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Scary Childhood Memories

precious weapons.
Awake and Unafraid
precious weapons.
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Posts: 11830
May 24th, 2009 at 05:01am
when my dad was dying i remember just playing outside in the hospital aisles with my uncle and these balloons. it was really weird. like we were just playing with all these balloons while my dad was dying in one of the nearby rooms
it's all happening
Salute You in Your Grave
it's all happening
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 2038
May 26th, 2009 at 07:03pm
i had this recurring nightmare that the concrete in the driveway of my grandma's house would turn to quicksand, swallowing my mother and i. =/

also, one time i went tubing in the guadalupe river in texas, and the current sucked me under for about a minute and a half.
Salute You in Your Grave
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 2065
May 29th, 2009 at 04:35am
Ergh, I remembered another one.

When I was somewhere between the ages of 10-12, I was staying at my aunt's house. It was about 11, 12AM and I was on the computer in the front room, which has a large window with no curtain, allowing you to see into the street. So I'm typing away, on MSN or something when I hear an occassional tapping. I ignored it at first, thinking nothing of it but then it got louder and more frequant. Sometimes, when people we know come to the house, they knock on the window so we can let them in, so I looked out the window. And all I see is some random guy with his hood up, dick out, just standing there jacking off. After an initial "wtf" moment, I just kinda got up and left the room and said to my aunt "Uh aunt? There's some guy like... exposing himself at the window..." By the time everyone ran outside he was gone though.

It actually kind of makes me laugh now at how random that is. Seriously! What does that achieve??
Fear and Regret
Crash Queen
Fear and Regret
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Posts: 33926
May 29th, 2009 at 04:12pm
A black and white clip from an old movie playing on TV of this dead person or corspe or whatever being pulled apart from his torso.

GOD DAMN that's gross [Shivers] I'll never live it down >.<
Spirit of Jazz.
Motor Baby
Spirit of Jazz.
Age: 103
Gender: Female
Posts: 918
May 29th, 2009 at 08:23pm
I had this dream when I was... nine.. or something (3rd grade)... and there was this episode of Spongebob where he goes to Gloveworld (thats hilariously funny to me now... gloveworld... heh) and he gets stuck on the bus... And i dreamt I was on the bus, but then Spongebob threw himself out of the window, and then the bus driver ran him over so there was Spongebob blood EVERYWHERE and i was crying, and then i started to get attacked by these random evil looking sponge-like fishy things. Then they put me through a meat grinder feet first and then i woke up.

god, even then i had some demented, crazy-ass dreams. x] I didn't watch spongebob for an entire year after that.

Then, my neighbor (about the same age- kinda sorta my friend... used to be, anyways) told her mother that I told her to sniff nail polish (oy... she said that my girl scout leader told me it was a good idea) so her mom calls my mom at work (at my school- mom was a teacher) and tells her that her child is a drug addict who has a problem, and she doesn't want her daughter seeing me anymore.

stupidstupidstupid. >.< then I was all paranoyed (i was a very paranoyed child) that her family had snuck into my house and put up security cameras so they could see if I was doing drugs.

i hate my neighborhood.
Bleeding on the Floor
Age: -
Gender: -
Posts: 1131
May 31st, 2009 at 02:21pm
My family and I were doing some grocery shopping one day (I think I was in 8th grade), and one of the store employees comes running down the aisle yelling "does anyone know CPR?" Apparently my mum was the only person in the store that did. A women had collapsed in the store and wasn't breathing, so my mum performed CPR until the paramedics arrived. We later found out that she died. Even though I didn't know her, it was kind of scary to see that.