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Illegal Immigration

Go fuck yourself
Devil's Got Your Number
Go fuck yourself
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 37823
October 18th, 2007 at 02:32am
Then they shouldn't even dream of coming here. I wouldn't ever have the gall to move to a non English speaking country not knowing or bothering to learn the language..I mean unless America was going to be bombed or something.

but they want a better life, if you were living over there in a little hut with no actually clean water wouldn't you wnt to come over here, where you can live in an actual house, clean water, there's money and have a job, why should not being able to speak another language stand in the way of that?
Bleeding on the Floor
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 1067
October 18th, 2007 at 02:41am
Oh you know, because no one can understand you. Now America has all of these stupid laws passing where Spanish is pretty much manditory. Texas requires all teachers their school hires to speak it fluently, and they will fire you if you don't.
Im never going to use Spanish.
And im sorry, but im not going to learn so some Mexican who shouldn't even be here can communicate with me when THEY could always take English lessons.
Most of my hispanic friend's parents can't even speak English. Many of them totally refuse. It's stupid. They are coming into our country, it's not the other way around.

But then again, I don't like the idea of immigrents anyway, so why should language be a problem for them? It shouldn't, because as far as Im concerned, they arn't doing anything good for America in the first place and should all be sent back unless they have the right papers.

Harsh, but im tired of this whole amnesty game we are playing. No one thinks of the masses anymore. They feel sorry for a few people who have committed felonies instead of thinking about those felons longterm effects on America and Mexico.
Go fuck yourself
Devil's Got Your Number
Go fuck yourself
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 37823
October 18th, 2007 at 02:46am
Oh you know, because no one can understand you. Now America has all of these stupid laws passing where Spanish is pretty much manditory. Texas requires all teachers their school hires to speak it fluently, and they will fire you if you don't.
Im never going to use Spanish.
And im sorry, but im not going to learn so some Mexican who shouldn't even be here can communicate with me when THEY could always take English lessons.
Most of my hispanic friend's parents can't even speak English. Many of them totally refuse. It's stupid. They are coming into our country, it's not the other way around.

But then again, I don't like the idea of immigrents anyway, so why should language be a problem for them? It shouldn't, because as far as Im concerned, they arn't doing anything good for America in the first place and should all be sent back unless they have the right papers.

Harsh, but im tired of this whole amnesty game we are playing. No one thinks of the masses anymore. They feel sorry for a few people who have committed felonies instead of thinking about those felons longterm effects on America and Mexico.

true i agree with you on some parts, it's our country, not thiers, yet we have written in the constition that this country is free and has freedom of speech, so in every way they have no real reason to learn english, i know it's stupid, but you don't want to learn spanish, why should they have to speak english? but if you ever see the area i live in, you can really see the immigrations impact, it's pretty dirty, not always safe, but people have freedom and can geta job.
snow at christmas.
Crash Queen
snow at christmas.
Age: 38
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Posts: 31690
October 18th, 2007 at 02:47am
Oh you know, because no one can understand you. Now America has all of these stupid laws passing where Spanish is pretty much manditory. Texas requires all teachers their school hires to speak it fluently, and they will fire you if you don't.
Im never going to use Spanish.
And im sorry, but im not going to learn so some Mexican who shouldn't even be here can communicate with me when THEY could always take English lessons.
Most of my hispanic friend's parents can't even speak English. Many of them totally refuse. It's stupid. They are coming into our country, it's not the other way around.

But then again, I don't like the idea of immigrents anyway, so why should language be a problem for them? It shouldn't, because as far as Im concerned, they arn't doing anything good for America in the first place and should all be sent back unless they have the right papers.

Harsh, but im tired of this whole amnesty game we are playing. No one thinks of the masses anymore. They feel sorry for a few people who have committed felonies instead of thinking about those felons longterm effects on America and Mexico.
A lot of people CAN'T take English lessons, though. Lessons cost money, and they cost time, which indirectly costs more money. Many of these people are working extremely long shifts in order to get enough money to live, and lessons are out of the question.

And is Donald Trump doing anything good here?
Or whoever runs Coca Cola or the man in the next town over who abuses his wife and kids?
Why do we mean more than these people do simply because of some made up lines on a map? Most of these people work harder than many of us ever will, yet we consider them unworthy simply because they weren't born here.

And how will this hurt America? We're already a "melting pot" of cultures, why not add more? It wouldn't hurt us to become bilingual (but that's a total extreme, anyway), and a variation of culture isn't a bad thing, it's just different.
Bleeding on the Floor
Age: 45
Gender: Female
Posts: 1831
October 18th, 2007 at 02:51am
In Florida we have free English classes for speakers of other languages. Not very many people take advantage of them, however.
Bleeding on the Floor
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 1067
October 18th, 2007 at 03:10am
If they can't afford to communicate with the rest of the community, what good is it being here?

Donald Trump, and other rich assholes keep the economy going. Those people don't. True, there are people that do much more damage, but they were also born and raised in the US, and there really arn't a whole lot of legal situations where we can throw them out, though I wouldn't be against the idea in the least.

I don't deny that these people are hard working, but a stupid map means a whole lot when it comes to out econamic stability and population factors, and the two of them together are a hellfire. I don't think these people will hurt America because they are of a minority race or come from another place, but I lookat it from those two factors: both of which immigrants (illegals moreso) bruise us by.
That sums it up better then me.
Always Born a Crime
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Posts: 5614
October 18th, 2007 at 11:06am

but they want a better life, if you were living over there in a little hut with no actually clean water wouldn't you wnt to come over here, where you can live in an actual house, clean water, there's money and have a job, why should not being able to speak another language stand in the way of that?

The reason why not speaking the language stands in the way is mainly due to the fact that to get a home, to get a job, to integrate yourself into a community in your chosen country, you need to speak at least some of the language. How are you going integrate yourself? The fact remains that if you can't speak the native language, then you're not going to be able to communicate very well, are you?

I know that illegal immagrants / asylum seekers don't have to resources back home to learn English etc., but when they get here they can't just expect to get a free ticket into that country. That's not how it works. I know that where I come from very few visas are given out to illegal immagrants / asylum seekers on compassionate grounds [i.e fleeing a war torn country] these days. Visas are mainly given to migrants who come here legally, and have qualifications to work, or those who want to study. Most nation states at the moment aren't interested in taking myriads of illegal immagrants and asylum seekers into the country.
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Posts: 38
October 18th, 2007 at 07:08pm
this is a very serious topic for me. im datin a mexican that is the best person anyone would ever know! he knows people (not in his family) that are illegal. i see it the same way he does! everyone deserves a chance to make theirs and their families lives better. most mexicans come up and stay here illegally to experience our country to earn money, and to figure out if they want to live here and become legal. we should not hate them for coming to our country but should be honored that they want to be here. there is nothing wrong with them. they are just ppl! and so is everyone one of us americans. i welcome all of them with open arms and you should too.

this one is for you carlos! <3
dom howard.
dom howard.
Age: 46
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Posts: 46925
October 19th, 2007 at 07:03pm
In the UK immigration is a big problem. Ever since Eastern European countries have joined the EU, like Poland, they've been coming over here in swarms. There's probably more Poles over here than there are back in Poland Rolling Eyes I don't like it when they take out houses & benefits & don't get jobs, but if they are willing to get jobs & do the jobs we don't want to do, I have no problem with them.
sweet disposition.
sweet disposition.
Age: 31
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Posts: 48272
October 19th, 2007 at 08:18pm
^^ Yeah, I'm in the UK too, and the town I'm in is now 40% immigrants.
I think if you're gonna come over here, you'd better act like every other person here should.
Earn your own money, and live your own life.

Not just to use it as a comfort zone.
dom howard.
dom howard.
Age: 46
Gender: Female
Posts: 46925
October 19th, 2007 at 10:31pm
Did you hear that drink driving has gone up in the UK, thanks to immigrants? We need to kick them out if they are doing more harm than good.
sweet disposition.
sweet disposition.
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 48272
October 23rd, 2007 at 04:46pm
I hardly believe the problem of drink driving is due to immigrants.
fire at will.
Damned After All
fire at will.
Age: 35
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Posts: 105653
November 17th, 2007 at 02:01am
I used to agree with the government and how they view immigration. I used to think that people should have papers to come into the US legally. Not by just crossing the river.

That is, until I saw what it does to families. Children who are born here are always losing their parents because of the deportations. Yes, it's still bad that people come here illegally. But they usually take the jobs no other person would want. In the US, how are a majority of the buildings we see built? How do our roads get built? Or how does your food get cooked in fast food restaurants?
A majority of those people are usually illegal immigrants who take people's identity and use it as their own (which I know is wrong). But their only doing it to help their family survive.
I went to Mexico this past summer and saw how horrible it sometimes can be. There are hardly any jobs, and if it is, they're family owned/operated businesses. It's not like here where someone can just go up to a store and ask for a job. There are farmers who from from sunup to sundown planting and harvesting just to make ends meet.
And sometimes that isn't enough. Being in the US offers a bit more than their native country does. Sure, they have to go around the legal system but they're doing it for their families.
And if people think that they don't pay taxes, they do. If they take someone else's identity, they're still paying taxes. Since it automatically gets taken out of their paychecks.
In the end, a lot of them go through the legal process to get their citizenship. But there is a catch, the citizenship test. They usually have questions that even a US born citizen doesn't even know. That is one of the unfair aspects of the legalization process.
Thinking Happy Thoughts
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 456
November 17th, 2007 at 02:08am
Thats true ^^ Though I'm not sure about the questions they ask them, since they change them alot...How many questions are they btw?
Always Born a Crime
Age: 30
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Posts: 5372
April 9th, 2008 at 09:42pm
I have no problem with immigration at all. If people want to come and live in America, that's fine. I can see many reasons why you would want to.

But seriously, they need to register. You can live in America while you are registered but not yet a citizen. And if you plan on coming over here, you need to learn the language (English is the most spoken language, it honestly can't be that hard to get lessons), and you need to save up some money first. People rarely come to America with nothing and start out on the streets.

And I mean, it's illegal. Against the law. Point blank, you know? Illegal immigration is breaking the law, just like stealing or breaking into people's houses. And excuse for doing either of those two can be that you are poor or something, but that doesn't mean you can get off without chrages.
There are no exceptions. If you want to come to America, do it the right way.
Salute You in Your Grave
Age: 33
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Posts: 3503
April 9th, 2008 at 10:55pm
i understand that some people cant afford lessons.
but still, if your going into another country, you should try and learn that language.
i go to shops all the time (like, the smallish ones in westfield and such) and so many of the people cannot speak english. and its so frustrating.
and yer, illegal immigration... illegal. yer... lol
Fabulous Killjoy
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Posts: 113
April 9th, 2008 at 11:27pm
I'm all for immigration. My mom is a first generation American. If someone wants to come into this country in search of a better life, then more power to them. However, I do believe that immigrants should come here legally and that they should learn English.

Part of the reason why I think immigrants should come here legally is that many employers in the United States will find any way to take advantage of their employees. People here often argue that illegal immigrants take jobs away from U.S. citizens. While this may be true in some cases, in many other cases, illegal immigrants take jobs that no one else wants for wages far below what is required by law. If people got here legally, it would be much harder for employers to exploit their workers in this way. I suggest reading "Fast Food Nation." Smile

In terms of the English Grandfather came here from Quebec. He and his family didn't know any English, but they learned while still maintaining their own cultural identity. While it is true that the U.S. doesn't have an official language, learning English just makes it easier for immigrants to assimilate and contribute to the society.
Jazz Hands
Age: 33
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Posts: 303
April 10th, 2008 at 09:26am
That sums it up better then me.

All I've got from that report is that people getting benefits pay less tax. I doubt it matters if they're natives or not, if you're not earning much, you can't pay much. That the poor are given more money through welfare than they pay in taxes is true of any welfare state.
Jazz Hands
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 283
August 22nd, 2008 at 01:13am
In 2003 undocumented workers in the USA
sent home over 30 billion dollars.

These remittances are vital for the
economy of their home countries.

In Nicaragua remittances represent
25% of the GNP.

In Honduras remittances are the major
Source of foreign income surpassing
That of coffee and bananas.

In El Salvador remittances became
so important for the economy that
the currency “Colon” was officially
replaced by the dollar in 2001.

In Guatemala 36% of the population
Depends on remittances
for their basic sustenance.

In Mexico remittances are
The second largest of
foreign income only after oil.

In the USA undocumented workers paid over
15 billion dollars into Social Security in 2003
and will never collect the benefits from it.

Taken from the documentary

"WetBack The Undocumented Documentary"
Bulletproof Heart
Age: 31
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Posts: 25232
August 22nd, 2008 at 01:09pm
I think that ther are good and bad.

People near where I'm staying at the momnet complain about the Polish immigrants, saying that they are taking all the jobs, but those jobs are only avaliable because the 'locals' don't want them. Where I am, most of the immigrants are really hard workers, and they do a good job. The illegal immigrants often work with their families, and do the same high standard of work.

Whilst illegal immigrants don't pay tax, they often provide services that people want, and fill jobs that people don't want.

Some do bring drugs, and violence with them, but there is always going to be that, no matter whether a person came into the country legally, illegally, or they already lived there. Yes, they might make gangs according to where they are from, but if they aren't supposed to be in the country, then they are likely to not want to get in trouble with the police.