get the message you meant to send, and have more respect for you all then to force our way into your personal lives.

I must disagree with something here. Aaaaactually, lately it's Gerard who is forcing his personal life onto us, and purposely. And the only "message" he's been sending out on stage for most of this tour is "OH HAI GUYS I'M GETTING LAID!!111111" He's turned MCR concerts into the "Gerard Way Lyn-Z Show."

I feel worse than I did about this even before, because now I'm pretty sure that something else is up with Gerard lately and it's not "OMGz TWU LUV 4EVA!!!1" either.
Always Born a Crime
Age: 43
Gender: Female
Posts: 5099
August 27th, 2007 at 04:26pm
Disgusted, thank you for your post, of course your opinion is respected - everyone's is. However, this thread in particular was intended ONLY to show support for the guys, should they ever pop in here to read up.

Are you SURE that what you've posted there is the only impression you'd like to leave on them? And are you equally sure that Gerard's entire message, just because he's admitted to being in a relationship again and ended up with a hickey or two is "Hey guys I'm getting laid?" I mean, he's a 30 year old man with a younger fanbase. I'm not sure what he'd get out of all that.

Everyone keeps saying something is up with Gerard lately. If it's not just happiness at finding love and enjoying the tour like he says, then what, you guys? You're not listening to that Love Man still, are you? Because that person wants nothing more than to cause this sort of dischord between My Chem and their fans, yet has never explained why. I suspect personal bitterness, and nothing more, is the motive there. You might want to consider that before you swallow up everything LM says as gospel.
Motor Baby
Age: -
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August 27th, 2007 at 04:44pm
And are you equally sure that Gerard's entire message, just because he's admitted to being in a relationship again and ended up with a hickey or two is "Hey guys I'm getting laid?" I mean, he's a 30 year old man with a younger fanbase. I'm not sure what he'd get out of all that.

Um, this probably isn't the thread for this, but can someone clear something up for me (having not been at the recent concerts). Does Gerard ever do the whole "talk to someone about your problems..." speeches he usually does at concerts, or is it basically all this "I'm so in love" stuff? I'm just asking because people always comment on the lovey dovey stuff and people don't say how Gerard said such and such a thing that was inspirational/comforting or whatever anymore. I just wanted to know if its just because the fans are more interested about his personal life so are talking about the love stuff instead, or if he's stopped saying the "talk to someone" kind of things altogether.

Ta v.much.
Joining The Black Parade
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August 27th, 2007 at 04:59pm
Double post, ignore
Joining The Black Parade
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August 27th, 2007 at 05:00pm
Disgusted, thank you for your post, of course your opinion is respected - everyone's is. However, this thread in particular was intended ONLY to show support for the guys, should they ever pop in here to read up.

Thank you for being civil and I appreciate your sentiment. Allow me a moment to explain that in my own fashion, I'm trying to do the same thing you all are.

Guys, something is up and it's not "peaches and cream blush of first true love what a great summer" stuff. I feel it in my bones, if you can understand that. But more than that, people who are close to the band know it, too. I'm not (just) talking about Love Man (who HAS A CLUE whether you want to get that or not) but others as well. And I'm not just talking about fan experiences.... like the girl I spoke to who saw an MCR bus with vodka and gin bottles plain as day in the window and it ended up being Gerard's bus. Because that's speculation too, shit maybe someone left them in there and they weren't his. Could be. I'm not convinced that Gerard is drinking or drugging again. I hope not, I don't know though. But there are other people who are on the road with them, even one who has known Gerard for a while and it's obvious to them that something else is going on.

Enabling someone going through some weird shit doesn't actually help. The guy falls over on stage vomiting and people cheer for him. How the hell does that give a kid like Gerard any kind of perspective? I'm not saying he's stupid, but ten thousand voices is enough to overwhelm anyone's reason. Again, I am NOT saying he was drunk or fucked up. It could have been the heat like everyone said it was. Then TAKE YOUR GODDAMN JACKET OFF. As he told one fan after the show, he wouldn't remove his jacket because he "had to look good." How GOOD do you look puking onstage? How GOOD do you look mid-freak out, throwing your guitarist around like a rag doll and then throwing random shit at him? A little perspective is a good thing. People creaming their jeans over every ridiculous, needy, desperate, angry, please-notice-that-something-is-up thing he does, does not make for good perspective.

When was the last time anyone at a concert heard Gerard give one of his "hang in there" speeches? Yeah, quite a while, I think. Do the math.


And are you equally sure that Gerard's entire message, just because he's admitted to being in a relationship again and ended up with a hickey or two is "Hey guys I'm getting laid?"

No, I actually think there is much more to it than that, but the "much more" part doesn't seem good, either.


Everyone keeps saying something is up with Gerard lately. If it's not just happiness at finding love and enjoying the tour like he says, then what, you guys?

I have no idea, I just know that it leaves me with a knot in my stomach and I don't like it one single bit. I've seen this behavior before, from a distance and up close and I don't like where it leads.

I'm angry because even though I'm disgusted by his stupid frat-boy behavior lately, I actually care what happens. I do not want to hear about Gerard's stupid ass being discovered in his garage by an electrician, can you all at least understand that?
Age: -
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August 27th, 2007 at 05:11pm
I'm so sorry Deb.

This thread is not for discussion on their problems or opinions on what might or might not be happening in their private lives.

This thread is to show support for the band and give them our love.

Please take other comments somewhere else becasue otherwise it is spam.

Always Born a Crime
Age: 43
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Posts: 5099
August 27th, 2007 at 05:23pm
Okay well here you guys:

If we're concerned for Gerard then let's be concerned for Gerard. Attacking him is certainly not going to help things. It's true he says less onstage than he used to, but he's explained that already: He put what he wanted to say into the songs so he wouldn't feel like he was lecturing people up there.

I have a pretty good idea who some of the "people who are close to the band" you are referring to could be, and not all of them are simply concerned about Gerard, if you get my drift. I'm not sure how much of a clue Love Man has either - sounds like a boatload of speculation combined with ill will to me, but be that as it may...

Yes, I agree, G needs to stop being stubborn about his body image before he passes out up there LOL The whole thing between him and Frank we'll never understand. Some people who attended that show say it wasn't even the way it appeared on video, and still others say that they have made up quite nicely. I've admitted that that shoving match made me a bit nervous, but until one of them decides to discuss it, we'll never know what it really was and it must remain between them.

Vodka bottles? Well this is the first I hear of this so is someone just looking to start trouble? I'm still not even sure I buy that they all have separate buses; that's ALOT of money Dudes.

Yeah thanks for that Liv. I figured this'd probably happen eventually, sadly enough.

My Chem, Dudes, hang in there! We love you! This storm too shall pass.
kid from yesterday.
Bleeding on the Floor
kid from yesterday.
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Posts: 1265
August 27th, 2007 at 05:26pm
*sigh* We can't escape huh. =\

Gerard, Frank, Mikey, Bob, Ray - if you're reading this (slim chance to none, but a girl can dream) - I apologize on behalf of the fandom for the stupid rumors, silly speculations and hurtful comments that people make up (although I've taken no part in it, but y'know). I'm sorry if you ever feel you can't trust your fans, although 99% of this thread proves that you can. And we still love you no matter what happens, despite what other people say about your supposed personal lives and assumed personalities.

Oh, yes, and thank you. For being a few of the best dudes in the world. <3