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Scary Childhood Memories

dark desire.
Salute You in Your Grave
dark desire.
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 2200
August 27th, 2008 at 11:40am
when i started seeing things like demons/spirits or whatever the hell they were.
i was about five years old and we'd just moved here. and one night i woke up to the sight of a huge figure standing over me wearing white and i couldnt scream or make it go away.
and i kept seeing her and seeing her all the time just walking around.
and then when i was about 8 she started singing to me a lot which brought on a whole new level of horror.
(and it still hasnt stopped)

oh and also when i was around 6 i had this dream about this weird field thing that i was walking through and i accidentally tripped over a little figurine of a witch and then it turns out she was real and she got really angry at me and chased me around then ate me alive.
i don't know why it was that scary(besides the getting eaten part) but i spent the next year of my life convinced that that little figurine was somewhere in my room and i had to find it. i'm still kind of traumatized by it O.o
Salute You in Your Grave
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 2704
August 28th, 2008 at 12:36am
when i almost drowned, i thought i would never see the sun again, and the sad thing was i was drowing because the pool was so crowded and NO ONE noticed
The Creature
In The Murder Scene
The Creature
Age: -
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Posts: 23462
August 28th, 2008 at 10:56pm
- Drowning in the beach
- getting several death threats
- My neiber's kids trying to kill me 24/7
- Getting beaten by my step-dad
- learning that Lisa doesn't love me. She just pushed me out of her, and leeches off of the family, and friends
- People calling me a lesbian because a little lesbian girl would always sit next to me on the bus, and try to make out with me (I don't have homophobia though)
John St. John
Shotgun Sinner
John St. John
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Posts: 7145
August 29th, 2008 at 03:24pm
- When I had a convulsion when I was a toddler.
- Being the only one there when my dad had a mental breakdown in the GP's office and then watching him be arrested
- When a big van carrying huge log drove past our car , and one of the logs fell off and landed on the backseat were I was sitting, It only missed me by inches.
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 571
August 30th, 2008 at 11:59am
I guess watching my dad leave when I was five. I thought he wouldnt come back.

Now, I kinda wish he didnt.

And I used to have this dream where I was drowning in quicksand and I couldnt move. Scared the shit out of me. And my sister being eaten by an octopus XD

Yeah. Other then that, nothing really.
Motor Baby
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Posts: 835
August 30th, 2008 at 01:24pm
My sister used to tell me really scary stories with a weird twist, like the murderer would put pencils in his victims bed just before he killed them and then she'd leave pencils in my bed :S
invisible monsters.
Bleeding on the Floor
invisible monsters.
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Posts: 1759
August 30th, 2008 at 02:34pm
when i almost drowned in an ocean =/ i was just playing by the water and out of nowhere a huge ass wave just ate me, and it was like, *whoosh* and no one thought i'd be coming back. especially not me. I was 5.
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Posts: 237
August 30th, 2008 at 10:46pm
Lots of it:
1.When I was small,my parents had fights in which my dad would be screaming like hell.Once,he broke one of her teeth.And then didnt even pay for the dental work.We're financially well off,but he likes troubling my mom.
2.Just in May this year,dad flung a glass plate at my mom.Thank God it didnt hit her.
3.Some years ago,there was this HUGE fight between my parents cause my mom had caught dad red-handed with a young girl.He had got her an apartment and they used to meet frequently,my dad telling us he was going to the gym.Instead,he went to the prostitute all those days.So my mom confronts him,and then comes home.Late in the night(after many days) she asks him to show his plane tickets (he's gone out somewhere for a "business trip" ).He doesn't, and my mom questions him further.He starts yelling and hitting my mom with a spring exercise (medium sized) thing.My mom still has bruises from that all-night long argument.She's got hit on the head,legs,hands,face,almost everywhere you can think of.They're STILL together,to this date cause my mom tells me that she is afraid that if he gets the custody,he might sell me off to pimps.She's only in this because of me.I've been blessed with such an awesome mother Cry
4.In June/July this year,he comes home drunk and asks for dinner,which was almost done,and then starts telling us why dinner was served late.He screams at mom and tells her that 'why can't she cook in time?". And then proceeds to lift a huge board(wooden),the size of a dining table(the upper portion)to hit my mom,but i come in between so he cant hit her.He then whips mom with the belt but is unsuccessful.Then,he slaps me,and then next thing I know is I'm unconscious for three seconds,and then,I'm bleeding from the forehead.I looked in the mirror and later thought I looked like Gerard (The TCFSR photos when they're in blue jackets in a school.Gee has blood all over his face.remember?).
5.When I was six/seven,my parents took me to my cousin brothers house.I have two cousins .The bigger one takes me out for a walk,and then when we're returning,on the stairs,no one was there and he forcibly kissed me.I was too lame to understand what was happening.I resisted the force,but it was useless.that happened twice,the other time i took some water for myself and the asshole tells me "It was I who helped you to take the water " and well,the same thing happened.And he used to touch me inappropriately too.I don't remember his age but he was probably 15 or 16.Memories still haunt me. Crying or Very sad
5.Every time my mom hit me with one of her belts. Yak Finger.I was pretty unruly. Twisted Evil
Shotgun Sinner
Age: 30
Gender: -
Posts: 7747
August 31st, 2008 at 03:12am
My parents fighting
My dad cheating on my mom
My oldest brother cutting himself.
Staying with my uncle
Going to parties with my dad
Being scared to death of all my dolls.
Bleeding on the Floor
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 1383
August 31st, 2008 at 10:05am
Scary dog nearly ripped my hand off
not a good time
Thinking Happy Thoughts
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 551
September 1st, 2008 at 02:30am
parents hating on each other.

when my sister went away on school camp and i thoguth she was nver going to come back
Jazz Hands
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 252
September 2nd, 2008 at 02:35am
1. falling through a sink hole at the beach age 5
2. When 2 complete strangers turned up on my door and said they were the parents of the father i didn't know i had. age 7
3. i was about 8, my dad came into my bedroom half drunk and just started screaming and throwing all my stuff everywhere before turning off the light and locking me in there.
Young London.
Awake and Unafraid
Young London.
Age: -
Gender: -
Posts: 10039
September 2nd, 2008 at 02:55am
drowning at the age of 11, twice Cry i've never swim since then.
methane skies.
Salute You in Your Grave
methane skies.
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Posts: 4069
September 3rd, 2008 at 03:35pm
A bird attacked me, and I was dead scared! Birds always have pooped on me and the next day after the bird attack, i found a half dead bird on the balcony. Ever since then I have had a phobia of birds. And that was 3 years ago.
Lost In Translation
Motor Baby
Lost In Translation
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 948
September 12th, 2008 at 02:23pm
I really needed to pee, i was like 6, so i went into the hallway, and my pink pram started coming towards me! Oh my shit, by itself! Scared the shit outa me, i peed my pants on the spot. . .

Yeah, and when my cousin fell backwards, and through a glass window. . .haha, that was pretty scary=)
Electric Warrior
Jazz Hands
Electric Warrior
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 369
September 12th, 2008 at 06:29pm
My memory isn't that bad, compared to others.
Not the one I don't want to write about is that bad, either.

The day after the eyesurgery when I was eight I had to put this cream in my eyes before I went to bed and when I tried to open my eyes in the morning, my eyelashes were "glued" together and I couldn't open my eyes.
I thought I wouldn't be able to see for the rest of my life.

Also, when I woke up for the first time after the surgery, and they woudn't let me scratch my eyes, which had white bandages over them.
I was pissed and confused. Had no idea where I was or why everything was blurry and white. or why my eyes were itching so much.

Not very bad, from what I remember.
perfectly flawed.
In The Murder Scene
perfectly flawed.
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 23829
September 12th, 2008 at 06:57pm
i won't be able to remember everything... but one i do.

my mom and dad were in a fight and my dad was at the bottom of the stairs
and my mom threw his camera down at him for some reason.
and he had a big professional one.
it hit him on the head and he fell down on the stairs.
there was a little pool of blood on the carpet on the stairs.
my dad was fine, but i just remember being so freaked out at the sight of blood.

another time i almost drowned when i was in australia because i had been very, very sick.
and the doctors there gave me medacine, but i just ended up being allergic to that, so it made me even more sick.
i was feeling a bit better and love swimming so i wanted to try.
but once i walked in i collapsed because i was so weak.
my mom had to come in and save me but it was really scary.
i was pretty young.
Death Defying
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Posts: 186346
September 14th, 2008 at 02:03am
when i was 4, i was at a restraunt in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, and i got stuck in the women's bathroom. i was stuck in there for hours until a male employee got me out. everybody was just laughing at me. even my mom Sad

when i was 9 i was on the floor talking to my mom and i had layed scissors next to me. when i was done talking to her, i picked up the scissors to do something. when i lifted them up, i noticed that they were covered in red. i looked down at my foot and there was blood gushing out of it. about 4 minuetes later i could finally feel it stinging. i got 4 stitches. now i'm terrified of scissors and knifes.

another time when i was 9, we (me, my mom, and my sister) were at Bald Head Island, i think in North Carolina, and there was a rip tide i think and we got stuck in the water. there was this group of people that saved us after an hour.

in 7th grade, there was this kid in my class that stalked me. it takes forever to explain, but i don't think i've ever been that scared in my life.

and when i was 4, i was attacked by a large dog. now i hate dogs.
F'n'stein xo
Salute You in Your Grave
F'n'stein xo
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Posts: 4520
September 14th, 2008 at 02:21am
I got lost when I was 3. I was lost in a big crowd and I somehow manage to find my way home.

when I was in a car with my mom, I was sitting in the passenger seat and when my mom turned the car, the door swung open. Luckily, I was wearing my seatbelt.

living a haunted house.
my sister was freaked out and somewhat possessed
nightly nightmares of dolls and barbies attacking me. (never played them for the sake of that)

being really freaked out by the music video "thriller" by MJ.

watching IT and develop my fear of clowns.

sticking myself into an oven when the stove was on. Explains a burn mark I now carry on my back and probably the one on my right arm.
Salute You in Your Grave
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 2205
September 14th, 2008 at 02:26am
I remember when I was in elementary school (about 9 or 10) I walked down to the bus stop and I was the first one there.
I think the reason I was there so early was because there was a special party or something at school and I was really excited.
Anyway, the school bus stop was near a grocery store, and homeless people usually slept there in the shelter that had been built, or right behind the shelter in the tiny little forest.
It was right around the time that Elizabeth Smart had been abducted and so I was all freaked out about getting kidnapped.
I heard this noise behind me and I glanced behind me and I thought some guy was peeing on a tree.
I got completely freaked out and ran all the way back up to my house and hid in this cupboard thing (yeah, I know... weird kid).
My mom, brother, and sister hadn't left yet, so I just got a ride to school that way, but I just remember being so scared that I was shaking.

When I was 4 or 5 I used to have this repetitive nightmare.
I was being chased by a wolf through a forest, but I couldn't see myself, only the wolf chasing me.
I would have this dream constantly, and I was always terrified that there were wolves under my bed.
Which I used to pronounce "woofs" until I was like 7 and my older siblings made fun of me, so I started saying it correctly, which is completely irrelevant to the story, but whatever.

I almost drowned when I was 3 or 4, which I remember only vaguely before my mom pulled me out.
I just remember being under the water seeing blue, then I remember standing on the edge of the pool with water up my nose.
There was a substitute swimming teacher, and she had turned her back on me, and I had walked off the little platform thing and let go of the edge of the pool.