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Blaming Music

Bleeding on the Floor
Age: 39
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Posts: 1307
August 18th, 2006 at 07:47am
I completly agree with the fact that in the majority of cases, parenting and upbringing are to blame.

However you must also consider the fact that in a lot of cases, especially concerning suicide, there could be a mental health issue. Even a child who is raised in the most caring and supportive environment, can one day take their own life, so,in my opinion the parents are not always to blame.

As for music, sometimes I suppose its just something to blame in a situation where there are no other apparent answers. It's sad, but I don't think its a view that going to be changing any time soon.
Darkened Angel
Salute You in Your Grave
Darkened Angel
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August 19th, 2006 at 09:25am
I think some parents are taking it over the edge, the news isn't helping the matter either with their 'studies' and 'surveys'. Some parents seem to think the music is 'making' us do these things(drugs, violence, suicide, ect) but it's not. That doesn't mean I condone people on the radio rapping about pimpin, hoes, and guns, people can make their own choices. If someone throws themself off a bridge and the last song they listened to was by a band singing about death and stuff, that's there choice, no one else has to follow it.
Darkened Angel
Salute You in Your Grave
Darkened Angel
Age: 29
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August 19th, 2006 at 09:25am
I honestly think that in 9/10 cases, the parents are to blame.

If you raise your kid right, he/she will know better than to do drugs, kill people or commit suicide.

I agree with Yara.
Shotgun Sinner
Age: 31
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September 8th, 2006 at 10:42am
Music definitly controls people's emotions.
Music should be used for good, although a lot of us don't use it for good.
It can make us really happy or sad or pissed off all the time.
Salute You in Your Grave
Age: 31
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September 15th, 2006 at 05:00pm
Sometimes it is the music...but that is rare to see. most of the time it is not the music...Most of the time it is the kid wanting to die or the kid wanting to do drugs, or the kid wanting to shoot people. Most of the time the kid just listens to music to make them feel better about probelms like that...sorta like therapy...but if the parents don't want the kids to listen to the music...and they take it away...the kid will do the things they are trying to stop by listening to music. So think about that
romance never hurt u
Thinking Happy Thoughts
romance never hurt u
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September 17th, 2006 at 01:38pm
is not right that authorities like the parents, the school, the society want to wash their hands of any thing that can happen with a situation x. we cannot cover the eyes and throw the fault to they sing in their songs the complaints about that same authority that releases their faults in third.

I do not believe that MCR makes me do cut in my arms, nor that Marilyn Manson says me that takes a weapon and kills to all in my school.

I am not that pathetic.

When I listen to their music helps me to drain my wrath, not to increase it. In order to do something, the only thing that I need is desire to do it, and the reason often is in act in itself. So they do not remove excuses that this or that artist motivated to me, all world is eclectic and takes from everything what wants to take
Thinking Happy Thoughts
Age: 30
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Posts: 520
September 17th, 2006 at 04:58pm
personaly my parents think my music is makeing me depressed and morbid.and the music ismade by really is there falt .MUSIC SAVED MY LIFE .MUSIC IS NOT TO FALT.parents just only want to blame someone other than there selves.did marilan manson come up to you and say hay go kill your self or do and if we all did whut music told us there would be more crime ,whores ,drugggys ,and suiside than there already is.raps even worse than rock(no offence to any one)thats all sex ,drugs, and killing.just look at the way thay dress.thay look girls look
like hookers .and the men treat thim like acceserys that thay can use and abuse and its no big deal to slep around .for god sakes theres a song by a rapper and the songs callled sex.please music has saved more lives than killed. Neutral
Bleeding on the Floor
Age: 39
Gender: Female
Posts: 1633
September 18th, 2006 at 12:48am
yeah right my parents blame the rock music for my brothers attitude dude the music has nothing to do with it...
And some people are stupid enough to follow the music whatever the lyrics are saying...
mercy in the sky.
Shotgun Sinner
mercy in the sky.
Age: 33
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September 18th, 2006 at 02:32am
I honestly think that in 9/10 cases, the parents are to blame.

If you raise your kid right, he/she will know better than to do drugs, kill people or commit suicide.

That's what I think. Parents have alot to do with how their kids turn out.
Bad parent=Bad kid.
A Friendly Reminder
Jazz Hands
A Friendly Reminder
Age: 33
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September 18th, 2006 at 10:01am
i don't think the music has to do with anything. because if you really listen to the lyrics you would understand the hurt and guilt behind the songs. They write how they are feeling or what happened to a loved one. they are tell ing you to do it. its all choice
xAsleep Or Deadx
xAsleep Or Deadx
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September 18th, 2006 at 11:08am
i also don't think that music has to do anything bout kids attitudes. It's in the kid, if he'd like to cut his wrist while crying like what the cd said..but I agree w/ everyone. If you raised your kids right..with guidance, respect, understanding, and love..your child would grow up fine..

whoops I edited this.. and I agree that 95% of parents, buy their kids' cds..why won't they check it first if it has, parental guidance thinggy, then If it have why would u still buy it for him? don't tell me your child is so stobborn? you're still his mother, authority rules..and he needs to follow u if you said no to his choice of cd..
Age: 31
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Posts: 43
October 26th, 2006 at 04:51pm
I think music has an empact on kids today, but not the kind that our parents think it has. music is a good way to get feelings through to us, by the artists. Music saves lives even if no one wants to admit it. that is what i think!!!
Awake and Unafraid
Age: 33
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October 26th, 2006 at 05:08pm

That's what I think. Parents have alot to do with how their kids turn out.
Bad parent=Bad kid.

Perhaps in some cases this is true, yet not all the time. You see, just because a kid has a bad parent this doesn't automatically mean the kid will turn out bad.
Salute You in Your Grave
Age: 31
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Posts: 2765
October 27th, 2006 at 06:12pm
Yara; wtf...:
I honestly think that in 9/10 cases, the parents are to blame.

If you raise your kid right, he/she will know better than to do drugs, kill people or commit suicide.

I agree with the first two, but parents can't ALWAYS stop their kids from committing suicide. If a child has a mental disorder (even if you don't know it), then there is nothing you can do to stop them. We found out that something wasnt right in my brother's head and that's why he killed himself. Oh course...he found his mom dead when he was 7 and never has counseling...and my parents could've got him counciling...but I still don't think that would've fixed everything. God, I need counciling too.
My Chemical Asshole
Bleeding on the Floor
My Chemical Asshole
Age: 32
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Posts: 1378
October 27th, 2006 at 06:48pm
Music only influences, inspires or helps people. It does not MAKE someone do something. Okay, I know there's music about crazy stuff but if you're a parent and you've brought your kids up right, they should know that the music is a load of rubbish, and music only affects people who know no better, and that's the parents to blame.
Dear temptation...
Joining The Black Parade
Dear temptation...
Age: 33
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Posts: 191
October 28th, 2006 at 09:00am
I agree with forgotten whisper about the pimpin,hoes and guns.
If someone want to follow rap music thas there choice, parents think bands like Mcr and trivium ect. are telling us to commit suicide and shit, but if they look at rap songs theyre telling kids that if they dont follow them theyll 'bust a cap in their asses', that may be a bit of an exageration but most people who do listin to rap music actually do what the music tells them to !!! and thyose girls that listin to rap music decide that its a good idea to dress like a slutty hooker. I have no problem with gangsters, well.......okay I think they should stop the shootong and degrading of women but mostly what they are influencing children to do. But all in all i beleive music is not to blame, people make their own choices and if they want to do what their music tells them to do, its their choice.
Fabulous Killjoy
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December 1st, 2006 at 04:48pm
yea this has become a probalem i have read lately in the newspaper but u know wat thats thier problem, if the public doesnt like it then they shouldnt be signin those people and the artists manager should keep them under control, then theres the artist that should realize wat effect thier pttin on the public. and then it goes for the kids listenin to it, yes i say about my self- the music i listen to has had some negative effects on me and have made me tempted to try things but it has also had positive effects on me too. like when im feelin bad i know to listen to My Chemcial Romance cause they sing from real life and feelings or i can just listen to my fav songs.
girl interrupted.
Salute You in Your Grave
girl interrupted.
Age: 29
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Posts: 2792
December 1st, 2006 at 06:30pm
i cant understand it. WHY?!?!

Music ifluences you in a good way not a bad way

Family often thinks you are so influenced by your friends and music and society, that just because you saw someone else do something, it makes you wanna do it as well. like the 'If they jumped off a cliff would you jump as well?' thing. Um... noooooooooo!!!!!!!!!! because I've just seen someone DIE from that!!!!!!!!

blaming music is bad.
Come ONe cOMe All
Come ONe cOMe All
Age: 33
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Posts: 36
December 2nd, 2006 at 03:51am
Hmm... interesting topic. I think the main problem is with the parents rather than the music. I mean, why would any kid commit suicide out of the blue after he/she had listened to Marilyn Manson? There's not much logic to that. Me, myself isn't facing the exact same issue but I'm from a chinese culture and my parents completely hates rock music. They say its noisy and you couldn't even make out what they are screaming about. They think in some ways or another it had brought the downfall to my academic studies. Which is not true.
Fabulous Killjoy
Age: -
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Posts: 116
December 2nd, 2006 at 10:24am
yea u know watever i totally have no idea why i even said that, im retarded its my friends that have bad influeces on me