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September 11th.

Casimir Pulaski Day
Shotgun Sinner
Casimir Pulaski Day
Age: 94
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Posts: 8861
March 6th, 2007 at 06:50pm

Bush's war on terrorism is terrorism. When protecting possible victims means killing defenseless, unarmed Iraqian civilians you're not doing it right. A terrorist isn't an Arabian dude with a beard and a gun in his hand, he looks just like your father does, your mother certainly looks like a terrorist too.

Exactly, by trying to make peace, we are in fact creating a big disturbance. I have yet to see something good come out of this. Sad
Salute You in Your Grave
Age: 33
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Posts: 2748
March 6th, 2007 at 06:56pm
What really bothers me about Iraq is that all this mess that's happening now should've been obvious. Even my dad, back when Bush first start talking about going into Iraq, was saying that it would cause civil war and just make things worse.
Fabulous Killjoy
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Posts: 127
March 6th, 2007 at 11:52pm

I still want bush to say why we have more troops in iraq, who had NO involvment w/ 9/11 then we've ever had in Afghanistan (excuse my spelling).
Jazz Hands
Age: -
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Posts: 281
March 7th, 2007 at 03:35am
London underground/Bus bombings come to mind?

Also, the IRA does, or at least used too carry out a lot of terrorist attacks in Britain.
I have not heard about any IRA attacks since 9-11....

Australia's embassy in Indonesia was bombed in 2004
I remember seeing that they foiled a terrorist attack in Sydney in 2005 I think..

Yew they sure do. Although I remember the London and embassy bombings having no links to Al Quada.

Also the Bali bombings were done by indonesian extremists as an apparent attack on the west...they didn't like us being their and imposing our ways. I don't think there was a link to Al Quada there either.

I'm just saying that they are either planning a big massive attack or there was never any real threat in the first place.
Jazz Hands
Age: -
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Posts: 281
March 7th, 2007 at 03:39am
57 people were killed in London a few years ago. There have been a number of attempted attacks here too.
Theres the Bali bombings.
The Madrid bombings.
There is good reason for the world to be on terrorism high. Lets face it, no one knows when the next attack will be. Here in England (im sorry to say) we dont know who is a terrorist and who is not.

Yes but when Bush, Howard and Blair went into Iraq it was for Suddam, when they went to Afghanistan they wanted Osama. They are the terrorists that they are referring to when they talk about terrorism. Not civillians....

I know when a lot of people see a Muslim they think they are a terrorist...and we all know why.
The Apocalypse.
Salute You in Your Grave
The Apocalypse.
Age: 32
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Posts: 2227
March 7th, 2007 at 04:14pm
I think that altough im sure Blair and Bush are trying to help i cant help but wonder if they know that they are making it worse. They are sending troops out to Iraq when they should be bringing them home. I think that Blair and Bush should focus on sorting out the problems in Iraq rather then sending out more and more troops to use unessecary warfare.
Muted Scream
Fabulous Killjoy
Muted Scream
Age: 41
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Posts: 108
March 9th, 2007 at 07:01pm
If anything is at fault here, it's beliefs and opinions of different cultures and religions. I was in the army when 9/11 went down, and that day we all were called to prepare for deployment. the moment those jets hit those buildings...we knew that war was inevitable. I chain smoked the entire morning away as i watched CNN. I took it extremely personally, how could they do that to us? i honestly thought i could get through my 4 years in service without a was i wrong or what? when i was in iraq...i honestly hated arabs and muslims. But now...i'm not anti-arab or muslim...time heals all wounds. I'm anti-terrorist.
Papi's Bat
Thinking Happy Thoughts
Papi's Bat
Age: 40
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Posts: 464
March 10th, 2007 at 06:49am
First off there was something said that the London bombings were orcestrated by people who had been trained by al Queda. On the subject of the IRA the biggest bombing of the UK that I can recall happened Eleven Years ago in Manchester. The difference is that the IRA always tried to give warning to the police here in the UK so that innocents didn't get killed. The IRA have also stopped all terrorist activity and those groups that were basically a front i.e Sinn Fein have been at the negotiation table for the past eight years or so. The war on terror has killed a lot of innocent people in both Iraq and Afganistan which i don't agree with. I honestly think that it was instigated by President Bush so that he would not look weak as a new leader of th ebiggest nation in the western world.
Age: -
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March 12th, 2007 at 01:14am
With everyones guesses about why it happened, who's fault it is, why we didn't/couldn't/wouldn't stop it...there's way more information than any of us will ever know.

Honestly, I don't know if the gov't had anything to do with the actual attacks, as in flying an actual plane into the buildings(not not stopping it). I would like to think they didn't, but am still unsure. The lack of wreckage on the sites does seem odd, but what we think something should look like they often don't, and if it was staged, there would have been staged wreckage.

The bigger thing, to me, is that on Sept 11, 3 buildings(The Twin Towers and Building 7) fell due to fire. As it's been said, the structure of the towers would have stood if there had just been the impact without the heat caused by the jet fuel. That seems fine, but those were the first 3 high rise steel buildings to fall due to fire. Ever.

I still don't want to believe that that's what happened, but can't rule it out completely.

As for flight 93. Figter jets were scrambled(I personaly know someone in the AirForce, who was on base as planes were being launched.) returned with one less air to air missile than it took off with.
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 62
March 12th, 2007 at 04:27pm
He stated twice that he saw the first plane hit.
The media never saw any but the second plane hit.
Bush saw the first.
They knew it was coming.

Actually, there IS footage of the first plane hitting.
Second, I'm sorry that Bush did not leap out in front of the plane and divert it's path at the last minute. Since he can leap buildings in a single bound and all.
You know what else is coming?
World War 3
Invasion of America
Nuclear War
America and Britian becoming third world countries
Another ice age
More terrorist attacks
House Fires
Illegal Immigrants getting free education with US taxes (or is that already happening?)
Sh*t happens. Unfortunately, it doesn't happen often enough.
If you don't like something change it. But you are not going to are you?
Exactly. Nobody else is either. Thats what is wrong with this world. People want to complain but not do anything about it.

Okay, first off.
There's footage of Bush sitting in a school classroom, reading a book to children and being told by one of Bush's aids of the attack at a time after the first plane hit.

And secondly.
America and Britian becoming third world countries
Where did THAT come from?? :S
Bleeding on the Floor
Age: 36
Gender: Female
Posts: 1671
March 12th, 2007 at 04:47pm
He stated twice that he saw the first plane hit.
The media never saw any but the second plane hit.
Bush saw the first.
They knew it was coming.

Actually, there IS footage of the first plane hitting.
Second, I'm sorry that Bush did not leap out in front of the plane and divert it's path at the last minute. Since he can leap buildings in a single bound and all.
You know what else is coming?
World War 3
Invasion of America
Nuclear War
America and Britian becoming third world countries
Another ice age
More terrorist attacks
House Fires
Illegal Immigrants getting free education with US taxes (or is that already happening?)
Sh*t happens. Unfortunately, it doesn't happen often enough.
If you don't like something change it. But you are not going to are you?
Exactly. Nobody else is either. Thats what is wrong with this world. People want to complain but not do anything about it.

I tried.
Unfortunately, 16-year-olds can't vote.
So I wrote to Michael Moore and tried to convince everyone I knew not to vote for a murderer who lied to the country and stole his first election.
Voicing your opinion is the first step toward any goal.
Fabulous Killjoy
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Posts: 127
March 13th, 2007 at 12:23am
/\ You wrote to michael moore? Thats awesome! He is a great film maker. After seeing Farehielt 9/11, i was a changed man.
Muted Scream
Fabulous Killjoy
Muted Scream
Age: 41
Gender: Male
Posts: 108
March 15th, 2007 at 01:11pm
America Invaded?! okay Britain tried that twice back in the day, and yeah they got as far as burning down the white house, but we totally kicked their asses with only a meager army and supplies. anyone who even thinks of coming into Americas back yard is going to have to get past the guard for becoming a third world country, our government might not be perfect, but sure beats the piss out of Rwandas, Somalias, the Balkans, Yemen, i could go on. We dont have tribal wars, we dont' fight over territory in our own country, we don't promote genocide. The only thing i see the USA being in danger of is lack of progression with technology, the only reason we have come up with certain new innovations and such is because ppl from different parts of the word are emigrating to the USA, bringing their ideas. It sure as hell wasn't Johnny Lunchpale or susy housemaker who had the ideas for the A-bomb.
Motor Baby
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Posts: 931
March 16th, 2007 at 04:55pm
ah but it was america who dropped the A-BOMB!
Salute You in Your Grave
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 2818
March 16th, 2007 at 09:11pm
1. if this was realy about terrorism, the war wouldve ended when suddam was hanged.

2. i have no idea why we (australia) is involved, maybe coz howards head is so far up bushes ass?

3. nobody knows what really happened on that fourth plane...they all died didnt they? yes the movies portrayed heroic actions by average americans do we know that REALLY happened?
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Posts: 8293
March 17th, 2007 at 01:39am
1. if this was realy about terrorism, the war wouldve ended when suddam was hanged.

2. i have no idea why we (australia) is involved, maybe coz howards head is so far up bushes ass?

3. nobody knows what really happened on that fourth plane...they all died didnt they? yes the movies portrayed heroic actions by average americans do we know that REALLY happened?

I'm not American, but I'll take a look at this.

1) Killing one terrorist will never end a war.
There are always radicals and fanatics who followed them and will continue
to do so, keeping him alive in spirit. Killing one terrorist rarely makes a difference.

2) Australia was an English colony, as was America and Canada.
We all have the same "mother", so to speak, so when one is in a bind,
the others are usually obligated to go help, just because of the history and
the shared relations. It may not be right, but that's the way it is.

3) If the hostages and pilot had not risen up, the fourth plane wouldn't be in the field it crashed in.
It would have destroyed more innocent laws and another landmark of the US.
Lovesick Melody.
Bulletproof Heart
Lovesick Melody.
Age: 83
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Posts: 25760
March 18th, 2007 at 02:49am

I think George BUsh just wants to run a lot more then he should.
He seems to make a big deal of 9/11, yet he still kills thousands of unarmed and defensless Iraqis, its just so sad.
Motor Baby
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Posts: 931
March 18th, 2007 at 06:16am
im not sure but i guess most americans watch cnn or fox news? ive recently got those chanells and i have to say they made me so angry with their biased-ness. their was a program called radical islam on for 3 nights in a row and then the rest of the time it was all about anna nicole smith. what they had about islam what so biased and untrue no wonder there is a huge spread in islamophobia. people spit on you in the streets.
and then theyres meant to be al-jazeera the terrorist news network according to the is so not it gaves a fair balanced approached to the conflict that arised from 9/11. and what it shows is quite shocking one of the things is that because families arent getting help and supplies from the goverment...they turn to the militia who surprisingly are suppliying them with flour and clean clothes places to live etc...shouldnt it be the us who do this?. more people are joining the malitias such as the taleban (which is getting stronger). stories like this go unreported on fox news because theyre trying to make you think that something good has come out of this war when there hasnt it has only made things worse iraq is in pieces and no closer to democracy than it was before.
please watch aljazeera for like 5 minutes and if you dont have that then channel 4 news (britain).
Salute You in Your Grave
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 2748
March 18th, 2007 at 10:45am
Fox news especially is incredibly biased (I go for BBC World). What I find really disturbing is that the President has said he has Fox news on in his office. I was at the Office of Faith Based and Community Initiatives and the Department of Labor last week, and both had a television on all the time playing Fox news.
Awake and Unafraid
Age: 35
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Posts: 12993
March 18th, 2007 at 11:04am
Since when did Iraq have anything to do with the 9/11 attacks?
The invasion of Iraq happened becuase they thought Saddam had
nuclear weapons (which he didn't). I think people should stop talking
about the middle east as one country with the same beliefs.