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Death and Afterlife

Cover Me In Gasoline
Really Not Okay
Cover Me In Gasoline
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January 3rd, 2007 at 11:13am
As I'm not dead and don't remember being dead I don't know. Since the black Parade I've belived there views about you visit your best memories.
I also think that if your good you stay at your best mermories and if your bad your turn intp a ghost and roam the world.
Motor Baby
Age: 30
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Posts: 802
January 3rd, 2007 at 12:35pm
^^^ Yes Barrel, I agree.
Fabulous Killjoy
Age: 31
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Posts: 133
January 3rd, 2007 at 09:12pm
i dont think im reely afraid of dying b'cuz once you reely think about it once ur born and start living your life will eventually end in death so rite now even tho we're healthy we're still dying cuz thats the only way out of life. but when my grandmother dyed last year i looked at death in a whole new way cuz i wanted to know wut happened after death. now w/ so many religions and beliefs on wut happens after death we can never be sure unless we've expeirienced it. and once ur dead, thats it.
Jazz Hands
Age: 35
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Posts: 391
January 3rd, 2007 at 11:40pm
another theory that I had about what happens when you die (of mine) is that you're meant to learn certain lessons. like, maybe there's like 7 (or more, or less) lessons you need to learn before you go to heaven. sometimes people die at birth, or from abortion, or are murdered, or die young or live an uneventful or strapped down life, so they are unable to get out and learn these lessons (unless those are one of the lessons needed to be learned) and then after you learn all of the lessons by living them in one or more lives, you can either keep coming back for more lives or you can become another living being like a bird or flower or something, or you go to heaven where you are reunited with your friends/family/other spirits that you never got to personally meet in this lifetime, but have always wanted to know (like MCR =P)
I hope you guys understood that. because if this is what happens, it'd be really cool.
but another theory which is kind of depressing (I believed this for a while) is that this life is just a dream, a really long dream, and there is no way for you to know that anything else exists. that the people around you, or your family or the objects around you are actually real. because how many times have you had a nightmare and thought it was real because you felt something that felt like an object in your dream? it's happened to me a lot. and then, according to this theory, when you "die" you really just wake up, and then go on with your day in real life, as if all of this doesn't exist. like when you "fall asleep" every night, it's a dream of a dream that you're having, and that none of this is real but a mere test or it's just your imagination. I don't believe this anymore, but I know people who do believe this, so when you want to do something you just do it cuz it doesn't matter, it's only a dream. it's complicated, but yeah. again, I hope you understood it lol =P
Age: 31
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Posts: 11
January 4th, 2007 at 07:59am
Heya Strangers,
I believe in Afterlife..... and im very scared of dying...........ehat about you???!
girl interrupted.
Salute You in Your Grave
girl interrupted.
Age: 29
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Posts: 2792
January 4th, 2007 at 08:01am
I think that the deaths from The Titanic could have been prevented. The watchmen people didn't have binoculars, and everyone was so big headed about 'the Titanic can't sink', well, they weren't paying attention. The people in 3rd class wern't allowed a chance at life either.
I'm not afraid to die, I just don't want to.
H e l e n a
H e l e n a
Age: 32
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Posts: 62
January 4th, 2007 at 03:54pm
Yes, I think some deaths can be prevented...and no, I'm not afraid to die. I know I'm going to go to heaven so there is nothing to be afraid of. It's just the general idea of everything on earth going away that scares people, but if your going to heaven it will be way better than earth.
Awake and Unafraid
Age: 33
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January 4th, 2007 at 05:17pm
Please, cease continuing to go off topic or I will unforunately have this thread locked.
lord voldemort.
Salute You in Your Grave
lord voldemort.
Age: 30
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Posts: 2404
January 4th, 2007 at 09:01pm
I am seriously OBSESSED with death. I freak out my parents and "friends" too. I draw and write morbid stuff and I just like the fact that when you die you go to either paradise or prison pretty much. And since I'm also obsessed with the supernatural and paranormal, death plays a big part in that too, I think about it a lot. I take it.
Jazz Hands
Age: 35
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Posts: 391
January 4th, 2007 at 10:02pm
you know, I thought up another theory as far as punishments/prison in the after life goes (the whole thing with sadaam made me think of it).
that say, someone like sadaam who did so many bad things in this lifetime, killed so many people and committed so many sins, that he will obviously be sent to "spiritual prison" but for a certain amount of time. I mean, 100 years or whatever really isn't that long. so why should your ETERNAL fate fall upon what happened within such a short amount of time? so maybe if you were bad in one life, you go to a spiritual prison, and then get another chance in another life.
just a thought...
Ares of the Cross
Salute You in Your Grave
Ares of the Cross
Age: 32
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Posts: 3148
January 5th, 2007 at 09:41pm
I’ve been thinking about it (death). I don’t know what happens after we die, but I know that something does happen. We can never really know, being as we are constricted by our narrow human senses. But some basic principles can, at least, give us some background as to the nature of one’s soul. Do I believe in souls? Oh, yes, certainly. Eternal souls? It depends how you define them, I suppose. Let’s start with some guidelines we can all agree on.

1) First Law of Thermodynamics. Energy cannot be destroyed or created. It can only be transferred and modified. We know from this that, when we die, whatever animating spirit possesses us has to go somewhere. It is not destroyed. The information and perceptions we’ve had during our life don’t just flicker out. They are transferred or modified. We also understand there is a finite amount of energy in the universe.

2) The Einstein Equation, E = mc^2. From this, we understand that energy and mass are essentially the same. All mass has energy. All energy has mass. Thus, a soul, which we understand to be our animating “energy,” will also have mass. Because our souls have mass and mass is finite, they must exist within the known universe.

3) Of course, when our souls leave our bodies at the moment of death, they cease to make use of neurons. And without the neurons and gray matter in the brain, without any physical storage for our collective of information, we would not retain our personalities when we died. Our souls would be a “tabla rasa,” a free-floating chunk of energy incapable of sensing or thinking or reasoning. Who’s to say that chunk would even stay together without a physical body? It might well disperse, part of you occupying a flourescant lightbulb, another part of you helping a rhubarb to grow.

So those are the basics. I’m sure that someone will read this and find it all very depressing, but I’ve always found comfort in science. At least we know that we don’t just ceast to exist. We exist, just in a way we can’t yet comprehend. That is, our “energy” survives us, though our personalities might not.

(Buddhism, anyone? The Zen teachings on reincarnation are very similar to this, although they rely more on intuition than quantum theories. I’ll admit that I greatly enjoy many Zen philosophies.)

Then again, there could be some alternate plane of existence (within the physical universe, of course, which we are incapable of detecting). It’s always bothered me to wonder if heaven and hell are within the universe. If energy can’t be lost or gained, then heaven and hell would have to be in the known universe. Otherwise, whenever someone died or was born, the total amount of energy would change. I’ve never thought it was as simple as a cloudy paradise with naked cherubs plucking on harps all day (despite what my family insisted). I think that, whatever afterlife there is, we cannot comprehend it in life, and possibly cannot even begin to comprehend it at all. All we can even know is that there is one—an undetectable and unfathomable existence outside our bodies, which we’ll never know until we die, and even then, without any physical body, may not truly “experience” in the traditional sense.

All speculation, of course. In all practicality, there’s no use in pondering that which can’t be understood, or in postulating something that can be neither proven nor disproven.

But then, maybe this musing is just my way of coping with the fear of death. Don’t we all fear what we can’t understand? If only the reverse were true—if only people sought to understand that which they feared, they’d find poetry in the chaos.
Bellatrix Lestrange.
Bellatrix Lestrange.
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 25
January 5th, 2007 at 11:28pm
I dont think the theory of reincarnation makes sense. If we were reincarnated, then why does the population keep growing?

and if we become something else in another life, what's the point of out previous lives if we dont remember them? it's like they didn't exist. there's no point.

and if our behaviour in this life affects what we become in the next, then does that mean all bugs and slugs etc. must have been bad humans in a past life? does it mean that we shouldn't help the less fortunate because they must have done something to deserve it in a past life?
and that fortunate people must have been good people in a past life?

that would open up the door for all sorts of heirachies and discrimination based on the lifestyle that people were born into, which is completely unfair.

Im not like, trying to have a go at people who believe this or anything, it just confuses me.

i think the idea that we just die and thats it is scary. being nothing. being forgotten. just not existing anymore. i mean, you'd miss out on all the stuff that would happen.

but as much as i'd like to believe something happens to us after death, i simply cant find any theories that make logical sense.

man that sucks. now im really upset about death.
Jazz Hands
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 288
January 5th, 2007 at 11:55pm
im scared of death...... ive lost many sooo im very scared to leave this earth..
i think thr is an after life.
i dont beleve in hell but i beleve in heaven.
i think hell is the obsticles we hav to deal with in life and our bad mistake tht we hav to liv with.
u make ur own hell thts what i think.
The Nightbeast.
Salute You in Your Grave
The Nightbeast.
Age: 31
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Posts: 2696
January 6th, 2007 at 12:25am
I dont think the theory of reincarnation makes sense. If we were reincarnated, then why does the population keep growing?

and if we become something else in another life, what's the point of out previous lives if we dont remember them? it's like they didn't exist. there's no point.

and if our behaviour in this life affects what we become in the next, then does that mean all bugs and slugs etc. must have been bad humans in a past life? does it mean that we shouldn't help the less fortunate because they must have done something to deserve it in a past life?
and that fortunate people must have been good people in a past life?

that would open up the door for all sorts of heirachies and discrimination based on the lifestyle that people were born into, which is completely unfair.

Im not like, trying to have a go at people who believe this or anything, it just confuses me.

You have to believe in reincarnation to be reincarnated, and since so many people dont believe in it, the population continues to rise.

Previous lives are an explanation to who we are now, a key to our current lives.

Yes, if your a bad person, your usually reincarnated into something not so pleasurable. The better you are, the better your reincarnated. The way you were in your past life has nothing to do with what happens when and if your reincarnated into a human. You have to be really, really good to be reincarnated into a human, and your past life has nothing to do with what occurs in your present life.

Yeah, I guess its unfair, but its no different to anybody else being born into discrimination and such.

Hope I could help.
As you can see, I believe in reincarnation.
The idea of heaven and hell confuses me, since our soul's need a real place to go, such as a new body.
So, yeah, I believe the afterlife is really just another life in another body.
Ares of the Cross
Salute You in Your Grave
Ares of the Cross
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Posts: 3148
January 6th, 2007 at 01:06am
Land Shark:
I dont think the theory of reincarnation makes sense. If we were reincarnated, then why does the population keep growing?

and if we become something else in another life, what's the point of out previous lives if we dont remember them? it's like they didn't exist. there's no point.

and if our behaviour in this life affects what we become in the next, then does that mean all bugs and slugs etc. must have been bad humans in a past life? does it mean that we shouldn't help the less fortunate because they must have done something to deserve it in a past life?
and that fortunate people must have been good people in a past life?

that would open up the door for all sorts of heirachies and discrimination based on the lifestyle that people were born into, which is completely unfair.

Im not like, trying to have a go at people who believe this or anything, it just confuses me.

You have to believe in reincarnation to be reincarnated, and since so many people dont believe in it, the population continues to rise.

Previous lives are an explanation to who we are now, a key to our current lives.

Yes, if your a bad person, your usually reincarnated into something not so pleasurable. The better you are, the better your reincarnated. The way you were in your past life has nothing to do with what happens when and if your reincarnated into a human. You have to be really, really good to be reincarnated into a human, and your past life has nothing to do with what occurs in your present life.

Yeah, I guess its unfair, but its no different to anybody else being born into discrimination and such.

Hope I could help.
As you can see, I believe in reincarnation.
The idea of heaven and hell confuses me, since our soul's need a real place to go, such as a new body.
So, yeah, I believe the afterlife is really just another life in another body.
That is exactly what I think.
It is why I try to be as good of a person as possible.
In The Murder Scene
Age: 30
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Posts: 23302
January 6th, 2007 at 06:12am
I like to believe that there is a Heaven of some kind because the possiblity that there isn't frightens me. When I'd like to think that I could see my friends and family continue there lives and make sure they were all doing ok for themselves. I believe that you see Heaven in the way you want to see it, you see people in the way you want to and the way you remember them.

However, this is only what I'd like to happen. I'm not scared of death itself, that I can cope with, but the idea that I will never be able to see my loved ones again that makes me feel very sad with the whole concept. The fact that, if when I die there is nothing, my life was pointless and I won't remember any of it also depresses and scares me.
Simple and Clean
Salute You in Your Grave
Simple and Clean
Age: 30
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Posts: 2616
January 6th, 2007 at 08:32am
I believe that if it's your time to go, you shouldn't try and stop it. It may happen in a tragic accident, and you may not deserve it, but that's just what I believe.
But I'm not saying you shouldn't go to hospial if you are ill, or anything like that...if that makes sense.
I also believe in the after life. That when we die, we are omnipresent, we are everywhere. We can go anywhere we like, see anyone we please, that they may sense us, but not know we are there.

I however do not bilieve in heaven nor hell. Just thought I would clear that up.
I think that if we did something while we were alive, like murder someone, and do not atone for it, we'll be punished when we die, like you may be forced to see scenes of severe pain, fear and torture, and won't be free to leave, they'll be stuck to your mind like glue.

But, that's just what I think
Thinking Happy Thoughts
Age: -
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Posts: 453
January 6th, 2007 at 08:58am
Ares of the Cross:
I’ve been thinking about it (death). I don’t know what happens after we die, but I know that something does happen. We can never really know, being as we are constricted by our narrow human senses. But some basic principles can, at least, give us some background as to the nature of one’s soul. Do I believe in souls? Oh, yes, certainly. Eternal souls? It depends how you define them, I suppose. Let’s start with some guidelines we can all agree on.

1) First Law of Thermodynamics. Energy cannot be destroyed or created. It can only be transferred and modified. We know from this that, when we die, whatever animating spirit possesses us has to go somewhere. It is not destroyed. The information and perceptions we’ve had during our life don’t just flicker out. They are transferred or modified. We also understand there is a finite amount of energy in the universe.

2) The Einstein Equation, E = mc^2. From this, we understand that energy and mass are essentially the same. All mass has energy. All energy has mass. Thus, a soul, which we understand to be our animating “energy,” will also have mass. Because our souls have mass and mass is finite, they must exist within the known universe.

3) Of course, when our souls leave our bodies at the moment of death, they cease to make use of neurons. And without the neurons and gray matter in the brain, without any physical storage for our collective of information, we would not retain our personalities when we died. Our souls would be a “tabla rasa,” a free-floating chunk of energy incapable of sensing or thinking or reasoning. Who’s to say that chunk would even stay together without a physical body? It might well disperse, part of you occupying a flourescant lightbulb, another part of you helping a rhubarb to grow.

So those are the basics. I’m sure that someone will read this and find it all very depressing, but I’ve always found comfort in science. At least we know that we don’t just ceast to exist. We exist, just in a way we can’t yet comprehend. That is, our “energy” survives us, though our personalities might not.

(Buddhism, anyone? The Zen teachings on reincarnation are very similar to this, although they rely more on intuition than quantum theories. I’ll admit that I greatly enjoy many Zen philosophies.)

Then again, there could be some alternate plane of existence (within the physical universe, of course, which we are incapable of detecting). It’s always bothered me to wonder if heaven and hell are within the universe. If energy can’t be lost or gained, then heaven and hell would have to be in the known universe. Otherwise, whenever someone died or was born, the total amount of energy would change. I’ve never thought it was as simple as a cloudy paradise with naked cherubs plucking on harps all day (despite what my family insisted). I think that, whatever afterlife there is, we cannot comprehend it in life, and possibly cannot even begin to comprehend it at all. All we can even know is that there is one—an undetectable and unfathomable existence outside our bodies, which we’ll never know until we die, and even then, without any physical body, may not truly “experience” in the traditional sense.

All speculation, of course. In all practicality, there’s no use in pondering that which can’t be understood, or in postulating something that can be neither proven nor disproven.

But then, maybe this musing is just my way of coping with the fear of death. Don’t we all fear what we can’t understand? If only the reverse were true—if only people sought to understand that which they feared, they’d find poetry in the chaos.

I don't find your explanation depressing at all, but really clever, because I've been thinking something similar. But my understanding of science is too's actually a shame. If I could go back to school, I swear I would pay more attention, because it really interests me.
I mean the idea is quite soothing for someone who isn’t sure about a heaven or a life after death …we consist of atoms as everything else in the universe. So when we die, the constituents of our bodies won’t just disappear, they will form something else. If you think that further, this means that everyone and everything in the world is connected and we are all one (this is also similar to Buddhist ideas). It's also really interesting what you said about the equivalence of mass and energy... and that energy cannot be destroyed but has to be transferred and modified.
Shadows of the Past
Shadows of the Past
Age: 31
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Posts: 83
January 6th, 2007 at 12:20pm
i think that there's an afterlife and such, but death is pretty much just moving from one phase of life to another, and in this phase you'll have better understanding of why you were put on earth.
Always Born a Crime
Age: 32
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Posts: 5642
January 7th, 2007 at 03:44am
I was always afraid of death cause I thought that after you die you just lie in the coffin with nothing but darkness. But when the time comes, i'll just have to accept it.