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Always Born a Crime
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 6686
July 4th, 2006 at 03:29pm
[color=magenta]kerri u know i love you
however white christians back in the roman times
was slaughtered
and tortured just for their belief
just to add that
oh and im against racism
And I love you too Lisa.

i am sad to say
but there are still alot of racist ppl
like the KKK
everyone is not just whites
they call everyone everything
however now most african americans are more racist than most whites
it is sad
cuz im friends with everyone

But the unfortunate thing is there will always be people out there who can't let the past go, who will always drag it up no matter how long ago it was, and that is what keep racism alive today.
Racists are not born, they are made. And it's the ways of their parents and friends who influence tham and make them racist.
In a Bullet's Embrace
Age: 84
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July 4th, 2006 at 03:40pm

I don't know where Honduras is... I've heard of it. Is it in Latin America? *goes hunting for atlas*

Yeah the heart of Latin America.
But you are nice about it.
Not like other people.
Number 0.05
Joining The Black Parade
Number 0.05
Age: 35
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Posts: 198
July 4th, 2006 at 07:02pm
racism is awful, but some people cant see fine lines

eg: i do not like it when i ,living/working in england all my life go for my first job and two chinese guys PERFECTLY CAPABLE of speaking english spoke in chinese just to make my job difficult.
i tried to say how bad they were making it and got called racist i got told there was no more work for me and didnt get paid for 5 hours hard work with them not working at all,well refusing to work.

Racism is when someones judged on thier race and abused for it be it verbally or physically and those chinese guys were making bad remarks about me in there own language (i know they were as they had the nerve to point) which was what i gather definately racist as they didnt have the nerve to say it in english.
but cos im the english kid im in the wrong.

i am not racist ,to clear that up.

but this world is fu*ked up when in england only english (yes that includes colored english people)
People are acussed of racism when 1/2 the time its the not-english people (thats the most non awkward way i could word it)
doing it.
so as a result this country has a lot of racism present because people are sick of it.
so i dont tell these people thier in the wrong because half the time there not hateful to the point they physically abuse them, there just angry because when a person of non english birth does it they get away with it.
and my views.
you live in a country ,you repect the country,you treat people as you would want to be treated and should you make a mistake you get punished as equally to those born there.

im not racist, its just the situation over here at the moment is messed up and wrong everyone should be treated fairly not let off 'cause there not born here.It is not fair and i hope i've made my point bettween the lines.
Bleeding on the Floor
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Posts: 1251
July 5th, 2006 at 01:55pm
The blacks where I live (the racist ones, not the cool ones) keep whining about how they hate us white people because we enslaved them.

Some girls at my school use that all the time. My school has uniforms and our hair can't be any color that's 'not found in nature'. Some black girls had bright red in their hair. One of the teachers said something and they played the race/slave card. Well the teachers didn't feel like dealing with so they got to keep their hair. A week later a white girl tried it and she got in trouble.

It's annoying to when teachers let them get away with things because they play the race card.
Salute You in Your Grave
Age: 37
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Posts: 4699
July 5th, 2006 at 07:12pm
^ i had that happen
and i agree with u kerri
racist people are made.
when you teach your childerent hate, that is all they will know
Shotgun Sinner
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July 6th, 2006 at 02:47pm
Rasism is awful.

Black, White, Yellow, Red were all the same. Where I live is a HUGE rasisct town like our town loves hockey 1997 hockey game WWC Aborignals. Game to play im native too. After they lost Sad they walked to thier bus and people that game to see them form dif towns there cars were cover is rasict remarks it was very sad!
Awake and Unafraid
Age: 30
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Posts: 10958
July 11th, 2006 at 11:49am
racism is one of the worst hates you can have...
it comes from the worst kind of people.
atoned angels.
Salute You in Your Grave
atoned angels.
Age: 51
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Posts: 2835
July 11th, 2006 at 01:00pm
Yes I agree there are a few black people out there that don't work hard. That gives the rest of us a bad name. Just like there are some white people out there who give the rest of you guys a bad name. Other ethnic groups are still bitter about what white people have done to them in the past. To be honest I think they have a right to be. Like I said before you shouldn't forget the past. But I don't think its right for them to take it out on all white people.

So, they should be bitter about something that present-day caucasians had nothing to do with, and a majority wouldn't even consider doing again?
You shouldn't forget the past, but you should forgive the mistakes.
miss girl.
miss girl.
Age: 30
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Posts: 3022
July 12th, 2006 at 02:34pm
our school was racist. my friends were racist. in our school, blacks and hispanics were cool and "normal". whites and asians (mostly japansese/chinese) were hated. even the teachers are racist. once in History class, we had these report things we had to do, and this girl Sarah did a report on Women during WWII or something and when she finished, our teacher got mad cause she didnt say enough about the black women. i think 2 paragraphs about black women from a four paragraph essay isnt bad.
and at our school there is a Step team thing and all the girls in it are black exept for one hispanic girl. we even have teachers that speak more spanish then english cause we have forgeiners that cant speak english in ever class.
i also hate that peple think you cant rap/ or do hiphop if youre white. w.t.f. i hope racism stops (i dont think it will, but we can try)
rach3l is a sound.
Salute You in Your Grave
rach3l is a sound.
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 3840
July 12th, 2006 at 02:40pm
when my parents moved into their house in toronto before I ws born, a guy on the end of the street, around the age of 60, came up to my dad, hugged him, and said, "Thank god you're not black.".
That is the msot racist thing I have ever heard.
miss girl.
miss girl.
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 3022
July 12th, 2006 at 02:41pm
also their is this jewish kid in my gym class who hates me and my friend cause we're part German so he (and a few other kids) walk around calling us Natzis(sp?) and Hitler-worshippers. And whenever we raise our hands to talk to teacher they say we're doing a facism salute.

It hurts.
miss girl.
miss girl.
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 3022
July 12th, 2006 at 02:46pm
when my parents moved into their house in toronto before I ws born, a guy on the end of the street, around the age of 60, came up to my dad, hugged him, and said, "Thank god you're not black.".
That is the msot racist thing I have ever heard.

? thats wrong. stuff like that makes me really ticked off. you CANT judge someone by how they look. sadly, people in my old neighborhood would say "eww, a white person. dont talk to that kid" nd stuff and it mean.
Thinking Happy Thoughts
Age: -
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Posts: 583
July 19th, 2006 at 03:06pm
i am 100 percent against racism. but what annoys me is people that think calling a person black is racist. NO, it's not. "coloured" is racist. but its not just black people. im only using that as an example. Racism must stop right here, right now.
but why on earth did they change "bah bah black sheep" to "bah bah rainbow sheep" beccause apparently calling the sheep black is racist!?
Sally Stitches.
Awake and Unafraid
Sally Stitches.
Age: 30
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Posts: 11740
July 20th, 2006 at 10:01pm
Ugh. Racism is horrible. It doesn't matter what color skin you have, or country you come from. We're all human.

People at my school would say 'Asians are secondary' or 'Why don't we take over China, 'cause they've done nothing for us!' to me, and I find them very immature.

And I agree with holy_crap!!!
Why rainbow sheep? Confused
Jazz Hands
Age: -
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Posts: 348
July 20th, 2006 at 10:07pm
I am compeletely against racism in every way. The fact that someone should be insulted because of their colour is just, WRONG! Whoever respects racism or DOES racism, has no heart at all. Every human, from any nation and of any colour should have the same level of rights!

Thinking Happy Thoughts
Age: -
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Posts: 583
July 21st, 2006 at 08:05am
The blacks where I live (the racist ones, not the cool ones) keep whining about how they hate us white people because we enslaved them.

Some girls at my school use that all the time. My school has uniforms and our hair can't be any color that's 'not found in nature'. Some black girls had bright red in their hair. One of the teachers said something and they played the race/slave card. Well the teachers didn't feel like dealing with so they got to keep their hair. A week later a white girl tried it and she got in trouble.

It's annoying to when teachers let them get away with things because they play the race card.

my "friend" did that.
we were in a science lesson, and she wouldnt do the cover work we had been set.
so she called the teacher racist.
i had to sit there listening to
"i have a dream" and "wont you shake my hand beccause it's black?"
that is what i consider taking the piss out of martin luther king, who was a brilliant, compassionate leader and one of my favourite politicians. not because he was black, but because he fought for what he believed in.
Salute You in Your Grave
Age: -
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Posts: 2491
July 21st, 2006 at 09:53pm
My name is Tania. And I live in a town where it's all about racism. I'm native-algonquinn from canada. And My mom is the general director of the cree indian center and believe me, getting food thrown at you because you are not white sucks major ass.
Hubert Cumberdale
Always Born a Crime
Hubert Cumberdale
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Posts: 5762
July 25th, 2006 at 04:05pm
My sister, brother in law and their daughter are up from Florida (I live in New York) for a visit and I was disgusted by what happened the first week they were here.

My sister is white. My brother in law is black.

The first week they were here someone left a note on my doorstep that just said in big black letters "nigger".

It broke my heart.

He didn't really care. But I just found it so sickening. I mean, it's two thousand and fucking six and there is still rasism in the world.

This man, my brother in law, is the nicest, most hardworking, caring, sweet person anyone could ever meet.
And his heritage makes him hated.

It's disgusting.
Bleeding on the Floor
Age: -
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Posts: 1657
July 28th, 2006 at 03:40am
The "N" word, shouldn't be used by ANYBODY at all blacks/whites/mexicans/Indians/Asians, I DON'T CARE, don't use it, its an offensive word JUST like the word "Cracker, Spick, Chinx JEW" are really Offensive racist words, nobody at all has a right to use any racist words, NO ONE. Saying that your allowed to use a certain word based on a race is plain ignorant and You deserve to be hated if you're that ignorant to say something like that, you think just because your a certain race you get to use a racist word, thats bullshit. What I'm saying is nobody should use any type of racist word, obviously if someone says a racist word its pointed towards YOU and your whole race I'm not even into it with religion a whole lot but I hate it so much when people say the word Jew. Racism=Ignorant, retarded, Judgemental, and Oh so damn childish.
assiralc talc
Really Not Okay
assiralc talc
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July 28th, 2006 at 12:31pm
Cracker, Spick, Chinx JEW" are really Offensive racist words,

How is Jew an offensive word?