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Blaming Music

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September 15th, 2007 at 01:45am
Yara; wtf...:
I honestly think that in 9/10 cases, the parents are to blame.

If you raise your kid right, he/she will know better than to do drugs, kill people or commit suicide.

actually a lot of that stuff is caused by biology and genetics.
fancy pirouettes.
Awake and Unafraid
fancy pirouettes.
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September 15th, 2007 at 03:58am
My mom blames my music for everything. In truth she just doesn't have a reason to be pissed at me.
The things is some parents have a hard time understanding that music is such a big part of their child's life. They don't understand what we go through everyday and how music helps us get through all the shit life throws at us. I ignore my mom when she tells me that my music is not getting me anywhere and that I spend too much time listening to it while on the comptuer. She HATES the fact I listen to music and that it's a big part of my life.

Parents just don't know what we deal with now and music for some people is the best way for us to ge through things. It's like a life line. When ever you need it it's always there.
James Euringer
Bleeding on the Floor
James Euringer
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September 15th, 2007 at 03:38pm
My mom and dad are the same way. They don't understand that music helps more then they ever could. That's if they even wanted to. And I could just be sitting in my room and singing along to something, And one of them will come in look at me and say something like, "Fags, why do they wear make up?" And then walk back out. And all last year they blamed my chem for my bad grades when it turned out I wasn't paying attention because I have Epilespy, And was having small seizures while staring out into space.
The Joker
Salute You in Your Grave
The Joker
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September 16th, 2007 at 10:31pm
music is something that someone can easily blame because a large majority of teenagers listen to it, and they believe teenagers are the reason that there is bad in the world.

Thats why mcr were blamed for suicide (the whole "emo" thing in the daily mail) when in theory they save lives.

Some adults are just arrogant and just don't understand and point the blame at anything else other than themselves.
David Vengeance
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David Vengeance
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September 17th, 2007 at 01:40am
dizzy water:
music is something that someone can easily blame because a large majority of teenagers listen to it, and they believe teenagers are the reason that there is bad in the world.

Thats why mcr were blamed for suicide (the whole "emo" thing in the daily mail) when in theory they save lives.

Some adults are just arrogant and just don't understand and point the blame at anything else other than themselves.
well said i agree
oceanic 815.
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oceanic 815.
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September 17th, 2007 at 10:29am
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Age: 30
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September 17th, 2007 at 06:31pm
i hate it when parents blame the music you listen to for your actions . if you lash out then its either hormones or you are lashing out for a reason if use all know what i mean . i especially hated the way the papers were slagging off mcr and bands like that for suicide and stuff just because some of there songs are about that. sorry if that doesnt make sence !

Salute You in Your Grave
Age: 31
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September 17th, 2007 at 08:30pm
I think that music itself is not to blame. Just because a song about suicide is written doesn't mean that millions of people are going to go out and kill themselves.
But when one style of music is constantly listened to, then most people get that idea in their head. They are constantly thinking about it, and thus, are more likely to act upon it.

Often, songs are mis-understood. Many people i know see Teenagers as a song promoting teen violence, when it is actually against teen violence/suicide. (source).
Many people out there look up to My Chemical Romance, and when they hear a song, like Teenagers, which they think is telling them to act on their anger, they are more likely to.

In the same sense, there are songs that are against suicide, and you can understand that (IE; Never Too Late- Three Days Grace). When people listen to songs like this, they start to understand that there is a better way out. Or, as Adam Gontier explains it, "this song is about being in a very dark place, but being able to see a way out." (source)

I can understand why people think that music is often to blame for things that happen. But most of these people can not justify why they believe this. And that is (in my opinion) why people are upset by the general accusation.
Fabulous Killjoy
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September 18th, 2007 at 02:59am
i stick by marilyn manson's idea on it. and if u don't knw what that is, then watch bowling for columbine.
Bleeding on the Floor
Age: 45
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September 18th, 2007 at 03:21am
I've worked with children for the last ten years and I sincerely believe that it is the parents who affect their children's beliefs, not their music, their games, or whatever else happens to be this week's scapegoat.

I listened to all kinds of music in school. I got sent to therapy for writing the lyrics to Nine Inch Nails' "Hurt" on my notebooks. I listened to that song because someone else out there knew what I was feeling and I could relate to that. My grandmother didn't understand so I looked for the nearest outlet. That's what it happened to be at the time.

I think if parents took the time to listen to what their teens listen to, then listened to their teens explain *why* they relate to what they are hearing, a lot of parents would remember what they went through as teenagers, and a lot of teens would learn that they can relate to their parents because their parents went through a lot of the same things, but dealt with it with different outlets.
Age: 30
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October 14th, 2007 at 01:34am
rock get blamed for turning kid emo. thats a load of bull.
i listen to rock alot, but im definately not emo.
nor are any of my friends.
as a matter of fack, rock music has made me happier than i've ever been. i've made new friends through it and got a new life.
Bleeding on the Floor
Age: 45
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Posts: 1618
October 15th, 2007 at 09:22pm
Hmm between blaming music and tv, it seems that no one wants to blame themselves for a lack of parenting or having a part in situations that may cause someone to fly off the handle. Yes, there are a certain amount of people who have mental problems and can be influenced by things like music, movies and video games.. but it's not totally the fault of those things. These are people who have already had a lapse in normal thinking.
I think society on a whole has become somewhat desensitized to violence. But I think some of that has to do with a lack of parenting too. Some people will literally sit their kids down in front of a tv and have no interest in what they are watching
Rhys Webb
Awake and Unafraid
Rhys Webb
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October 16th, 2007 at 02:10am
^ that is the main issue right there.
parents dont want to take the blame when their child does something out od the ordinary -- which happens a lot.
no one likes to see their child screw up, or like to take the blame... but you can't always go ahead and blame the outside world (especially music) for what your child does.
Jazz Hands
Age: 31
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January 1st, 2008 at 11:51pm
Well it all really depends on how the kid or person is raised... if they're changing a lot and at the same time listening to something they hadnt before then u have to think about everything else going on in their life... i think blaming music for stuff like that is just an excuse for someone to get rid of something they dont personally like
Or am I just fat??
Really Not Okay
Or am I just fat??
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January 2nd, 2008 at 09:35am
I believe that most media promotes violence and such, but I do not believe it to be the source of the problem. Sure, it doesn't help but If a kid changes or does something which is a serious issue, that kid clearly has something wrong or issues. Nothing in the world can make you do something, nothing. Its like asking a kid to go play in the street, they know its dangerous but it's their choice whether they do to it or not.

Parents don't exactly help either and to be honest, they are a little naïve to the changing ways from when they were young up to now and don't fully understand.

I'm not blaming it on the kids but, really it is their fault. And they have to accept that.

I hope that made sense Neutral
no face.
Awake and Unafraid
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January 2nd, 2008 at 02:21pm
People blame music because it conveys great emotion in people whether its happy, sad, angry...etc and the genre we generally listen to has gotten a very "Rebellious" and "Sad" sticker all over it so people just blame the music rather than looking deeper into the problem.
The Taste for Blood
Salute You in Your Grave
The Taste for Blood
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January 3rd, 2008 at 03:27pm
Yara; wtf...:
I honestly think that in 9/10 cases, the parents are to blame.

If you raise your kid right, he/she will know better than to do drugs, kill people or commit suicide.

and usaly music helps the kid not harms. like when my mother had cancer My Chemical Romance helped me through it. and it made me strong andshe got through it.
Jesse Lacey;
Awake and Unafraid
Jesse Lacey;
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January 3rd, 2008 at 03:28pm
Anyone who thinks music could have anything to do with a person's suicide, murdering, or their drug usage, is utterly stupid. If someone isn't stable enough to listen to music and then NOT go out and kill themselves, what were they doing listening to that type of music anyway?
Jazz Hands
Age: 103
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Posts: 348
January 5th, 2008 at 12:24am
i mean music has an effect on me. like right now patds playing on my pod, but like when its this really pretty and sad hhh song i start to cry and like when its css i get pumped and mcr makes me really happy cus i relate to it, and the who makes me feel all punk and rage against the machine makes me feel pumped. but some tbs shiz makes me sad, scared and just ugh. so yeh it does influence u, but its how u deal with that influence. its not the music, yours, anyone elses fault about the way you feel.
Jazz Hands
Age: 103
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Posts: 348
January 5th, 2008 at 12:27am
Anyone who thinks music could have anything to do with a person's suicide, murdering, or their drug usage, is utterly stupid. If someone isn't stable enough to listen to music and then NOT go out and kill themselves, what were they doing listening to that type of music anyway?

well i mean thats true to a certain extent. sometimes music can influence us. i mean listening to something like the curch of hot addiction, then listen to outta heart, and you may see a change in your mood. im just saying, some people are stronger than others, so it is a possiblity for some. im not making fun, calling you out, or anything with a malicious intent im simply stating my opinion