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What was your first impression of MCR?

Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 34
March 13th, 2010 at 11:00pm
i didn't really care at first because their commericals were a tad annoying but i bought three cheers thinking it'd be good cause my friend raved about them. she borrowed before i could really listen. and she was like OMG you never heard blah blah so i gave it a listen firnally
they were very interesting, but i wasn't too into it at first...til i saw the video for helena then im not okay and fell insanely inlove with the band so about six years i have loved this amazing band who has got me through some hard times.
Kurt Coboner.
In the Cannibal Glow
Kurt Coboner.
Age: 31
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Posts: 51104
March 16th, 2010 at 11:14am
kaay , these guys are pretty cool .
Death Defying
Age: 29
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March 16th, 2010 at 09:07pm
I thought they were awesome. And I still think that after five years.
the desperate ranks.
Always Born a Crime
the desperate ranks.
Age: 30
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Posts: 6712
March 17th, 2010 at 05:01pm
The first video/song I watched was Welcome to the Black Parade.
I was watching it on Youtube, because I had heard about them and was curious.
I just remember thinking it was just... really, really weird.
But not necessarily in a bad way, but just weird. I liked it.

I also thought Gerard was weird too, like really odd looking, but I also thought there was something about him that I did like.
And I still don't know what that "thing" was.
Bleeding on the Floor
Age: 30
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Posts: 1564
April 4th, 2010 at 06:44pm
I had Thank You For The Venom on repeat non stop for about a week. i was that much in awe. And i thought it was so different to what I normally liked at the time... so i got into it!
MCR - my life
Really Not Okay
MCR - my life
Age: 28
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Posts: 674
April 10th, 2010 at 07:59am
That they were so diffrent from anything i had heard before
watercooler romance.
watercooler romance.
Age: 27
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Posts: 24
April 11th, 2010 at 05:39am
I remember when I was about 11, I was having a party at my house and my friend's older brother had for some reason brought The Black Parade with him. he put Blood on and I just remember thinking that it was weird/stupid/rubbish. (at the time I didn't know who MCR were or that the song was by them.)

Then, about a year later when I had just started listening to (and liking) them, I heard Blood again and started screaming "OH MY GOD, I KNOW THIS SONG!"
Luckily no one heard me, or they would have thought I had gone mad! lmfao

So, I heard my first MCR song without even knowing it was them!
Age: 29
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Posts: 88
September 24th, 2010 at 10:16pm
Man... I can tell you the time, the date, where I was, what I was doing... EVERYTHING, when I became an MCR fan ^^
I first heard WTTBP on a Kingdom Hearts AMV... as soon as the sort of scream-sing thing kicked in, I flinched and turned it off XD
But, meh, then it came on T.V the day after, and I got a chance to really listen to the song and get the whole story behind it and, I dunno, the story, to me, was really touching... so, I downloaded the song and balled my eyes out to it all night XDDD Because of that, I got kind of pissed at the band for making me cry (*sigh* I was such a defensive cow back then XD), and went off them for, like, AGES.
But then I heard Famous Last Words and was like ''>.< darn it! Why must you be so good?!?!?!''
So, yeah, that one was on my ipod after that also ^^
God, it was so weird though, I saw a stand at a market that I went to with my friend that was selling off a Black Parade shirt, I do believe and I was like to my friend (cuz I was out of dough at the time XD): ''Can you please lend me some pennies?? I NEED that shirt, they're, like, my favorite band!''... I said it completely without thinking, but they have literally been my favorite band ever since XDDDD (oh, and the date and time? 2:15, 23/7/07 ^^)
Ghostbuster Famous
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September 24th, 2010 at 11:24pm
I saw a poster of them, and I thought Ray's hair was... a tad bit scary. Then I remembered my friend talking about them, so I gave her the poster.

Although I heard INO on the radio on the bus one morning and I thought, "Oh gee! They sound good!" And that friend offered to give me the cd, then warned me they cursed, and I got scared my mom wouldn't like it, so I declined the offer.

My friends were in mad love, then they finally got me to sit down and watch Teenagers when the video premiered. The rest is history. But at least I can say with confidence that I liked them before TBP. I was just young and naive. And I didn't understand the awesomeness that was Ray Toro's fro.
Generation Nothing
Age: 32
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Posts: 126288
September 26th, 2010 at 01:16am
when i was watching helena it automatically cautght my eye.
I didn't care because it was a badass song. so since then I've liked them. <3
I did remember them being scary. they were my first rock band. lol I couldnt' even get their names right first. or the bands name. too funny.
Age: 30
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Posts: 92
October 20th, 2010 at 06:28pm
Holy sh*t. I WILL love this band forever.
Patron Saint of Switchblade Fights
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October 27th, 2010 at 03:46pm
Confession: Wasn't a fan until TBP...

I was at the library, and for some reason my library actually has good stuff, cos I saw a copy of TBP. They had the little poster thing turned inside out, and I really liked the art, so I decided to check it out. (I'm majoring in art, so I often just pick albums based on the artwork.)

I am so glad I did.

I grew up listening to my dad listening to Pink Floyd, so at first I just liked it because it reminded me of "the Wall." Then I got my hands on their previous albums, and my love for them was complete.

Shortly after that came the obsession... I didn't really pay much attention to what they looked like, but when I saw they were on tour, got tickets, and the moment they got onstage, my first thought about Gerard was, "He's kinda good looking in person..." The rest is kind of history.
Salute You in Your Grave
Age: 27
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Posts: 2107
October 31st, 2010 at 01:33pm
First I was on and looking for band pictures of Escape The Fate. (the old.) But I couldn't find as many cuz on every fucking page it was all just My Chemical Romance pictures. I didn't know about them, I think I called them emo once because someone was ditching on Tokio Hotel. (I don't like them anymore.) Well, back to the story. So I had a BearShare, which I deleted. I searched for my chemical romance and saw alot of videos from their halloween concert in Mexico. I didn't see the difference between Gerard's hair. xD And there were a song I liked really. So I went to Youtube and searched for my chemical romance - helena. I saw the musicvideo and had the same pose through the whole video. It was so awesome!! I listened to a song before Helena, it was My Way Home Is Through You and I was like: Surprised Very Happy THIS SONG IS SOOOO PUNK!!! IT ROCKS!!! XDDDDDDDDD So I just ran around like an idiot fake singing Helena all day long. That's how I got into MCR. And the stupidest part was that I though they were like that now. xD O.o
Chemical Catastrophe
Awake and Unafraid
Chemical Catastrophe
Age: 31
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Posts: 11803
November 2nd, 2010 at 12:13pm
First, I found the cover of Three Cheers scary... idk why. lol
But then I heard their music and I was like :O This is what I should be listening to.
Age: 28
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Posts: 16
November 28th, 2010 at 12:58pm
First song i ever heard by MCR was 'helena' and i thought it was ok and i had a friend who was completely obsessed with them. she told me how awesoe they are and how gerard way is so hot, but after she moved, i became obsessed with them. wierd, isn't? my fave song is SING and famous last words. <3
Bleeding on the Floor
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Posts: 1359
March 9th, 2011 at 05:49pm
The first song I heard of theirs was Blood, I was expecting them to be older than they are and a lot weirder, but a good weird.
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Posts: 50
May 31st, 2011 at 11:34pm
First song I heard of theres was Im Not Okay, and I thought it was terrible. I was into artist like Usher at the time so they weren't really my scene.But every time they came on screen I would hate it, but I'd never turn it over..I would just sit and watch and
Helena came out and thats when I was amazed...
Now adays I'm happy that I never turned it over when INO was on..If I did I might not be the person I am today.
Of course INO is now one of my fave songs.....And I boo at Usher
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Posts: 35
June 3rd, 2011 at 04:04pm
My Cousin Showed Me Im Not Okay when i was about 5 or something and i cant remember what i thought... i probably liked them but i forgot about them till teenagers
Age: -
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Posts: 4
June 6th, 2011 at 03:38pm
When I first heard Demolition Lovers, i was like Shocked OMG Bye Then i became part of the MCRmy Cool
Really Not Okay
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 682
June 10th, 2011 at 12:52pm

IT was the summer before 7th grade, my friend saw them on warped. and told me to chekc them out. She was at VBS when we were talking. I asked her if she like them, and she's all like, "oh, yeah. they're amazing!". I admit I was skeptical when I heard about "Give Em Hell Kid", bue I still pushed myslef to check them out. In 2007, I bought Black Parade, and fell in love. I remember crying when I got LOTMS becasue I was so happy. my sis thought I was crazy. I bought it to the cast party for the school play, and my band directer at the time drew the Demolition lovers on my sketch book. It ws awesome. Then at the cast party, I got them to put it in the DVD player, and this kid named Paul is like, "Julia, how'd you find that DVD? I like MCR!" so I told him I searched b&n, and HOT TOPIC. Then for christmas that year I got Revenge and Bullets. (STILL IN MY TOP 3 ALBUMS). ..................ive been hoooked eveer since Smile