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Death and Afterlife

Bleeding on the Floor
Age: 32
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Posts: 1136
May 18th, 2008 at 11:46pm
now, i'm pretty afraid of death...but i'm trying to get over it...there's this one episode of Oprah...that made me realize somethin about life a nd death...
Sweet Iced Tea
Thinking Happy Thoughts
Sweet Iced Tea
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May 20th, 2008 at 07:51pm
Death kinda scares me, only a little bit though.
I believe you either go to heaven or hell.
Age: 30
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Posts: 77
June 1st, 2008 at 10:22am
deth... well... i am afraid everyday that i could die at any second but i don't. i guess if you're old and all of you're friends and family have passed i would want to die.
some poeple think that dieing is it and you just lie there in your coffin for enternity...... i don't want to know what happens when i die untill i get there. i know that your phisical body just sits there but what about your SOUL? where dose it go? dose it die with the rest of you?
Jazz Hands
Age: 30
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Posts: 286
June 1st, 2008 at 11:18am
I believe that that when you die, that's it. You can't feel anything, smell anything, think anything.. you get the picture. I kind of believe in rebirth but I don't want to, because I think that that can almost lead to wasting your life: "Oh well, there's always the next life."
The reason that I don't belive in heaven is that to have paradise, eveything has to be perfect, and you don't have any sadness. For that to happen you have to forget everything bad that happened in your past life, and to me, that would be hell. Just floating in happiness for all eternity, with nothing to "live" for.
Age: 30
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Posts: 77
June 1st, 2008 at 04:49pm
well you have to think that there is so much that we don't know about the unaverse that there just HAS to be something else... something that happenes...
Salute You in Your Grave
Age: 33
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Posts: 3503
June 1st, 2008 at 09:37pm
well you have to think that there is so much that we don't know about the unaverse that there just HAS to be something else... something that happenes...

i agree really Smile
Saint of Misery
Joining The Black Parade
Saint of Misery
Age: 29
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June 1st, 2008 at 10:45pm
I once had a dream about dying [I was shot on a ship O_o] && everything just went dark && I felt numb. Because of that dream, I'm now not afraid of death, I think that you basically just go numb && slowly drift off. That is, if you get a painless death.

As for after death, I believe in reincarnation. && That things that occurred in your past life, affect your future self.
Eight Bitter Years.
Eight Bitter Years.
Age: 28
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Posts: 48
July 31st, 2008 at 06:51pm
I think when i die i dont really go anywhere but i stay. Its wierd i Know but i dont care
Colorado Sunrise.
Salute You in Your Grave
Colorado Sunrise.
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July 31st, 2008 at 10:27pm
What are your thoughts on death?
i guess it happens, i don't have much to say about it =\

Do you take it as it comes or are you scared and shocked at it?
i take it as it comes, but it makes me sad, not shocked.

Are you afraid to die?
at this age, yes. at old age, no. everyone dies.

Do you think some deaths in the past could have been prevented?
yes, many actually. overdosing, drugs, emphasymia (i spelled it wrong) which drives me crazy, and health issues. soem could have been prevented.

What do you think happens after you die? Where do we go?
depends on religion. some religions believe in life..or your soul travels and some believe you just sit there, dead.
but i believe our souls travel.
Age: 32
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Posts: 58
July 31st, 2008 at 11:59pm
(for someone who believes in reincarnation) okay if we're all reincarnated after we die..why don't we remember our previous lives?,,what makes us forgot what we were before we died..? i don't know if that makes sense!..Has anyone read The Host by Stephenie Meyer? it kind of made me think about reincarnation and similar things but i know its not the same. idk i guess the whole topic just confuses me!
Bleeding on the Floor
Age: -
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Posts: 1137
August 1st, 2008 at 03:05am
(for someone who believes in reincarnation) okay if we're all reincarnated after we die..why don't we remember our previous lives?,,what makes us forgot what we were before we died..? i don't know if that makes sense!..Has anyone read The Host by Stephenie Meyer? it kind of made me think about reincarnation and similar things but i know its not the same. idk i guess the whole topic just confuses me!

I have a friend who remembered her past life when she was very little but forgot it when she grew up. She would ask her mom where her real mommy was and apparently in her past life she was chinese and she could speak chinese perfectly when she was little. I don't know if I believe that it was her past life or whatever, it could have just been her imagination. As far as forgetting past lives, maybe you forget because in your new life you're going through different experiences so your basically becoming a different person. If that makes sense.
Bleeding on the Floor
Age: 39
Gender: Female
Posts: 1885
August 1st, 2008 at 03:21am
Death doesn't scare me as for an afterlife I've no idea my other half is an odinist he hope to go to Valhalla or Helgafjell I guess it depends what gives you comfort in life
Thug Life.
Bleeding on the Floor
Thug Life.
Age: 33
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Posts: 1315
August 2nd, 2008 at 04:56am

A lot of people say there is nothing when we die, that when we go its just black forever. But i don't think this is the case, the way i see it is that you cannot simply go from a conscious being to non existence. So there has to be something there, heaven or just floating around in some sort of astral plain i don't mind.

no face.
Awake and Unafraid
no face.
Age: 32
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Posts: 13483
August 2nd, 2008 at 06:06am
I've learnt, you have to accept death rather than let it plague you.
If you fear death, its just going to make it creep closer to you.
I don't fear it anymore, I don't think "OH NO I HAVEN'T DONE ALL THIS"
Because when I'm dead, I'm nothingness, there is nothing.

I embrace the fact I'm gonna die, its what I do in between that matters.

As my Dad said to me.

We're Born To Die.
Age: 58
Gender: Female
Posts: 54
August 6th, 2008 at 09:43am
I don't think we will ever really know what happens when we die - because I think it's different for everyone based on their own beliefs. Some people who have been brought back from the brink have reported vastly different events or memories of it. Some see nothing, some see the bright white light, some see relatives who have passed on, etc. So I don't think there's just one answer to that question, about the process of death.

I fear death to a degree. I fear for those I leave behind. I want my people and kids to be ok - I worry my kids will be kept differently (by kids, I mean pets, I don't have actual kids) or split up and pine. I worry about my family. I don't worry so much about my husband - because he and I have talked about what we both want in detail. It's actually quite amusing but that's a different story.

What I do fear is dying a gruesome death. I want to die peacefully, in my sleep or in a coma, or some kind of way where you just sort of slip away. I don't want to be killed in a gory way. That's my big fear.

As for after death. I firmly believe in reincarnation. I believe we come back repeatedly until we've learned what we need to learn, or do what we are meant to do, and that at such a point that we're finished we move on. Perhaps we ascend, I don't know. I do also believe that in each life when we come back, we are surrounded by many of the same people over and over - I believe that's why sometimes you meet someone or have a friend or whatever that you just "click" with like they know you inside and out.
keep on living.
Shotgun Sinner
keep on living.
Age: 31
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Posts: 9913
August 6th, 2008 at 11:52pm
My ideas vary.

For the most part, I'm okay with death. I know it happens to everyone and that it's just a part of life.
But some days, I really get thinking about death, and like, what if I never woke up tomorrow? What if this is it? All the things I wanted to to do with my life, all the things I'd never get to experience ...
And then I get scared sick. Literally.

But even when I get thinking about it too hard and scare myself, I have comfort in knowing that I'm going to Heaven when I die; that this really isn't the end for me, even after I'm dead.
Age: 32
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Posts: 10806
August 7th, 2008 at 07:55am
i'm interested in death and what happens after it...i'm not afraid of death and i'm not afraid to die...i believe there's life after dead...i believe in spirits...i don't believe in heaven or hell though
Salute You in Your Grave
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 2704
August 11th, 2008 at 02:31am
i'm a little scared of death, just because i don't know what happens. But i guess i'm more curious/fasinated with death, although i don't think those are really the words I'm looking for.

i believe in life after death and heaven/hell/god all that, and getting to heaven is honestly what gets me through life.

I used to be more scared of death until about 2 weeks ago when i actually saw someone who had just died in a motorcycle accident, laying on the road. We had driven up to the accident before all of the emergency personnel had gotten there. When i saw the body i was scared out of my mind, the world seemed so dark and bleak and hopeless for a moment. But (as cliche as this sounds) i just turned my head and to my right was the most beautiful sunset I'd ever seen. And it was weird because it was almost like i saw this man, who i had never met, in that beauty, like it was his soul rejoicing because he was in a better place. It just showed me that death isn't something to be petrified of or depressed over, its something we have to embrace, and we wont be alone afterward. Smile
G Way
Jazz Hands
G Way
Age: 30
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Posts: 335
August 13th, 2008 at 10:17pm
I honestly believe that people are reincarnated. I mean that would explain why some people have such bad lives. Maybe they're getting punished for their past life so that next time they will learn from their mistakes. And death scares the shit outta me!!!! It gives me panic attacks sometimes!
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 9
August 14th, 2008 at 07:45pm
I don't know if death scares me. According to my faith, we go to a better place. So I have two fears: 1) I will have been wrong, and there is no afterlife, and what then? or 2) There will be an afterlife, in which I will live for eternity. Now eternity, THAT scares me. Something that never ends. There are no life spans, so life to live in general. Just forever, and ever. The neverending.
THAT scares the shit out of me.