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Salute You in Your Grave
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 4150
April 7th, 2007 at 05:15pm
Roxx my Soxx:
All I was doing was making a statement. No need to call me out of my name, assuming I'm a "narrow-minded uneducated person". I am, in fact, the complete opposite. But I'm not here to focus on your uncalled for attacks at my education...

You are a racist. I don't care how many ways you look at it or how many ways you try to phrase you sick thoughts. You obviously have a deeply rooted hatred for Muslims and you try to cover it up with generalizations and insuficent evidence. Sorry to bust you bubble, but I see right through you and you closet-racist comments.

I can pretty much sum up your story in a paragraph.

What? Did you miss out on a scholarship because a Muslim who was smarter and/or more talented got it? Or did you get picked on by one in high school, therefore causing you to hate every last one of them? Or did you not get a job because one was far more qualified than yourself. Or do you see them living better than you, making more money?

These are all causes for why some whites hate blacks and I'm sure that they apply to you as well. It's a small word called envy. The same reason why blacks say "They won't hire me 'cause I'm black". When in reality they are just not qualified. Or the same reason why "white Aussies" say "Damn Muslim stole my scholarship". No. That's not the case. You just weren't smart enough. Get over it, you should've studied more. You are blaming all of your problems on these Muslims who have done nothing to you. All you are doing is trying to find a scapegoat for your people, just like every other racist. There is a pattern to you people, believe it or not. You. Are. Just. Jealous.

As for the whole NAACP wanting an apology for slavery...

Yes. That is going a little over the edge. It did happen over 200 years ago but having whites complain about how it was so long ago is just stupid. Tell the Jewish to get over the Holocaust by the GERMANS, why don't you. Tell the Native Americans to get over the mass extermination with war and disease of there people by the WHITE settlers. No. We WILL NOT "get over it". If you don't know your history, it's bound to repeat itself. (I've said this before in a previous post...)

What I have never seemed to understand is why white people (some, not all) feel the need to "civilize" everyone. If the Africans want to kill themselves by AIDS and civil war than so be it. If the Myans and Aztecs wanted to sacrafice their own people, then they should've been allowed to do so. If the Iraqi people want to suicide bomb each other than let 'em do it. White people are not the cure to everything. If anything, they make things worst by intervening. Their intentions are not and have never been "good". They have been just as destructive as the "inferior" people they were trying to "civilize".

Tell me why the Africans cities flourished with gold and advanced education before the whites came in and turned everything upside down with Imperalism. They stole the land, killed the men, raped the women, and took the children. Tell me how in any way, size, shape, or form is that "civilized"? It's not. If anything, it's more savage and barbaric than the Africans were believed to be.

wow, ok i think this whole quote in green might be going against the rules but i dont really know.
first of all the person at the top of this was only giving examples of a certain race . the person was saying how yea, some immigrants are getting away with far too much and are just sticking with their customs and thats ok. but its only ok to a certain point. yes, stick to your customs and ways of life, but if you move into a new country then of course you should have some of their customs too and they shouldnt alienate themselves totally from their new country. obviously they moved for a reason and you have to make the best with what you have. and its not ok to move somewhere new and bash their ideas and customs, other wise people will start to not like you and probably want you out of their country.

and the person was also talking about how nowadays that people are afraid to speak up in the face of unjustice because they are afraid of being called racist.
i thought this was america and we had freedom of speech. apparently we dont because even speaking up for yourself is wrong. and yea its not ok to be racist and call everyone bad names but if you want to do that, and i dont see why you would, you still should have the right to do that.

and its ok to defend your reasons. but u NEED TO HAVE A VALID POINT! you cant just make up something about scholarships or jobs. anyone can do that and it makes no sense at all!

and it makes no sense what you put about Africans killing themselves with AIDS. you obviously have no understanding of what is going on over there. Many people, not just whites are going over there to try and help the people , not civilize them. and africans are not killing themselves with AIDs. many of them get AIDS because they dont know how to protect themselves. People are going over to africa to help educate them and show them how to protect themselves and prevent AIDS . we arent trying to "civilize" them. because some people in africa believe that to get rid of AIDs that all you need to do is have sex with a baby. which is wrong. so thats why we are trying to educate them in AIDS , because without it, more people would have it. People, and not just whites, are trying to help because we dont want it to spread and we dont want people dying when it could be prevented.

as for the suicide bombings, we shouldnt just let them bomb each other because they are just hurting innocent people.

and yea back in the old days white people did try to civilze alot of people. but so did the greeks, the romans, and many other cultures. but now there is an obvious effort to get along with each other and leave each other alone. you dont see white people nowadays going to africa or asia or where ever trying to 'civilize' people like they use to. we have grown as race.

and yea white people did in fact hurt the people they tried to civilize. but there were wars going on with the aztecs mayas and incas before the white people came and it was just as brutal.

next time you try to say someone is racist, actually have a vaild point. and try to put yourself in their shoes. it changes you as a person. it did for me. and no, im not racist, im just pointing how vaild facts about everything concernign what you said.
Roxx my Soxx
Bleeding on the Floor
Roxx my Soxx
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 1390
April 7th, 2007 at 09:01pm
Tennis Ninja Twins:
wow, ok i think this whole quote in green might be going against the rules but i dont really know.
first of all the person at the top of this was only giving examples of a certain race . the person was saying how yea, some immigrants are getting away with far too much and are just sticking with their customs and thats ok. but its only ok to a certain point. yes, stick to your customs and ways of life, but if you move into a new country then of course you should have some of their customs too and they shouldnt alienate themselves totally from their new country. obviously they moved for a reason and you have to make the best with what you have. and its not ok to move somewhere new and bash their ideas and customs, other wise people will start to not like you and probably want you out of their country.

and the person was also talking about how nowadays that people are afraid to speak up in the face of unjustice because they are afraid of being called racist.
i thought this was america and we had freedom of speech. apparently we dont because even speaking up for yourself is wrong. and yea its not ok to be racist and call everyone bad names but if you want to do that, and i dont see why you would, you still should have the right to do that.

and its ok to defend your reasons. but u NEED TO HAVE A VALID POINT! you cant just make up something about scholarships or jobs. anyone can do that and it makes no sense at all!

and it makes no sense what you put about Africans killing themselves with AIDS. you obviously have no understanding of what is going on over there. Many people, not just whites are going over there to try and help the people , not civilize them. and africans are not killing themselves with AIDs. many of them get AIDS because they dont know how to protect themselves. People are going over to africa to help educate them and show them how to protect themselves and prevent AIDS . we arent trying to "civilize" them. because some people in africa believe that to get rid of AIDs that all you need to do is have sex with a baby. which is wrong. so thats why we are trying to educate them in AIDS , because without it, more people would have it. People, and not just whites, are trying to help because we dont want it to spread and we dont want people dying when it could be prevented.

as for the suicide bombings, we shouldnt just let them bomb each other because they are just hurting innocent people.

and yea back in the old days white people did try to civilze alot of people. but so did the greeks, the romans, and many other cultures. but now there is an obvious effort to get along with each other and leave each other alone. you dont see white people nowadays going to africa or asia or where ever trying to 'civilize' people like they use to. we have grown as race.

and yea white people did in fact hurt the people they tried to civilize. but there were wars going on with the aztecs mayas and incas before the white people came and it was just as brutal.

next time you try to say someone is racist, actually have a vaild point. and try to put yourself in their shoes. it changes you as a person. it did for me. and no, im not racist, im just pointing how vaild facts about everything concernign what you said.

Wow. My posts is in no way going against the rules. Check them if you wish. If anything YOU are breaking the rules by typing in chat language. Kthx.

Secondly, i find it ironic how u tell me to have a "valid" point whin u type leik this.

My point is in every way valid. I didn't make up crap about jobs and scholarships because people really think that and that stuff really happens.

And why is it any of our concern if people are killing themselves? It's not.

Well there's nothing else left to say considering there's not much of your post that I could actually understand...
Thinking Happy Thoughts
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Posts: 492
April 7th, 2007 at 09:44pm
Roxx my Soxx:
Wow. My posts is in no way going against the rules. Check them if you wish. If anything YOU are breaking the rules by typing in chat language. Kthx.

Secondly, i find it ironic how u tell me to have a "valid" point whin u type leik this.

My point is in every way valid. I didn't make up crap about jobs and scholarships because people really think that and that stuff really happens.

And why is it any of our concern if people are killing themselves? It's not.

Well there's nothing else left to say considering there's not much of your post that I could actually understand...[/size][/color]

She was saying that her quoting your whole green post is perhaps breaking the rules, not you posting in green.

Make up crap about jobs and scholarship? Can I contribute a real case then?
I know of a kid who got into Stanford with a 1900 SAT score, and 3.6 GPA, obviously helped by the fact that he was an URM, although I do not what really makes a person URM, but he said he was. And people KNOW you can’t get into Stanford with a 1900 SAT and a 3.6 unless you cured cancer or saved the world. I didn’t get in and I have a much higher score, so did a lot of people I know. How is that fair to people who aren’t URM that have worked their asses off for four years just to be ousted by someone just because they are a certain race? The fact that being a URM is a hook for colleges sometimes irks me. There is some truth that some race has advantage over another because they are a certain race, and in cases like these, most of the time it is the whites that are being discriminated against, because obviously, being white isn’t a hook.

Roxx my Soxx:

And why is it any of our concern if people are killing themselves? It's not.


Let me say that an educated person does not always mean an open-minded person. That was a damn narrow-minded thing to say.

Some people can’t stand back and watch people dying that way. Not everyone has to be an activist and care, but you shouldn’t be stating it’s not anyone’s concern that people are dying like that.

I’ll say it is my concern, not because I think I am oh so supreme and want to help the unfortunate race, but because people should not be killing themselves.

AND, people aren’t killing themselves. Most of the time it’s the power hungry, blood thirsty rebels and governments killing each other and pulling innocent people into the fray. This kind of thing should not happen, and the people caught in between do want help.

Also, ‘GET OVER IT’ does not mean ‘LET’s FORGET IT EVER HAPPENED’! It means letting go and carrying on for the future. Grudges don’t make for a progressive and productive future.

Anyways, a lot of the basic points have already been addressed in the past posts by Manipulator, Cigarettes and Suicide, etc.
Roxx my Soxx
Bleeding on the Floor
Roxx my Soxx
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 1390
April 8th, 2007 at 02:11am
^ Ok. I see where you are coming from. Yes. It is true that sometimes race is, in fact, a factor. I agree that sometimes less qualified people get opportunities that they don't truly deserve simply because of race. But I also believe that a lot of the time people make it out to be that way when it's not. I've heard it come from ALL races too. Believe me. "It's because I'm black", "It's because I'm white", "It's because I'm Mexican." Please. Sometimes that isn't the case and people just want a scapegoat for their failure. What I'm basically trying to say is sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn't. I believe your story though.

As for standing by while people kill each other... this subject I am torn on. Call me narrow-minded, if you will, but I stand firm on my point of view.

Which is... There is no happy medium.

If America goes to help some country in desperate need of economic help then we are blamed for ruining the country more than it already was. For causing more destruction and death.

But no. Let us stand by and we get critized for not stepping in.

Is this not happening in Iraq right now? We went over there initially to help because we were getting crap about how much their country was in shambles and how we need to do something to save them. We go over there and what do we get in return? Attacked for causing too many unnecessary American soldiers and Iraqi civilians deaths.

Pff. Some thanks.

Maybe I'm just bitter. Maybe I'm just damn narrow-minded. But let me tell you. I see myself as black just as much as I see myself as American. I wish NATIONALISM would take the place of RACISM. People need to stop seeing themselves as black or white but as American. People need to stop seeing themselves as "White Aussies" and "Muslim Aussies" but as Austrailians.

And also. I really don't like the idea of letting innocent people die. But, you're right, the government and rebels sometimes are the ones killing their own people.

Plus. Sorry. But, to me, "Get over it" and "Let's forget it ever happened" do have similiar meanings.

Another thing that really saddens me is that this thread used to be against racism. Now... It just seems like it is full of people for it or defending it. (Not necessarily you.) *Sigh*
Salute You in Your Grave
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 4150
April 8th, 2007 at 01:32pm
I'll be the adult in this situation and say that this has to stop.
this will continue to go back and forth, attacking each other. this thread was supposed to be about how racisim should stop instead it developed into something different.
even though i disagree with some of your opinions ^^^^, I'll just let it be because i know that we are all entitled to our opinions. I could go on and on about stuff everyone has said in the last day or two, but i wont because i dont want this to increase into a larger ordeal over who i think is right and who i think is wrong and then have other people stepping in with their opinions and comments.
I'm mature so I feel we should stop this continued attacking and just let each other be. I know i will.
Fabulous Killjoy
Age: 83
Gender: Female
Posts: 119
April 8th, 2007 at 02:01pm
I think its stupid!!! everyone is equal!!!!!!!!!!! Very Happy
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Posts: 8293
April 8th, 2007 at 05:44pm
Roxx my Soxx:
All I was doing was making a statement. No need to call me out of my name, assuming I'm a "narrow-minded uneducated person". I am, in fact, the complete opposite. But I'm not here to focus on your uncalled for attacks at my education...

You are a racist. I don't care how many ways you look at it or how many ways you try to phrase you sick thoughts. You obviously have a deeply rooted hatred for Muslims and you try to cover it up with generalizations and insuficent evidence. Sorry to bust you bubble, but I see right through you and you closet-racist comments.

I can pretty much sum up your story in a paragraph.

What? Did you miss out on a scholarship because a Muslim who was smarter and/or more talented got it? Or did you get picked on by one in high school, therefore causing you to hate every last one of them? Or did you not get a job because one was far more qualified than yourself. Or do you see them living better than you, making more money?

Roxx my Soxx:
Wow. My posts is in no way going against the rules. Check them if you wish. If anything YOU are breaking the rules by typing in chat language. Kthx.

Secondly, i find it ironic how u tell me to have a "valid" point whin u type leik this.

The whole of the first quote is indeed on the line of acceptable conduct in the DB.
Also, calling another person "racist" without good and proper cause,
and believe me, I looked, is a personal insult.
If it continues, I'll report it and have posts I find to be offensive
deleted by the mods.

Second, the person was not typing in chat speak. They typed in normal english.
Another uncalled for blow.

You can think that we are racist all you like, that is what we get for not
bowing subserviently to political correctness and daring to recognize
that racism is a behaviour observed by more than one color of people.

But you can't just run free and diss people because you refuse
to read and understand their posts in the way that they were intended.

This thread is still on thin ice, so if you can't be objective or respect
the opinions of others, please don't post here.
Joining The Black Parade
Age: -
Gender: Female
Posts: 204
April 8th, 2007 at 08:27pm
I think racism is the result of ignorance. But also, it irks me that people will have an All-African-American fraternity, and everyone is like "Good for you!!" But if you have an all-white-fraternity, everyone is like "OMG! RASCISM! RASCISM! CALL THE LAWYER!" It goes both ways and some people don't understand that.
Age: -
Gender: Female
Posts: 46
April 8th, 2007 at 08:41pm
I think racism is the result of ignorance. But also, it irks me that people will have an All-African-American fraternity, and everyone is like "Good for you!!" But if you have an all-white-fraternity, everyone is like "OMG! RASCISM! RASCISM! CALL THE LAWYER!" It goes both ways and some people don't understand that.

That is the result of huge mistakes made by people in history. African Americans never did anything to anyone, but someone decided to take away every human right they had and treat them like crap.I guess people think that since African Americans had to fight for years to get their rights that it's okay for them to have all-black organizations.
Roxx my Soxx
Bleeding on the Floor
Roxx my Soxx
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 1390
April 8th, 2007 at 09:18pm
The whole of the first quote is indeed on the line of acceptable conduct in the DB.
Also, calling another person "racist" without good and proper cause,
and believe me, I looked, is a personal insult.
If it continues, I'll report it and have posts I find to be offensive
deleted by the mods.

Second, the person was not typing in chat speak. They typed in normal english.
Another uncalled for blow.

You can think that we are racist all you like, that is what we get for not
bowing subserviently to political correctness and daring to recognize
that racism is a behaviour observed by more than one color of people.

But you can't just run free and diss people because you refuse
to read and understand their posts in the way that they were intended.

This thread is still on thin ice, so if you can't be objective or respect
the opinions of others, please don't post here.

If you cannot see her obvious racism then you are blind. But yet we are all entitled to our own opinion. You (and everyone else in this thread) agree that she's not a racist but I think otherwise. All she is doing is bashing Muslims with hasty generalizations. But no. I don't see you scolding her. Please, you aren't even a mod. Stop acting like one. I'm a mod on another Dujo-created site so I believe I know Dujo's rules fairly well. Spare me the threats. And since when was "i" and "u" normal English. When I turn in papers in my AP English Language class I don't spell like that. And I take time to try to understand everyone's posts. Ever think that people decipher things differently? Isn't that why we are having this conversation right now? Because we don't agree on what certain posts mean?

Basically, let me form my own opinion. I'm going to think what I'm going to think and there is absolutely nothing you can do to change that. I'm not trying to fight with you. I'm just speaking my mind.
Salute You in Your Grave
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 3529
April 8th, 2007 at 09:31pm
racism is fudged up. some guy @ my school called me a terrorist last year because i'm iranian.
they talked to him and he wrote me an apology. he is still a poo-head, but not about my race. just in general.
what is even more twisted about it is the fact that he is half-indian. he has been the target of racism before. and he goes and does exactly what is done to him.
Salute You in Your Grave
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 4150
April 8th, 2007 at 11:34pm
here we go again with attacking each other. I dont know why we can't just let each other be and why everyone feels like they have to have the last word.
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 97
April 9th, 2007 at 07:02am
racism is a terrible issue at schools......people who criticise people and use racism r just sick and some have deep problems but they want to do these things to make them look the bigger better person but they're actually crushing someones confidence and some people are even afraid to go back to school. Crying or Very sad
Cigarettes And Suicide
Bleeding on the Floor
Cigarettes And Suicide
Age: 37
Gender: Female
Posts: 1725
April 9th, 2007 at 07:19am
Roxx my Soxx:
You are a racist. I don't care how many ways you look at it or how many ways you try to phrase you sick thoughts. You obviously have a deeply rooted hatred for Muslims and you try to cover it up with generalizations and insuficent evidence. Sorry to bust you bubble, but I see right through you and you closet-racist comments.

I can pretty much sum up your story in a paragraph.

What? Did you miss out on a scholarship because a Muslim who was smarter and/or more talented got it? Or did you get picked on by one in high school, therefore causing you to hate every last one of them? Or did you not get a job because one was far more qualified than yourself. Or do you see them living better than you, making more money?

These are all causes for why some whites hate blacks and I'm sure that they apply to you as well. It's a small word called envy. The same reason why blacks say "They won't hire me 'cause I'm black". When in reality they are just not qualified. Or the same reason why "white Aussies" say "Damn Muslim stole my scholarship". No. That's not the case. You just weren't smart enough. Get over it, you should've studied more. You are blaming all of your problems on these Muslims who have done nothing to you. All you are doing is trying to find a scapegoat for your people, just like every other racist. There is a pattern to you people, believe it or not. You. Are. Just. Jealous.

As for the whole NAACP wanting an apology for slavery...

Yes. That is going a little over the edge. It did happen over 200 years ago but having whites complain about how it was so long ago is just stupid. Tell the Jewish to get over the Holocaust by the GERMANS, why don't you. Tell the Native Americans to get over the mass extermination with war and disease of there people by the WHITE settlers. No. We WILL NOT "get over it". If you don't know your history, it's bound to repeat itself. (I've said this before in a previous post...)

What I have never seemed to understand is why white people (some, not all) feel the need to "civilize" everyone. If the Africans want to kill themselves by AIDS and civil war than so be it. If the Myans and Aztecs wanted to sacrafice their own people, then they should've been allowed to do so. If the Iraqi people want to suicide bomb each other than let 'em do it. White people are not the cure to everything. If anything, they make things worst by intervening. Their intentions are not and have never been "good". They have been just as destructive as the "inferior" people they were trying to "civilize".

Tell me why the Africans cities flourished with gold and advanced education before the whites came in and turned everything upside down with Imperalism. They stole the land, killed the men, raped the women, and took the children. Tell me how in any way, size, shape, or form is that "civilized"? It's not. If anything, it's more savage and barbaric than the Africans were believed to be.[/size][/color]

Eh. I'm all for replying to this personal attack, but I have a slightly more important issue at hand at this particular moment.
Don't worry, I will be back to 'discuss' this.
Roxx my Soxx
Bleeding on the Floor
Roxx my Soxx
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 1390
April 9th, 2007 at 09:35am
Tennis Ninja Twins:
here we go again with attacking each other. I dont know why we can't just let each other be and why everyone feels like they have to have the last word.

I agree. Cigarettes And Suicide... Don't bother reponding because it will be in vain. I don't have time to waste arguing back and forth because in the end we're all to stubborn to change our point of views. I don't want this to escalate into something I'll regret. Basiclly, I don't want to end up getting banned for a stupid agruement.

I'm out. I'll still be on this thread but I'm not going to fight with anyone. This isn't the first time that this has happened...
Simple and Clean
Salute You in Your Grave
Simple and Clean
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 2616
April 9th, 2007 at 02:50pm

sometimes I feel that other races whine alot. Partically Black/ afro caribean people. On the news today, the blacks blamed our schools as the reason for black boys getting lower grades than white boys. They seem to miss the point that in most cases, they are not decriminated against and get the same treatment/help as the white children. and they complained that there aren't enough black poeple in schools, what do they want us to do, ship a bunch of people out from across the world and dump them in our schools?
Age: -
Gender: Female
Posts: 46
April 9th, 2007 at 04:02pm
Baka-kun XNinjaX:

sometimes I feel that other races whine alot. Partically Black/ afro caribean people. On the news today, the blacks blamed our schools as the reason for black boys getting lower grades than white boys. They seem to miss the point that in most cases, they are not decriminated against and get the same treatment/help as the white children. and they complained that there aren't enough black poeple in schools, what do they want us to do, ship a bunch of people out from across the world and dump them in our schools?

That is the problem; African Americans use their parents/grandparents/great grandparents' chanllenges as crutches. That makes it hard to respect them when they constantly beat down everyone else.
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Posts: 8293
April 9th, 2007 at 04:38pm
Roxx my Soxx:

If you cannot see her obvious racism then you are blind. But yet we are all entitled to our own opinion. You (and everyone else in this thread) agree that she's not a racist but I think otherwise. All she is doing is bashing Muslims with hasty generalizations. But no. I don't see you scolding her. Please, you aren't even a mod. Stop acting like one. I'm a mod on another Dujo-created site so I believe I know Dujo's rules fairly well. Spare me the threats. And since when was "i" and "u" normal English. When I turn in papers in my AP English Language class I don't spell like that. And I take time to try to understand everyone's posts. Ever think that people decipher things differently? Isn't that why we are having this conversation right now? Because we don't agree on what certain posts mean?

Basically, let me form my own opinion. I'm going to think what I'm going to think and there is absolutely nothing you can do to change that. I'm not trying to fight with you. I'm just speaking my mind.

I never said you couldn't have an opinion.
I was telling you that personal attacks are not welcome here.
The occasional i or u doesn't make a whole post chatspeak, it's a slip.
And thank you, my vision is fine.
You are all free to speak your mind, I'd fight to the death to defend that.
But you have to do so appropriately here. Which is discussion, not arguments.

Also, I know I'm not a mod, thank you very much.
I wouldn't want to be one.
That doesn't mean that I won't say something when someone is
personally attacking another in the ONLY place on this board
dedicated to serious discussion and ending up spamming
because of it.

If this doesn't return to discussion, I'll report the whole damn thread.
I'm sick of the spam posts and the arguing caused by over-sensativity
and trying to be perfectly politically correct.

What affects does racsim have on the media?

How does racism support negative or positive stereotypes of groups of people?

Is racism justified? Why not?

How does it come to be?
Salute You in Your Grave
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 4150
April 9th, 2007 at 05:18pm
^^ Thank you
Roxx my Soxx
Bleeding on the Floor
Roxx my Soxx
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 1390
April 9th, 2007 at 05:41pm
Baka-kun XNinjaX:

sometimes I feel that other races whine alot. Partically Black/ afro caribean people. On the news today, the blacks blamed our schools as the reason for black boys getting lower grades than white boys. They seem to miss the point that in most cases, they are not decriminated against and get the same treatment/help as the white children. and they complained that there aren't enough black poeple in schools, what do they want us to do, ship a bunch of people out from across the world and dump them in our schools?

That is the problem; African Americans use their parents/grandparents/great grandparents' chanllenges as crutches. That makes it hard to respect them when they constantly beat down everyone else.

I agree. Although some most blacks do that we all don't. And I hate it when they do. I'm like, "Shut up. You make us all look bad." We shouldn't blame our unsuccessfulness on our prior opressment. Even though sometimes we do get held back purposely it's less than usual.